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-15.748 -2.889 td (\223sfo\224)tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 15.748 0 td [(the securities and futures ordinance \(chapter 571 of the laws of hong k\ ong\),)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to tim)0.5 (e)]tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223share\(s\)\224)tj 0.068 tw 15.748 0 td (share\(s\) in the share capital of the company, with a nominal value of \ rmb1.00 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (each, including the domestic share\(s\) and the h share\(s\))tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223shareholder\(s\)\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the shareholders of the company)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223share incentive platforms\224)tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 15.748 -0.043 td (jingning int chuangyuan partnership \(limited partnership\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.001 tw <0c7b0fb90e8309070bf40e5503a50fab>tj 0.014 tc -0.014 tw 0 -1.444 td [<0386>0.5 <0e38>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 2.027 0 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.014 tc -0.014 tw 0.274 0 td [<03de>0.5 <0822>0.5 <03a5>0.5 <0fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.085 tw 4.054 0 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(\223supervisor\(s\)\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the supervisor\(s\) of the company)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223supervisory committee\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the supervisory committee of the company)tj et endstream endobj 76 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical 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/perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 654.6717 tm (\223audit committee\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the audit committee of the board)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223award shares\224)tj 0.066 tw 15.748 0 td (the 5,000,000 new domestic shares to be allotted to dr. liang dongke and\ the )tj 0.031 tw 0 -1.444 td (share incentive platforms or other designated persons for administration\ of the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (share incentive scheme)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223board\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the board of directors of the company)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223cg code\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the corporate governance code contained in appendix 14 to the listing ru\ les)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223company\224)tj 0.006 tc 0.086 tw 15.748 -0.043 td (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.006 tw <026a090e0a7011430d3a153c1415129c0adb0670038503de0822>tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td <02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tw (\), a joint stock company incorporated in the prc with limited liability\ , the h )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (shares of which are listed on the hong kong stock exchange \(stock code:\ 1501\))tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223csrc\224)tj 15.748 -0.043 td (china securities regulatory commission \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <02950a3715c7054e10390e96104d0b23058908700e36>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\))tj -15.748 -2.846 td (\223director\(s\)\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the director\(s\) of the company)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223domestic share\(s\)\224)tj 0.085 tw 15.748 0 td (ordinary share\(s\) in the share capital of the company, with a nominal \ value of )tj 0.002 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(rmb1.00 each, which are subscribed for and paid up in rmb and are unlist\ ed)2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (shares which are currently not listed or traded on any stock exchange)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223group\224 or \223we\224 or \223our\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the company and its subsidiaries)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223h share award and trust )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (scheme\224 or \223h share scheme\224)tj 0.024 tw 14.75 1.444 td [(the h share award and trust scheme )0.5 (approved by the shareholders on 16 may )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (2022)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223h share scheme rules\224)tj 0.04 tc 0.085 tw 15.748 0 td [(the rules governing the operation of the h share scheme as well as the)40.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (implementation procedure)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223h shares\224)tj 0.085 tw 15.748 0 td (share\(s\) in the ordinary share capital of the company, with a nominal \ value of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (rmb1.00 each, listed on the main board of the hong kong stock exchange)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223hk$\224 or \223hong kong dollars\224)tj 15.748 0 td (hong kong dollars, the lawful currency of hong kong)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223hong kong\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the hong kong special administrative region of the prc)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223listing rules\224)tj 0.044 tc 0.086 tw 15.748 0 td [(the rules governing the listing of securities on the stock exchange, as)44 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223model code\224)tj 0.033 tc 0.086 tw 15.748 0 td [(the model code for securities transactions by directors of listed issuer\ s)33 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (contained in appendix 10 to the listing rules)tj -15.748 -2.889 td (\223nmpa\224)tj 15.748 0 td (the national medical products administration of china)tj et endstream endobj 73 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m 3.131 0 5.669 -2.538 5.669 -5.669 c 5.669 -708.661 l -532.913 -708.661 l -532.913 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 -532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 74 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 437.427 737.3513 tm (definitions)tj et endstream endobj 102 0 obj <> endobj 104 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �c��5�b������=@b �a��������� �~b�˒�/�sct��l1����8��k�gmؾ�e�{�s�'q���� �u� ����9 ���7��k3����n���s?8� ��a�@�^:��m<�v����4��c(����h�pv�dߙy%h�p�h� ��?eu?��γ�p�\!��������ȧ̧����ȷ�tou>%&c�k����h������=<����4oz�4hq||��h7�`�t�` endstream endobj 101 0 obj <> endobj 107 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (50)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.582 tw 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (19)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc (commitments)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.015 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (capital commitments outstanding at 30 june 2023 and 31 december 2022 and\ not provided for in the financial )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (statements were as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 93.543 613.647 272.126 -39 re 365.669 613.647 79.37 -39 re 445.039 613.647 79.37 -39 re 93.543 574.647 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 574.647 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 574.647 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 602.1771 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june )tj 1.352 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.224 2.889 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december )tj 3.739 -1.444 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (contracted for)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 34.539 0 td (64,698)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.695 0 td (104,179)tj -43.234 -1.444 td (authorised but not contracted for)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 33.947 0 td (145,164)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (162,081)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 525.5179 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 525.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 525.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 525.2679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 525.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 525.2679 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 99.2127 513.7979 tm (total)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 33.947 0 td (209,862)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (266,260)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 509.3229 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 508.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 509.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 508.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 509.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 508.5729 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8662 482.7982 tm (20)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (material related party transactions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5434 466.9636 tm [(during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, the group had below tran\ sactions with shanghai kindly)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.015 tw 0 -1.444 td (enterprise development group co., ltd. and its subsidiaries/associates e\ xcluding the group \(together referred )tj 0.051 tw 0 -1.444 td [(to as )0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.058 tw [(kdl )0.5 (group)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.051 tw [(\224\): \(i\) )0.5 (sales )0.5 (of goods to )0.5 (kdl group amounting )0.5 (to rmb2,473,000 )0.5 (\(six-month )0.5 (period ended )0.5 (30 )]tj 0.072 tw 0 -1.444 td (june 2022: rmb3,108,000\) and, ii\) purchase of raw materials from kdl g\ roup amounting to rmb124,000 \(six-)tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (month period ended 30 june 2022: rmb401,000\).)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8662 386.1289 tm (21)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (non-adjusting event after reporting period)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.018 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5434 370.2943 tm [(in july 2023, the trustee of the share award scheme repurchased approxim\ ately 31,000 h shares of the)18 ( )]tj 0.007 tc 0 -1.444 td [(company from the market at an average prevailing market price of hkd24.5\ 2 \(equivalent to approximately)7 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0 -1.444 td [(rmb22.58\) at an aggregate consideration of approximately hkd770,000 \(e\ quivalent to approximately)38 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (rmb709,000\) for the share award scheme, as disclosed in note 11\(c\).)tj et endstream endobj 63 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 64 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (notes to the unaudited interim financial statements)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /tt1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 70.8661 724.8961 tm ( \(expressed in renminbi yuan unless otherwise indicated\))tj et endstream endobj 110 0 obj <> endobj 111 0 obj <> endobj 243 0 obj <> endobj 115 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��v !0�r�����t��1nz��o�j3$�k�_���>֮�e�f��,����x ����l����]����"��f�fj׍�(d����l� �d�,��]��wլd�ܼ���,sy��b��^z�� ���-���ƙ?��ń��~�b�ha�к �"�u�⌫���,�kg�� ���� �yo|`> ��hd��"�af���md4���gm���9sn�9�t|��{�t1g�\���'���-4ע��4iьa��4iьa���51�ac �w�z���9�[8��,�lh*�����e��`��a endstream endobj 402 0 obj <>stream h�\�ktsu��9���gnryzڴ)����> f�@��ӧ���5��f����y � �q�wd��4~�3q��җ �a�������v{@!��~[���:�~dž_�o���\t��n=@�[\ ���ln�������k�����r�vi���ނ��ȩ���� �m4 �q���~�����˴�`���46��u�o����wt5�yrx/^���j�����x����hz��#$ (*�3 h&.fr��=br���m�21���b��z'�&����p����1�z�6?�0�f�b�n� ��kr�1��ѐl"��z&m*#1�o��&���.���%)ީjy�?q'1ubu� ()���c�_"����h�ng���nb�$ptx���2�v���{�eo%��u�@�n��[��y��7���?$7��tr�uq�r�pn��|�g���crgؐsftq��v��cd����ja�cr. ��2�ur�b��:q���yq`����l��<� u�#������[��j$>�r<��� �d����)�yx�g<�.�}�[]7��}q� g7�_>p;�mu��s�/���:5g���j��n�q�{����l��µ��o<���w&�';�u��������:�j���s��-��d��x� �l�( �`��0f>" 4b�"��� �a���3h�y�q��=�:$�eɵ�t�wb_�!d��nz� �kl�_ ���6ľb�l&�ng��1��-q7��� |y��|=�ޒ8݂*��7�dg*��,,kg�yfcw̱��!�� jg�`wu%����� &�$��c���њ����1[�4��j~2�al=�&��� 58�i�/�?�/���h~l���hzk��c���?c����x��e�to���iowe>��|���ţs������o.������'le�r�@h�î2�,v�*[d�(�ͳ%�u�u�ve]��f�jj*q��4�a=�"��k�����z̕�p��y�!�u��p��z����2��pk�[�a4��\��j�k�6��9uȵ�����6^��0({<),���'y~b_��%gw''d����{t\�����)�կ:]��lc�ɜ/�trz�w�22l�#�c�����r���3�����0g���a?b�����k�w%��9b��5��ɖx�� "�a��� ,�e����{�$��?��9ax � c<��ad@$܃� dl~�� ���f���dt��9\gb�>�e"j�����>�6�[t=�ȡ?�����}�v�~*���h:r/��z�s7�����n��~a��q���e�֡v2�,{��ٚ���'2����5�bl�d&��m�������x�x������� �jruh<�� 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0.085 tw 0 -1.759 td [(the)0.5 ( mov)0.5 (emen)0.5 (ts d)0.5 (urin)0.5 (g th)0.5 (e pe)0.5 (riod)0.5 (s in)0.5 ( the)0.5 ( bala)0.5 (nce of t)0.5 (hese)0.5 ( le)0.5 (vel 3 f)0.5 (air valu)0.5 (e me)0.5 (asur)0.5 (emen)0.5 (ts w)0.5 (as a)0.5 (s)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.22 597.812 147.402 -65 re 263.622 597.812 65.197 -65 re 328.819 597.812 65.197 -65 re 394.016 597.812 65.197 -65 re 459.213 597.812 65.197 -65 re 116.22 532.812 147.402 -16.685 re 263.622 532.812 65.197 -16.685 re 328.819 532.812 65.197 -16.685 re 394.016 532.812 65.197 -16.685 re 459.213 532.812 65.197 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8898 534.3424 tm (2023)tj 18.918 5.778 td (wealth )tj -3.036 -1.444 td (management )tj 2.127 -1.444 td (products )tj 1.204 -1.444 td (issued )tj -1.279 -1.444 td (by banks)tj 6.099 2.889 td (investment )tj 0.424 -1.444 td (in unlisted )tj 2.389 -1.444 td (funds)tj 5.966 2.889 td (unlisted )tj 0.964 -1.444 td (equity )tj -2.481 -1.444 td (investment)tj 10.372 0 td (total)tj /t1_4 1 tf -23.617 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.244 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.244 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.244 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -39.783 -2.263 td (at 1 january 2023)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 21.862 0 td (\226)tj 3.896 0 td (155,454)tj 8.428 0 td (7,000)tj 6.06 0 td (162,454)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -40.247 -1.444 td (net unrealised gains recognised in )tj ( )tj 0.75 -1.444 td (profit or loss)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 21.113 0 td (\226)tj 5.08 0 td (4,520)tj 9.408 0 td (\226)tj 5.08 0 td (4,520)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 470.6833 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 470.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 470.6833 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 263.622 470.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 470.6833 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 328.8188 470.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 394.0157 470.6833 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 394.0157 470.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2125 470.6833 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 459.2125 470.4333 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8897 458.9633 tm (at 30 june 2023)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 21.862 0 td (\226)tj 3.896 0 td (159,974)tj 8.428 0 td (7,000)tj 6.06 0 td (166,974)tj et 1.5 w q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 454.4883 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 453.7383 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 263.622 454.4883 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 263.622 453.7383 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 454.4883 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 328.8188 453.7383 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 394.0157 454.4883 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 394.0157 453.7383 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2125 454.4883 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 459.2125 453.7383 tm ( )tj et 116.22 442.268 147.402 -65 re 263.622 442.268 65.197 -65 re 328.819 442.268 65.197 -65 re 394.016 442.268 65.197 -65 re 459.213 442.268 65.197 -65 re 116.22 377.268 147.402 -16.685 re 263.622 377.268 65.197 -16.685 re 328.819 377.268 65.197 -16.685 re 394.016 377.268 65.197 -16.685 re 459.213 377.268 65.197 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_3 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8897 378.7982 tm (2022)tj 19.361 5.778 td (wealth )tj -2.761 -1.444 td (management )tj 1.908 -1.444 td (products )tj 1.057 -1.444 td (issued )tj -1.075 -1.444 td (by banks)tj 6.282 2.889 td (investment )tj 0.369 -1.444 td (in unlisted )tj 2.038 -1.444 td (funds)tj 6.152 2.889 td (unlisted )tj 0.852 -1.444 td (equity )tj -2.167 -1.444 td (investment)tj 9.966 0 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf -23.433 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.244 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.244 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.244 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (at 1 january 2022)tj 21.862 0 td (\226)tj 4.364 0 td (123,174)tj 8.284 0 td (7,000)tj 6.204 0 td (130,174)tj -40.715 -1.444 td (net unrealised gains recognised in )tj ( )tj 0.75 -1.444 td (profit or loss)tj 21.113 0 td (\226)tj 4.884 0 td (10,678)tj 9.604 0 td (\226)tj 4.884 0 td (10,678)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 315.1391 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 314.8891 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 263.622 315.1391 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 263.622 314.8891 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 315.1391 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 328.8188 314.8891 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 394.0157 315.1391 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 394.0157 314.8891 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 459.2125 315.1391 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 459.2125 314.8891 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 121.8897 303.4191 tm (at 30 june 2022 and 1 july 2022)tj 21.862 0 td (\226)tj 4.364 0 td (133,852)tj 8.284 0 td (7,000)tj 6.204 0 td (140,852)tj -40.715 -1.444 td (purchase of wealth management )tj 0.75 -1.444 td (products)tj 18.753 0 td (10,000)tj 9.604 0 td (\226)tj 7.244 0 td (\226)tj 4.884 0 td (10,000)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (investment in unlisted funds)tj 21.862 0 td (\226)tj 4.884 0 td (25,000)tj 9.604 0 td (\226)tj 4.884 0 td (25,000)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (net unrealised losses recognised )tj ( )tj 0.75 -1.444 td (in profit or loss)tj 21.113 0 td (\226)tj 5.144 0 td (\(3,398\))tj 9.344 0 td (\226)tj 5.144 0 td (\(3,398\))tj -41.495 -1.444 td (redemption of wealth management )tj 0.75 -1.444 td (products)tj 18.493 0 td (\(10,000\))tj 9.864 0 td (\226)tj 7.244 0 td (\226)tj 4.624 0 td (\(10,000\))tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 208.1301 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 207.8801 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.6221 208.1301 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 263.6221 207.8801 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 208.1301 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 328.8189 207.8801 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 394.0158 208.1301 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 394.0158 207.8801 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 208.1301 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 459.2126 207.8801 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8898 196.4101 tm (at 31 december 2022)tj 21.862 0 td (\226)tj 4.364 0 td (155,454)tj 8.284 0 td (7,000)tj 6.204 0 td (162,454)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 191.9351 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 191.1851 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 263.6221 191.9351 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 263.6221 191.1851 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 191.9351 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 328.8189 191.1851 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 394.0158 191.9351 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 394.0158 191.1851 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 191.9351 cm 0 0 m 65.197 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 459.2126 191.1851 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m 3.131 0 5.669 -2.538 5.669 -5.669 c 5.669 -708.661 l -532.913 -708.661 l -532.913 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 -532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 109.888 737.3513 tm (notes to the unaudited interim financial statements)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /tt1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 318.8846 724.8961 tm ( \(expressed in renminbi yuan unless otherwise indicated\))tj et endstream endobj 134 0 obj <> endobj 135 0 obj <> endobj 139 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��v !0�r�����t��1nz��o�j3$�k�_���>֮�e�f��,����x ����l����]����"��f�fj׍�(d����l� �d�,��]��wլd�ܼ���,sy��b��^z�� ���-���ƙ?��ń��~�b�ha�к �"�u�⌫���,�kg�� ���� �yo|`> ��hd��"�af���md4���gm���9sn�9�t|��{�t1g�\���'���-4ע��4iьa��4iьa���51�ac �w�z���9�[8��,�lh*�����e��`��a endstream endobj 137 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ����\/jmj !0�r�����t��1�{����f���7���n�����0�#�֙��x �w�t���:�o˩�ϋ���g��/�l�����;��swtej���l�r�̿|�٥��]peώӕ�*����7���.�w�;��� |`��k���$|b> ����@, �p���=�x��k�������p��;�u���=����`��� endstream endobj 133 0 obj <> endobj 143 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (48)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (18)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (fair value measurement of financial instruments )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 424.3535 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -36.757 -1.759 td (\(ii\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (fair values of financial assets and liabilities carried at other than fa\ ir value)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.052 tw 0 -1.759 td (all financial instruments carried at amortised cost were not materially \ different from their fair values as )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (at 31 december 2022 and 30 june 2023.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf -2.52 -2.889 td (\(iii\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (information about level 3 fair value measurements)tj et 116.22 568.978 110.551 -16.685 re 226.772 568.978 127.559 -16.685 re 354.331 568.978 170.079 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 9 226.7717 557.5078 tm (valuation techniques)tj 14.173 0 td (significant unobservable inputs)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -25.827 -2.263 td (unlisted investment)tj 11.654 0 td (valuation multiples )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(note i\))tj /t1_3 1 tf 14.173 0 td (changing trend of medium market )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (multiples of comparable companies)tj -26.825 -2.889 td (unlisted funds)tj 11.654 0 td (net asset value )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(note ii\))tj /t1_3 1 tf 14.173 0 td (net asset value of underlying investments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 7 116.2205 475.6677 tm (note i:)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.05 tw /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.645 0 td (the fair value of certain unlisted investments is determined using valua\ tion multiples adjusted for changing trend of medium )tj 0.01 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.571 td [(market )0.5 (multiples )0.5 (of comparable )0.5 (companies. the )0.5 (fair )0.5 (value )0.5 (measurement )0.5 (is positively )0.5 (correlated to )0.5 (the )0.5 (changing )0.5 (trend of)10 ( )]tj 0.009 tc 0 -1.571 td [(medium market multiples of comparable companies. as at 30 june 2023, it \ is estimated that with all other variables held)9 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.571 td [(co)0.5 (nsta)0.5 (nt)0.5 (, a)0.5 (n i)0.5 (ncr)0.5 (ea)0.5 (se/)0.5 (dec)0.5 (rea)0.5 (se in)0.5 ( ch)0.5 (ang)0.5 (e o)0.5 (f m)0.5 (ed)0.5 (ium)0.5 ( m)0.5 (ark)0.5 (et mu)0.5 (lt)0.5 (ipl)0.5 (es of co)0.5 (mpa)0.5 (rab)0.5 (le com)0.5 (pan)0.5 (ies)0.5 ( b)0.5 (y 5)0.5 (% w)0.5 (oul)0.5 (d hav)0.5 (e)29 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td [(increased/decreased the group\222s profit for the period by rmb350,000 \(\ 31 december 2022:)0.6 ( rmb350,000\);)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -3.645 -3.143 td (note ii:)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.056 tw /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.645 0 td (the fair value of unlisted units in investment funds is determined refer\ encing net asset value of underlying investments. the )tj 0.023 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.571 td [(fair value measurement is positively correlated to net asset value of un\ derlying investments. as at 30 june 2023, it is)23 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.005 tw 0 -1.571 td [(estimated that with all other variables held constant, an increase/decre\ ase )0.5 (in net asset value of underlying investments by 5% )]tj 0.006 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.571 td [(would have increased/decreased the )0.5 (group\222s )0.5 (profit )0.5 (for the )0.5 (period )0.5 (by rmb6,192,000 or )0.5 (rmb6,165,000 \(31 december )0.5 (2022:)6 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (rmb6,729,000 or rmb6,559,000\).)tj et endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (47)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (18)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (fair value measurement of financial instruments )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 424.3535 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -36.757 -1.759 td (\(i\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(continued\))tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.759 td (fair value hierarchy )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0 -1.759 td (a valuation report with analysis of changes in fair value measurement is\ prepared by the finance team at )tj 0.04 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(each interim and annual reporting date, and is reviewed and approved by \ the head of finance)40 ( )]tj 0.002 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(d)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (.)0.5 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)0.5 ( w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (d)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the directors is held twice a year, to coincide with the reporting dat)0.5 (es.)]tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.22 555.978 158.74 -13 re 274.961 555.978 249.449 -13 re 116.22 542.978 158.74 -13 re 274.961 542.978 62.362 -13 re 337.323 542.978 62.362 -13 re 399.685 542.978 62.362 -13 re 462.047 542.978 62.362 -13 re 116.22 529.978 158.74 -16.685 re 274.961 529.978 62.362 -16.685 re 337.323 529.978 62.362 -16.685 re 399.685 529.978 62.362 -16.685 re 462.047 529.978 62.362 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 358.2946 544.5078 tm (as at 30 june 2023)tj -6.385 -1.444 td (level 1)tj 6.929 0 td (level 2)tj 6.929 0 td (level 3)tj 7.927 0 td (total)tj /t1_3 1 tf -22.672 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.929 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.929 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.929 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf -39.783 -2.263 td (financial assets at fvpl)tj 0 -1.444 td (\227 investment in unlisted funds)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 22.807 0 td (\226)tj 6.929 0 td (\226)tj 3.581 0 td (159,974)tj 6.929 0 td (159,974)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf -40.247 -1.444 td (\227 unlisted equity investment)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 22.807 0 td (\226)tj 6.929 0 td (\226)tj 4.765 0 td (7,000)tj 6.929 0 td (7,000)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 467.8489 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 467.5989 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 467.8489 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 274.9606 467.5989 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 467.8489 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 337.3228 467.5989 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 399.685 467.8489 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 399.685 467.5989 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 467.8489 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 462.0472 467.5989 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8897 456.1289 tm (total)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 22.807 0 td (\226)tj 6.929 0 td (\226)tj 3.581 0 td (166,974)tj 6.929 0 td (166,974)tj et 1.5 w q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 451.6539 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 450.9039 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 451.6539 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 274.9606 450.9039 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 451.6539 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 337.3228 450.9039 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 399.685 451.6539 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 399.685 450.9039 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 451.6539 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 462.0472 450.9039 tm ( )tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.22 439.434 158.74 -13 re 274.961 439.434 249.449 -13 re 116.22 426.434 158.74 -13 re 274.961 426.434 62.362 -13 re 337.323 426.434 62.362 -13 re 399.685 426.434 62.362 -13 re 462.047 426.434 62.362 -13 re 116.22 413.434 158.74 -16.685 re 274.961 413.434 62.362 -16.685 re 337.323 413.434 62.362 -16.685 re 399.685 413.434 62.362 -16.685 re 462.047 413.434 62.362 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 9 351.8778 427.9639 tm (as at 31 december 2022)tj -5.267 -1.444 td (level 1)tj 6.929 0 td (level 2)tj 6.929 0 td (level 3)tj 7.837 0 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf -22.488 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.929 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.929 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.929 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (financial assets at fvpl)tj 0 -1.444 td (\227 investment in unlisted funds)tj 22.807 0 td (\226)tj 6.929 0 td (\226)tj 4.049 0 td (155,454)tj 6.929 0 td (155,454)tj -40.715 -1.444 td (\227 unlisted equity investment)tj 22.807 0 td (\226)tj 6.929 0 td (\226)tj 5.089 0 td (7,000)tj 6.929 0 td (7,000)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 351.3048 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 351.0548 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 351.3048 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 274.9606 351.0548 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 351.3048 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 337.3228 351.0548 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 399.685 351.3048 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 399.685 351.0548 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 351.3048 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 462.0472 351.0548 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8897 338.3571 tm (total)tj 22.807 0 td (\226)tj 6.929 0 td (\226)tj 4.049 0 td (162,454)tj 6.929 0 td (162,454)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 333.8821 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 333.1321 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 333.8821 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 274.9606 333.1321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 333.8821 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 337.3228 333.1321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 399.685 333.8821 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 399.685 333.1321 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 333.8821 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 462.0472 333.1321 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9 0 0 9 116.2205 310.1921 tm (investment in unlisted fund)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.015 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.759 td [(the fair value of unlisted units in investment funds have been estimated\ using market approach. a)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.023 tw 0 -1.444 td [(valuation )0.6 (analysis )0.6 (of )0.5 (changes )0.6 (in )0.5 (fair )0.6 (value )0.6 (of )0.5 (each )0.6 (fund )0.5 (is )0.6 (prepared )0.6 (by )0.5 (the )0.6 (fund )0.5 (manager, )0.6 (ningbo )0.5 (huaige )]tj 0.037 tw 0 -1.444 td [(health )0.5 (investment )0.5 (management )0.5 (partnership )0.5 (\(limited )0.5 (partnership\), to the )0.5 (company at )0.5 (each quarter )0.5 (end. )]tj 0.065 tw 0 -1.444 td (the fund manager used methodology based on relevant comparable data whet\ her possible to quantify )tj 0.068 tw 0 -1.444 td (the adjustment from cost or latest financing price when adjustment is ne\ cessary, or to justify that cost )tj 0.014 tw 0 -1.444 td (or latest financing price is still a proper approximately of fair value \ of the underlying investments held by )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the unlisted funds in determining the net asset value.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (unlisted equity investment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.012 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.759 td [(the fair value of unlisted investment is determined using t)0.5 (he re)0.5 (cent comparable market transaction)12 ( )]tj 0.022 tc 0 -1.444 td [(p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (,)0.5 ( i)0.5 (f)0.5 ( a)0.6 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (,)0.5 ( o)0.5 (r)0.5 ( o)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (pt)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 ( v)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n t)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (q)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (.)0.5 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 ( a)0.6 (t)0.5 ( 3)0.5 (0)0.5 ( j)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)0.6 (3)0.5 (,)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)22 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.444 td (determined the fair value of the unlisted investment with reference to t\ he latest financing price where )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (adjustment is necessary.)tj 0.048 tw 0 -2.889 td (during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, there were no transfers \ between level 1 and level 2, )tj 0.043 tw 0 -1.444 td [(or transfers into )0.5 (or out of level 3 \(2022: nil\). )0.5 (the group\222s policy is to recognise transfers between levels )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(of fair value hierarchy as at the end of the reporting period in whic)0.5 (h they occur.)]tj et endstream endobj 53 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (46)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (17)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (capital, reserves and dividends )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 303.5524 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf 1.057 tw -23.334 -1.759 td (\(c\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc (dividends)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 2.52 -1.759 td [(dividends )0.5 (payable )0.5 (to )0.5 (equity shareholders )0.5 (of )0.5 (the company attributable to )0.5 (the )0.5 (previous financial )0.5 (year,)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (approved and paid during the interim period.)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.22 597.812 249.449 -13 re 365.669 597.812 158.74 -13 re 116.22 584.812 249.449 -13 re 365.669 584.812 79.37 -13 re 445.039 584.812 79.37 -13 re 116.22 571.812 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 571.812 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 571.812 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 586.3424 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_3 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_4 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (final dividend in respect of the previous financial year, )tj ( )tj /span<>> bdc 0 -1.444 td ( )tj emc 1 0 td (approved and paid during the interim period, rmb0.24 )tj ( )tj /span<>> bdc -1 -1.444 td ( )tj emc 1 0 td (per ordinary share \(2022: rmb0.26 per ordinary share\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 31.02 0 td (40,320)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.215 0 td (43,680)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 509.4973 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 508.7473 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 509.4973 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 508.7473 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 509.4973 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 508.7473 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 116.2205 485.8073 tm [(pursuant to the shareholders\222 approval of the company on 18 may 2023,\ a final cash dividend of)25 ( )]tj 0.015 tc 0 -1.444 td [(rmb0.24 per share in respect of the year ended 31 december 2022 based on\ 168,000,000 ordinary)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.444 td (shares totaling amount of rmb40,320,000 was declared and paid during the\ six-month period ended 30 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (june 2023.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8662 417.9727 tm (18)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (fair value measurement of financial instruments)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5434 402.138 tm (\(i\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value)tj /t1_4 1 tf -0 -1.759 td (fair value hierarchy)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.068 tw 0 -1.759 td (the following table presents the fair value of the group\222s financial \ instruments measured at the end of )tj 0.031 tw 0 -1.444 td (the reporting period on a recurring basis, categorised into the three-le\ vel fair value hierarchy as defined )tj 0.012 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td (in hkfrs 13, )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.085 tw (fair value measurement)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.086 tw [(. the level into which a fair value measurement is classified is)12 ( )]tj 0.018 tc 0 -1.444 td [(determined with reference to the observability and significance of the i\ nputs used in the valuation)18 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (technique as follows:)tj 0 -2.889 td (\225)tj 2.52 0 td (level 1 valuations:)tj 0.02 tw 10.079 0 td (fair value measured using only level 1 inputs i.e. unadjusted quoted pri\ ces )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(in active markets for identical assets or liabilities at the measurement\ )0.6 ( date)]tj -12.598 -2.889 td (\225)tj 2.52 0 td (level 2 valuations:)tj 0.012 tw 10.079 0 td (fair value measured using level 2 inputs i.e. observable inputs which fa\ il to )tj 0.066 tw 0 -1.444 td [(meet )0.6 (level )0.5 (1, )0.6 (and )0.5 (not )0.5 (using )0.6 (significant )0.5 (unobservable )0.6 (inputs. )0.6 (unobservable )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (inputs are inputs for which market data are not available)tj -12.598 -2.889 td (\225)tj 2.52 0 td (level 3 valuations:)tj 10.079 0 td (fair value measured using significant unobservable inputs)tj et endstream endobj 41 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 42 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 43 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 44 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 45 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 149 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (45)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (17)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (capital, reserves and dividends)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (share capital)tj et 116.22 623.812 158.74 -13 re 274.961 623.812 124.724 -13 re 399.685 623.812 124.724 -13 re 116.22 610.812 158.74 -13 re 274.961 610.812 62.362 -13 re 337.323 610.812 62.362 -13 re 399.685 610.812 62.362 -13 re 462.047 610.812 62.362 -13 re 116.22 597.812 158.74 -16.685 re 274.961 597.812 62.362 -16.685 re 337.323 597.812 62.362 -16.685 re 399.685 597.812 62.362 -16.685 re 462.047 597.812 62.362 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 8.55 0 0 9 310.0316 612.3424 tm (30 june 2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 13.7 0 td (31 december 2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf -17.653 -1.444 td (no. of shares)tj /t1_2 1 tf 15.325 0 td (no. of shares)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.545 -1.444 td (\(\222000\))tj 5.684 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.275 0 td (\(\222000\))tj 5.812 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -42.602 -2.263 td (ordinary shares, issued and )tj 8.55 0 0 9 240.9552 565.9724 tm ( )tj 8.55 0 0 9 130.8756 552.9724 tm (fully paid:)tj /t1_2 1 tf -1.051 -1.444 td (at the beginning of the period/year)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 20.686 0 td (168,000)tj 7.294 0 td (168,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 7.762 0 td (166,000)tj 7.294 0 td (166,000)tj -43.035 -1.444 td (shares issued during the period )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(note\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 24.034 0 td (\226)tj 7.294 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 5.454 0 td (2,000)tj 7.294 0 td (2,000)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 522.6833 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.095 0 0 0.1 116.2205 522.4333 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 522.6833 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.095 0 0 0.1 274.9606 522.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 522.6833 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.095 0 0 0.1 337.3228 522.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 399.685 522.6833 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.095 0 0 0.1 399.685 522.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 522.6833 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.095 0 0 0.1 462.0472 522.4333 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 8.55 0 0 9 121.8897 510.9633 tm (at the end of the period/year)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 20.686 0 td (168,000)tj 7.294 0 td (168,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 7.762 0 td (168,000)tj 7.294 0 td (168,000)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 506.4883 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.095 0 0 0.1 116.2205 505.7383 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 506.4883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.095 0 0 0.1 274.9606 505.7383 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 506.4883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0.095 0 0 0.1 337.3228 505.7383 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 399.685 506.4883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.095 0 0 0.1 399.685 505.7383 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 506.4883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.095 0 0 0.1 462.0472 505.7383 tm ( )tj /t1_4 1 tf 7 0 0 7 116.2205 484.7982 tm (note:)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.083 tw /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td [(as )0.5 (disclosed )0.6 (in )0.5 (note )0.5 (11\(b\), )0.5 (the )0.6 (company )0.5 (issued )0.6 (2,000,000 )0.5 (shares )0.6 (at )0.5 (a )0.5 (price )0.5 (of )0.6 (rmb12.00 )0.5 (per )0.6 (share )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (participants )0.5 (under )]tj 0.043 tw -0 -1.571 td (restricted share scheme during the six-month period ended 30 june 2022, \ of which, rmb2,000,000 was recorded under share )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (capital and the remaining of rmb22,000,000 was charged to capital reserv\ e.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5433 436.7982 tm (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (purchase of own shares)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.013 tc 0.086 tw -0 -1.759 td [(during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, the company repurchased \ its own shares on the)13 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (stock exchange of hong kong limited as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.22 393.434 96.378 -39 re 212.598 393.434 62.362 -39 re 274.961 393.434 62.362 -39 re 337.323 393.434 62.362 -39 re 399.685 393.434 62.362 -39 re 462.047 393.434 62.362 -39 re 116.22 354.434 96.378 -16.685 re 212.598 354.434 62.362 -16.685 re 274.961 354.434 62.362 -16.685 re 337.323 354.434 62.362 -16.685 re 399.685 354.434 62.362 -16.685 re 462.047 354.434 62.362 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 121.8897 355.9636 tm (month/year)tj 11.157 2.889 td (number of )tj 1.98 -1.444 td (shares )tj -2.888 -1.444 td (repurchased)tj 9.317 2.889 td (highest )tj -1.111 -1.444 td (price paid )tj 0.205 -1.444 td (per share)tj 8.02 2.889 td (lowest )tj -1.296 -1.444 td (price paid )tj 0.205 -1.444 td (per share)tj 6.503 1.444 td (aggregate )tj 0.221 -1.444 td (price paid)tj 6.708 1.444 td (aggregate )tj 0.221 -1.444 td (price paid)tj /t1_3 1 tf -18.046 -1.444 td (hkd)tj 6.929 0 td (hkd)tj 4.857 0 td (hkd\222000)tj 6.8 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -39.783 -2.263 td (june 2023)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 13.714 0 td (2,000)tj 6.929 0 td (24.75)tj 6.929 0 td (24.00)tj 8.409 0 td (49)tj 6.929 0 td (45)tj et q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 318.1185 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.026 tc 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 317.3685 tm (at the end of the period)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 212.5984 318.1185 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs -0.026 tw 0.1 0 0 0.1 212.5984 317.3685 tm (166,530)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 318.1185 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 274.9606 317.3685 tm (166,530)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 337.3228 318.1185 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 337.3228 317.3685 tm (166,530)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 399.685 318.1185 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 399.685 317.3685 tm (166,530)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 318.1185 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 462.0472 317.3685 tm (166,000)tj et endstream endobj 148 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (44)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (16)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (trade and other payables)tj et 93.543 639.647 272.126 -39 re 365.669 639.647 79.37 -39 re 445.039 639.647 79.37 -39 re 93.543 600.647 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 628.1771 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june )tj 1.352 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 10.224 2.889 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december )tj 3.739 -1.444 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (trade payables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (29,012)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (36,376)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (payroll payables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (30,913)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (34,109)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (construction payables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (73,645)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (37,886)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (amounts due to related parties)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 36.019 0 td (110)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.555 0 td (37)tj -45.574 -1.444 td (refund liabilities \227 arising from volume rebates)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 35.131 0 td (3,230)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (3,013)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (others)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (13,950)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (15,965)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 499.5179 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 499.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 499.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 499.2679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 499.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 499.2679 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 99.2127 487.7979 tm (total trade and other payables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 33.947 0 td (150,860)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (127,386)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 483.3229 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 482.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 483.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 482.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 483.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 482.5729 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 93.5434 459.6329 tm [(all of the trade and other payables are expected to be settled with)0.5 (in one year.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (ageing analysis)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.003 tw -0 -1.759 td (as of the end of the reporting period, the ageing analysis of trade paya\ bles, based on the invoice date, is )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.221 390.268 249.449 -39 re 365.669 390.268 79.37 -39 re 445.039 390.268 79.37 -39 re 116.221 351.268 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 351.268 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 351.268 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 378.7982 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june )tj 1.352 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 10.224 2.889 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december )tj 3.739 -1.444 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (within 3 months)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.02 0 td (23,860)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (30,474)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (3 to 6 months)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.612 0 td (2,726)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,287)tj -41.755 -1.444 td (6 months to 1 year)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.612 0 td (1,134)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,697)tj -41.755 -1.444 td (over 1 year)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.612 0 td (1,292)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.923 0 td (918)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2206 276.1391 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2206 275.8891 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6694 276.1391 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6694 275.8891 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0395 276.1391 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0395 275.8891 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 410.0665 264.4191 tm (29,012)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (36,376)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2206 259.9441 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2206 259.1941 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6694 259.9441 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6694 259.1941 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0395 259.9441 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0395 259.1941 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 147 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (43)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (14)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss)tj et 93.543 639.647 272.126 -26 re 365.669 639.647 79.37 -26 re 445.039 639.647 79.37 -26 re 93.543 613.647 272.126 -13 re 365.669 613.647 79.37 -13 re 445.039 613.647 79.37 -13 re 93.543 600.647 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2092 628.1771 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june )tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december )tj /t1_1 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (unlisted units in investment funds )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(note\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 33.947 0 td (159,974)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (155,454)tj -43.234 -1.444 td (unlisted equity investment)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 35.131 0 td (7,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (7,000)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5433 551.5179 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5433 551.2679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 551.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 551.2679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 551.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 551.2679 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7384 539.7979 tm (166,974)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (162,454)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5433 535.3229 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5433 534.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 535.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 534.5729 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 535.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 534.5729 tm ( )tj /t1_4 1 tf 7 0 0 7 93.5433 513.6329 tm (note:)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.005 tc 0.086 tw /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (the non-current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss \(\ fvpl\) represent investment in units in investment funds )tj [(and a)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw -0 -1.571 td [(private entity incorporated in the prc. these investments are primarily \ engaged or fu)0.6 (rther invested in the healthcare sector.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 473.7982 tm (15)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (cash and cash equivalents and time deposits)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5433 457.9636 tm (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj et 116.22 440.599 249.449 -26 re 365.669 440.599 79.37 -26 re 445.039 440.599 79.37 -26 re 116.22 414.599 249.449 -13 re 365.669 414.599 79.37 -13 re 445.039 414.599 79.37 -13 re 116.22 401.599 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 401.599 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 401.599 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 9 429.2092 429.1289 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (cash at bank)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 31.428 0 td (458,164)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (518,245)tj -40.715 -1.444 td (cash on hand)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.092 0 td (53)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 8.963 0 td (21)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 352.4698 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 352.2198 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 352.4698 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 352.2198 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 352.4698 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 352.2198 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 121.8897 340.7498 tm (cash and cash equivalents)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 31.428 0 td (458,217)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (518,266)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 336.2748 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 335.5248 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 336.2748 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 335.5248 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 336.2748 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 335.5248 tm ( )tj 0.014 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 116.2205 312.5848 tm [(cash at bank includes demand deposits and time deposits placed at banks \ in the prc with original)14 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (maturities of less than three months.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -2.52 -2.889 td (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (time deposits)tj et 116.22 256.22 249.449 -26 re 365.669 256.22 79.37 -26 re 445.039 256.22 79.37 -26 re 116.22 230.22 249.449 -13 re 365.669 230.22 79.37 -13 re 445.039 230.22 79.37 -13 re 116.22 217.22 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 217.22 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 217.22 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 9 429.2092 244.7502 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (current portion)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.02 0 td (10,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (10,000)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (non-current portion)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.02 0 td (10,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11.575 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 168.0911 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 167.8411 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 168.0911 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 167.8411 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 168.0911 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 167.8411 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 121.8897 156.3711 tm (time deposits)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.02 0 td (20,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (10,000)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 151.8961 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2205 151.1461 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 151.8961 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 151.1461 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 151.8961 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 151.1461 tm ( )tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 116.2205 128.206 tm [(this balance represents time deposits placed at banks in the prc with or\ iginal maturities over three)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (months.)tj et endstream endobj 146 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (42)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (13)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (trade and other receivables)tj et 93.543 639.647 272.126 -26 re 365.669 639.647 79.37 -26 re 445.039 639.647 79.37 -26 re 93.543 613.647 272.126 -13 re 365.669 613.647 79.37 -13 re 445.039 613.647 79.37 -13 re 93.543 600.647 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 628.1771 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (receivables from third parties)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (57,875)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (69,155)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (receivables from related parties)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 35.131 0 td (2,887)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (3,734)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (less: losses allowance on trade receivables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.816 0 td (\(1,027\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.198 0 td (\(1,508\))tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 538.5179 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 538.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 538.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 538.2679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 538.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 538.2679 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 99.2127 526.7979 tm (trade receivables, net of loss allowance)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (59,735)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (71,381)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (deposit for construction project)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 35.131 0 td (5,448)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (5,454)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (other receivables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 35.131 0 td (1,071)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,696)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 496.5089 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 496.2589 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 496.5089 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 496.2589 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 496.5089 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 496.2589 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 99.2127 484.7889 tm (trade and other receivables, net)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.539 0 td (66,254)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (79,531)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 480.3138 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 479.5638 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 480.3138 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 479.5638 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 480.3138 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 479.5638 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5434 456.6238 tm (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (ageing analysis)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.011 tw -0 -1.759 td (as of the end of the reporting period, the ageing analysis of trade rece\ ivables, based on the invoice date )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (and net of loss allowance, is as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 116.221 413.259 249.449 -26 re 365.669 413.259 79.37 -26 re 445.039 413.259 79.37 -26 re 116.221 387.259 249.449 -13 re 365.669 387.259 79.37 -13 re 445.039 387.259 79.37 -13 re 116.221 374.259 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 374.259 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 374.259 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 401.7892 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -40.282 -2.263 td (within 3 months)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.02 0 td (55,613)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (64,166)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (3 to 6 months)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.612 0 td (1,382)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (5,225)tj -41.755 -1.444 td (6 to 9 months)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.612 0 td (2,740)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.143 0 td (1,990)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2206 312.1301 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2206 311.8801 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6694 312.1301 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6694 311.8801 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0395 312.1301 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0395 311.8801 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 410.0665 300.4101 tm (59,735)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.215 0 td (71,381)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2206 295.9351 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2206 295.1851 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6694 295.9351 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6694 295.1851 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0395 295.9351 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0395 295.1851 tm ( )tj 0.005 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 116.2206 272.2451 tm [(trade receivables are generally due within 30 to 90 days from the date o\ f billing. all of the trade and)5.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(other receivables are expected to be recovered or recognised as expens)0.5 (e within one year.)]tj et endstream endobj 145 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (41)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (11)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (share-based payment transactions )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 328.1703 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -26.07 -1.759 td (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (restricted shares scheme )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.045 tw 0 -1.759 td (during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, rmb1,100,000 \(six-month\ period ended 30 june 2022: )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(rmb1,405,000\) was recognised in the profit or loss in relation to th)0.5 (e restricted shares scheme.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf -2.52 -2.889 td (\(c\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (share award scheme)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.077 tw 0 -1.759 td (on 16 may 2022, the annual general meeting approved the company to adopt\ the h share award and )tj 0.015 tw 0 -1.444 td (trust scheme \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.017 tw (the share award scheme)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.015 tw (\224\) to eligible employees. a trust deed has been entered into )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td (between the company and trident trust company \(hk\) limited \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.098 tw (the trustee)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\). pursuant to the trust)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.444 td (deed, the trust will be constituted to service the share award scheme wh\ ereby the trustee shall assist )tj 0.07 tw 0 -1.444 td (with the administration of the share award scheme and shall, subject to \ the relevant provisions of the )tj 0.008 tw 0 -1.444 td [(trust )0.5 (deed )0.5 (and upon the )0.5 (instruction of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company, )0.5 (acquire such )0.5 (underlying shares )0.5 (of the )0.5 (share )0.5 (award )]tj 0.004 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(scheme through on-market transactions with funds to be transferred by th\ e group to the trust. such)4 ( )]tj 0.01 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(u)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 ( a)0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 ( s)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 ( s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( 1)0.5 (0)0.5 (,)0.5 (4)0.5 (2)0.5 (0)0.5 (,)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)0.5 ( e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (.)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)10 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.034 tw 0 -1.444 td (share award scheme shall be valid and effective for ten years commencing\ from the date on which the )tj 0.026 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(share award scheme was approved by the shareholders at the annual genera\ l meeting. detailed)26.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (information is disclosed in the company\222s circular dated 11 april 202\ 2.)tj -0.001 tc 0 -2.889 td [(during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, the trust acquired 2,000\ award shares from the market)-0.9 ( )]tj -0.002 tc 0 -1.444 td [(at an average prevailing market price of approximately hkd24.35 \(equiva\ lent to approximately rmb22.45\))-2 ( )]tj 0.021 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(per share at an aggregate consideration of approximately hkd49,000 \(equ\ ivalent to approximately)21 ( )]tj 0.008 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(rm)0.5 (b4)0.5 (5,0)0.5 (00)0.5 (\) as)0.5 ( d)0.5 (isc)0.5 (los)0.5 (ed in)0.5 ( no)0.5 (te 17)0.5 (\(b\))0.5 (. r)0.5 (epu)0.5 (rch)0.5 (ase)0.5 (d s)0.5 (har)0.5 (es he)0.5 (ld at th)0.5 (e e)0.5 (nd of)0.5 ( re)0.5 (por)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ng per)0.5 (iod)0.5 ( w)0.5 (ere)8 ( )]tj 0.005 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(classified as treasury shares and presented as a deduction in equity. no\ award shares were granted,)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.039 tw 0 -1.444 td (vested, cancelled or lapsed under the share award scheme during the six-\ month period ended 30 june )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (2023 \(2022: nil\).)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.582 tw 11 0 0 11 70.8661 307.6731 tm (12)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc (inventories)tj et 93.543 290.309 272.126 -26 re 365.669 290.309 79.37 -26 re 445.039 290.309 79.37 -26 re 93.543 264.309 272.126 -13 re 365.669 264.309 79.37 -13 re 445.039 264.309 79.37 -13 re 93.543 251.309 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 251.309 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 251.309 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw 9 0 0 9 429.2093 278.8385 tm (at )tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_3 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at )tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_2 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_3 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_4 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (raw materials)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 34.539 0 td (65,583)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.215 0 td (69,100)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (work in progress)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 34.539 0 td (29,920)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.215 0 td (25,986)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (finished goods)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 34.539 0 td (57,174)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.215 0 td (55,454)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (others)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 35.131 0 td (1,528)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.143 0 td (3,737)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 176.1794 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 175.9294 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 176.1794 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 175.9294 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 176.1794 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 175.9294 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7385 164.4594 tm (154,205)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.287 0 td (154,277)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 159.9844 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 159.2344 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 159.9844 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 159.2344 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 159.9844 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 159.2344 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 36 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 37 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 38 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 39 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 40 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 154 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (40)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (8)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (acquisition of property, plant and equipment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.043 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, the group acquired items\ of property, plant and equipment )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(with a cost of rmb139,837,000 \(six-month period ended 30 june 2022:)0.5 ( rmb35,610,000\).)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 599.3424 tm (9)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (addition of intangible assets)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.043 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 583.5078 tm [(during )0.6 (the )0.6 (six-month )0.6 (period )0.6 (ended )0.6 (30 )0.5 (june )0.6 (2023, )0.6 (the )0.6 (increase )0.6 (in )0.6 (intangible )0.6 (assets )0.6 (mainly )0.5 (represents )0.5 (addition )]tj 0.008 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(of the capitalised development costs amounting to rmb21,944,000 \(six-mo\ nth period ended 30 june 2022:)8 ( )]tj 0.015 tc 0 -1.444 td [(rmb15,461,000\) for those cost incurred for nonvascular interventional d\ ivision, endocardium implantable)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(division and neurological interventional division, which was not yet)0.5 ( available for use.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 515.6732 tm (10)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (addition of other non-current assets)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.035 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 499.8384 tm (during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, the company \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw (purchaser)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.035 tw (\224\) entered into an acquisition )tj 0.009 tw 0 -1.444 td (agreement with three individuals \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw (vendors)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.009 tw (\224\) and shanghai hude automobile tensioning wheel co., ltd.* )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e101c114304db05130a751061124303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0.071 tw ( \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.081 tw (target company)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.071 tw (\224\), pursuant to which, amongst others, the purchaser )tj 0.001 tw 0 -1.444 td [(has )0.5 (agreed to )0.5 (purchase )0.5 (and the )0.5 (vendors )0.5 (have )0.5 (agreed to )0.5 (sell )0.5 (its )0.5 (entire )0.5 (equity )0.5 (interest in )0.5 (the target company at )]tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(a )0.5 (consideration of rmb32 million, of which its )0.5 (assets )0.5 (mainly consist )0.5 (of )0.5 (a land use right in shanghai. the)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.033 tw 0 -1.444 td (company paid rmb25 million during the period and the transaction has not\ yet completed as of 30 june 2023 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (as well as the date of this report.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 393.0038 tm (11)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (share-based payment transactions)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5433 377.1692 tm (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (employee share purchase plan \(\223espp\224\) \227 equity settled)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.012 tc 0.085 tw -0 -1.759 td [(since 2020, the group adopted several espps to its subsidiaries, pursuan\ t to which, the partnership)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.036 tw 0 -1.444 td (firms, whose limited partners consisted of employees of the group, inves\ ted in the group\222s subsidiaries )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(by way of subscribing newly issued equity interests of the subsidia)0.5 (ries.)]tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(detailed information in relation to the espps is disclosed in the compan\ y\222s annual report for the year)3.1 ( )]tj 0.017 tc 0 -1.444 td [(ended 31 december 2022. during the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, \ the group recognised)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(expenses of rmb306,000 in relation to these espps \(six-month per)0.5 (iod ended 30 june 2022: rmb76,000\).)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf -2.52 -2.889 td (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (restricted shares scheme)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.009 tw -0 -1.759 td (on 19 august 2021, the company adopted share incentive scheme, pursuant \ to which, dr. liang dongke )tj 0.052 tw 0 -1.444 td (and two partnership firms whose limited partners consisted of employees \ of the group, invested in the )tj 0.013 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(company by way of subscribing 5,000,000 shares \(the restricted shares\)\ at a price of rmb12.00 per)13 ( )]tj 0.004 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (.)0.5 ( d)0.6 (ur)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (x)0.5 (-)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( 3)0.5 (0)0.5 ( j)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (e 2)0.5 (02)0.6 (2)0.5 (, t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)0.5 ( i)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (,)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 (,)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)4.1 ( )]tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(participants under the share incentive scheme and received fund raised f\ rom the participants amounting)-0.9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 -1.444 td (to rmb24,000,000.)tj 0.004 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(detailed information in relation to the restricted shares scheme is disc\ losed in the company\222s annual)4 ( )]tj 0 -1.444 td [(report )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (year )0.5 (ended )0.5 (31 )0.6 (december )0.5 (2022. )0.6 (during )0.6 (the )0.6 (six-month )0.6 (period )0.5 (ended )0.5 (30 )0.6 (june )0.6 (2023, )0.6 (nil )0.6 (of)4 ( )]tj 0.006 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(r)0.5 (es)0.5 (t)0.5 (ri)0.5 (c)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)0.5 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)0.5 (s w)0.5 (e)0.5 (re)0.5 ( gr)0.5 (an)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( \(s)0.5 (i)0.5 (x)0.5 (-m)0.5 (o)0.5 (nt)0.5 (h p)0.5 (e)0.5 (ri)0.5 (o)0.5 (d e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (e)0.5 (d 3)0.5 (0 j)0.5 (un)0.5 (e)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (0)0.5 (22)0.5 (:)0.5 ( 3)0.5 (4)0.5 (1)0.5 (,9)0.5 (0)0.5 (0\))0.5 ( an)0.5 (d)0.5 ( 4)0.5 (5)0.5 (,3)0.5 (0)0.5 (0 r)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (ic)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)6 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.444 td (shares were forfeited \(six-month period ended 30 june 2022: 341,900\) f\ or certain participants upon their )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (resignation from the company.)tj 7 0 0 7 93.2598 57.8829 tm (*)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (english translation is for identification purpose only.)tj et endstream endobj 153 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (39)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (7)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (earnings per share)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (basic earnings per share)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.064 tw -0 -1.759 td (the calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attri\ butable to equity shareholders of )tj 0.027 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the company of rmb80,502,000 \(six-month period ended 30 june 2022: rmb5\ 0,841,000\), and the)27 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.03 tw 0 -1.444 td (weighted average number of shares of 168,000,000 \(six-month period ende\ d 30 june 2022: 166,530,000\) )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (in issue during the interim period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (weighted average number of ordinary shares)tj et 116.22 545.812 249.449 -13 re 365.669 545.812 158.74 -13 re 116.22 532.812 249.449 -13 re 365.669 532.812 79.37 -13 re 445.039 532.812 79.37 -13 re 116.22 519.812 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 519.812 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 519.812 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7963 534.3424 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -8.811 -1.444 td (\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.078 0 td (\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -42.282 -2.263 td (issued ordinary shares at 1 january)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 31.428 0 td (168,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (166,000)tj -40.715 -1.444 td (effect of restricted shares issued )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(note 11\(b\)\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.776 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 7.759 0 td (530)tj -42.535 -1.444 td (effect of purchase of own shares )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(note 17\(b\)\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 34.776 0 td (*)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 8.819 0 td (\226)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 457.6833 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 457.4333 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6692 457.6833 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6692 457.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0393 457.6833 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0393 457.4333 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 121.8897 445.9633 tm (weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (at the end of the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 30.429 0 td (168,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (166,530)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 428.4883 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.026 tc 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 427.7383 tm (at the end of the period)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6692 428.4883 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs -0.026 tw 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6692 427.7383 tm (166,530)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0393 428.4883 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0393 427.7383 tm (166,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 7 116.2204 406.7982 tm (*)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (the balance represents an amount less than 1,000.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5432 380.7982 tm (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (diluted earnings per share)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.02 tw -0 -1.759 td (the calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the profit att\ ributable to equity shareholders of )tj 0.03 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the company of rmb80,502,000 \(six-month period ended 30 june 2022: rmb5\ 0,841,000\) and the)30 ( )]tj 0.012 tc 0 -1.444 td [(weighted average number of ordinary shares of 169,501,000 \(six-month pe\ riod ended 30 june 2022:)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (166,871,000\) in issue.)tj 0.021 tw 0 -2.889 td (diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted avera\ ge number of ordinary shares in )tj 0.024 tw 0 -1.444 td (issue to assume outstanding restricted shares, issued at the grant date,\ which are dilutive and adjusting )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the perio\ d, calculated as follows:)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (weighted average number of ordinary shares)tj et 116.22 233.434 249.449 -13 re 365.669 233.434 158.74 -13 re 116.22 220.434 249.449 -13 re 365.669 220.434 79.37 -13 re 445.039 220.434 79.37 -13 re 116.22 207.434 249.449 -16.685 re 365.669 207.434 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 207.434 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7963 221.9636 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -8.811 -1.444 td (\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.078 0 td (\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -42.282 -2.263 td (weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue for the )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (purpose of basic earnings per share)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 30.429 0 td (168,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (166,530)tj -40.715 -1.444 td (effect of outstanding restricted shares )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(note 11\(b\)\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 32.612 0 td (1,501)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.923 0 td (341)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 145.3045 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 145.0545 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6692 145.3045 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6692 145.0545 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0393 145.3045 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0393 145.0545 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 121.8897 133.5844 tm (weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue for the )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (purpose of diluted earnings per share)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 30.429 0 td (169,501)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9.287 0 td (166,871)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 116.2204 116.1094 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.026 tc 0.1 0 0 0.1 116.2204 115.3594 tm (at the end of the period)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6692 116.1094 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs -0.026 tw 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6692 115.3594 tm (166,530)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0393 116.1094 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0393 115.3594 tm (166,000)tj 0 tc 0.041 tw 9 0 0 9 116.2204 92.4194 tm (the effect of outstanding employee share purchase plan issued by subsidi\ aries \(note 11\) is anti-dilutive, )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(therefore is not included in the calculation of diluted earnings per s)0.5 (hare of the company.)]tj et endstream endobj 152 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (38)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (6)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (income tax )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 169.3214 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -8.42 -1.759 td (prc cit)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.052 tw 0 -1.759 td (\(i\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td [(effective )0.6 (from )0.5 (1 )0.6 (january )0.5 (2008, )0.6 (under )0.5 (the )0.5 (prc )0.5 (corporate )0.6 (income )0.5 (tax )0.5 (law, )0.5 (the )0.5 (prc )0.5 (statutory )0.5 (income )0.6 (tax )]tj 0.034 tw 0 -1.444 td (rate is 25%. the group\222s subsidiaries in the prc are subject to prc i\ ncome tax at 25% unless otherwise )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (specified.)tj -2.52 -2.889 td (\(ii\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (high and new technology enterprise \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (hnte)tj /t1_3 1 tf (\224\))tj 0.008 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(according to the prc income tax law and its relevant regulations, entiti\ es that qualified as hnte are)8 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.048 tw 0 -1.444 td (entitled to a preferential income tax rate of 15%. the company and certa\ in subsidiaries are qualified as )tj 0.02 tw 0 -1.444 td [(hnte )0.6 (and )0.6 (are )0.5 (subject )0.6 (to )0.6 (income )0.6 (tax )0.6 (at )0.6 (the )0.6 (rate )0.6 (of )0.5 (15% )0.6 (for )0.6 (the )0.6 (six-month )0.6 (period )0.6 (ended )0.6 (30 )0.6 (june )0.5 (2023 )0.7 (and )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (2022.)tj 0.003 tc 0.085 tw 0 -2.889 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( 1)0.5 (5)0.5 (%)0.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (x)0.5 ( r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( h)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 ( i)0.6 (s)0.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (b)0.6 (j)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 ( j)0.5 (o)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 ( b)0.5 (y)0.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)3 ( )]tj 0.015 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(authorities, upon expiry of the three-year )0.5 (grant )0.5 (period, according )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (then )0.5 (prevailing income tax)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (regulations.)tj -2.52 -2.889 td (\(iii\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (small and micro enterprise \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (sme)tj /t1_3 1 tf (\224\))tj 0.007 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(according to the prc income tax law and its relevant regulations issued \ in 2019 and renewed policy)7 ( )]tj 0.011 tc 0 -1.444 td [(issued in 2023, entities that qualified as sme are entitled to a prefere\ ntial income tax rate of 5% for)11 ( )]tj 0.001 tc 0 -1.444 td [(taxable income less than rmb3,000,000 \(2022: 2.5% for taxable income le\ ss than rmb1,000,000 or 5%)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(for taxable income ranges between rmb1,000,000 to rmb3,000,000\))0.5 (.)]tj 0.013 tw 0 -2.889 td (during the periods ended 30 june 2023 and 2022, certain subsidiaries of \ the group are qualified as small )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(and low profit enterprise and enjoyed a preferential tax rate of 5%)0.5 (, whereas applicable.)]tj 0.023 tc 0.086 tw -2.52 -2.889 td [(\()23 (i)23 (v)23 (\))]tj /span<>> bdc 1.223 0 td ( )tj emc 1.297 0 td [(according to the prc income tax law and its relevant regulations, an add\ itional 100% of qualified)23 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (research and development expenses so incurred is allowed to be deducted \ from taxable income.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf -2.52 -2.889 td (hong kong profit tax)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.759 td [(during )0.5 (the )0.6 (periods )0.6 (ended )0.6 (30 )0.6 (june )0.6 (2023 )0.5 (and )0.6 (2022, )0.5 (the )0.6 (company\222s )0.6 (subsidiary )0.5 (incorporated )0.6 (in )0.6 (hong )0.6 (kong )0.6 (is)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.059 tw 0 -1.444 td (subject to hong kong profits tax at 8.25% of the taxable profit less tha\ n hong kong dollar \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw (hkd)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.059 tw (\224\) 2,000,000 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (or 16.50% of the taxable profit exceeding hkd2,000,000.)tj et endstream endobj 151 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (37)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (5)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (profit before taxation)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (profit before taxation is arrived at after charging/\(crediting\):)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 93.543 626.647 272.126 -13 re 365.669 626.647 158.74 -13 re 93.543 613.647 272.126 -13 re 365.669 613.647 79.37 -13 re 445.039 613.647 79.37 -13 re 93.543 600.647 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 600.647 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7963 615.1771 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (finance costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (interest on lease liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 33.5 0 td (370)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.035 0 td (322)tj -42.535 -1.444 td (interest on loans and borrowings)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 33.5 0 td (835)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10.095 0 td (\226)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5433 525.5179 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5433 525.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 525.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 525.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 525.5179 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 525.2679 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 415.3943 513.7979 tm (1,205)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.923 0 td (322)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5433 509.3229 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5433 508.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 509.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 508.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 509.3229 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 508.5729 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 99.2126 497.1029 tm (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (other items)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (depreciation and amortisation)tj 0 -1.444 td (\227 property, plant and equipment)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 32.02 0 td (18,130)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (14,109)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (\227 right-of-use assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 32.612 0 td (1,936)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,801)tj -41.755 -1.444 td (\227 intangible assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 33.5 0 td (845)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.035 0 td (464)tj -42.535 -2.889 td (\(r)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 0.834 0 td (eversal\)/recognition of impairment loss on trade and )tj ( )tj 0 -1.444 td (other receivables)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 32.351 0 td (\(481\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.35 0 td (637)tj -42.535 -1.444 td (research and development costs )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(note\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 32.02 0 td (86,537)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (53,391)tj -41.235 -1.444 td (less: costs capitalised into intangible assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 31.705 0 td (\(21,944\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(15,461\))tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 362.8138 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 362.5638 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 362.8138 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 362.5638 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 362.8138 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 362.5638 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 410.0664 351.0939 tm (64,593)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (37,930)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 346.6188 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 345.8688 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 346.6188 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 345.8688 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 346.6188 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 345.8688 tm ( )tj /t1_4 1 tf 7 0 0 7 93.5434 324.9288 tm (note:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.006 tc 0.086 tw /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td [(during the period ended 30 june 2023, research and development costs inc\ ludes staff costs and depreciation and amortisation of)6 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.002 tw -0 -1.571 td [(rmb48,263,000 )0.5 (\(six-month period )0.5 (ended 30 june 2022: rmb31,096,000\), )0.5 (which amount is also included )0.5 (in the respective total amounts )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (disclosed separately above.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8662 274.0941 tm (6)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (income tax)tj et 93.543 256.729 272.126 -13 re 365.669 256.729 158.74 -13 re 93.543 243.729 272.126 -13 re 365.669 243.729 79.37 -13 re 445.039 243.729 79.37 -13 re 93.543 230.729 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 230.729 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 230.729 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 245.2595 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (current tax-the people\222s republic of china \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (prc)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\) )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (corporate income tax \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (cit)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 33.541 0 td (12,496)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.735 0 td (5,759)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (deferred tax)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 34.816 0 td (\(4,584\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10.238 0 td (945)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 168.6004 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 168.3504 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6694 168.6004 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6694 168.3504 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0395 168.6004 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0395 168.3504 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 99.2127 156.8803 tm (total)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 35.131 0 td (7,912)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (6,704)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5434 152.4053 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5434 151.6553 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6694 152.4053 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6694 151.6553 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0395 152.4053 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0395 151.6553 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 150 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (36)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (3)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (revenue and segment reporting )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7849 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -23.471 -1.759 td (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (segment reporting )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(continued\))tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.759 td (\(ii\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (reconciliation of segment profit)tj et 138.898 605.143 226.772 -13 re 365.669 605.143 158.74 -13 re 138.898 592.143 226.772 -13 re 365.669 592.143 79.37 -13 re 445.039 592.143 79.37 -13 re 138.898 579.143 226.772 -16.685 re 365.669 579.143 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 579.143 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 593.6731 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -37.762 -2.263 td (revenue)tj /t1_4 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (segment revenue)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 28.908 0 td (362,981)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.287 0 td (237,359)tj -38.195 -1.444 td (elimination of inter-segment revenue)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.185 0 td (\(23,217\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(12,142\))tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 517.014 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 516.764 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 517.014 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 516.764 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 517.014 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 516.764 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 144.5669 505.2939 tm (consolidated revenue)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 28.908 0 td (339,764)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.287 0 td (225,217)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 500.8189 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 500.0689 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 500.8189 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 500.0689 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 500.8189 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 500.0689 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 144.5669 488.5989 tm (profit)tj /t1_4 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (segment net profit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.5 0 td (84,250)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.215 0 td (51,298)tj -38.715 -1.444 td (elimination of inter-segment net profit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.777 0 td (\(3,745\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.198 0 td (\(1,173\))tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 458.3099 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 458.0599 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 458.3099 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 458.0599 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 458.3099 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 458.0599 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 144.5669 446.5899 tm (consolidated net profit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 29.5 0 td (80,505)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,125)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 442.1149 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 441.3649 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 442.1149 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 441.3649 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 442.1149 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 441.3649 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 415.5903 tm (4)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (other income)tj et 93.543 398.226 272.126 -13 re 365.669 398.226 158.74 -13 re 93.543 385.226 272.126 -13 re 365.669 385.226 79.37 -13 re 445.039 385.226 79.37 -13 re 93.543 372.226 272.126 -16.685 re 365.669 372.226 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 372.226 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7963 386.7557 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf -42.801 -2.263 td (government grants )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(note\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 35.131 0 td (5,913)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,686)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (interest income from bank deposits)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 35.131 0 td (6,278)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.143 0 td (5,613)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (net realised and unrealised gains from fair value changes )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 34.133 0 td (4,520)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 8.623 0 td (10,795)tj -43.754 -1.444 td (foreign exchange gains)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 35.131 0 td (4,077)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,150)tj -44.274 -1.444 td (others)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 35.131 0 td (2,006)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.923 0 td (567)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5432 271.0966 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5432 270.8466 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6692 271.0966 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6692 270.8466 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0393 271.0966 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0393 270.8466 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 410.0663 259.3766 tm (22,794)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 9.215 0 td (21,811)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 93.5432 254.9016 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 93.5432 254.1516 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6692 254.9016 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6692 254.1516 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0393 254.9016 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0393 254.1516 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 7 93.5433 233.2116 tm (note:)tj /t1_4 1 tf /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (government grants mainly include subsidies received from government for \ encouragement of research and development projects and )tj 0.001 tw -0 -1.571 td (compensation on the capital expenditure of medical device production lin\ es. as at the end of reporting period, there was no )tj (unfulfilled )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td [(condition or other contingency attaching to the government grants that h\ ad been rec)0.5 (ognised by the group.)]tj et endstream endobj 31 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 32 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 33 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 34 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 35 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 161 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (35)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (3)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (revenue and segment reporting )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7849 657.0117 tm (\(continued\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -23.471 -1.759 td (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (disaggregation of revenue )tj /t1_1 1 tf (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.759 td (\(ii\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (disaggregation of revenue by geographical location of external customers\ is as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 138.898 610.812 226.772 -13 re 365.669 610.812 158.74 -13 re 138.898 597.812 226.772 -12.5 re 365.669 597.812 79.37 -12.5 re 445.039 597.812 79.37 -12.5 re 138.898 585.312 226.772 -16.185 re 365.669 585.312 79.37 -16.185 re 445.039 585.312 79.37 -16.185 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 599.3424 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.389 td (2023)tj /t1_3 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_4 1 tf -11.051 -1.389 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -37.762 -2.263 td (chinese mainland)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 28.908 0 td (267,569)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.287 0 td (181,503)tj -38.195 -1.444 td (europe)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.5 0 td (18,240)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.215 0 td (11,907)tj -38.715 -1.444 td (the united states)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.5 0 td (15,964)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.735 0 td (6,582)tj -39.235 -1.444 td (other countries and regions)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.5 0 td (37,991)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.215 0 td (25,225)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 510.6833 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 510.4333 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 510.6833 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 510.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 510.6833 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 510.4333 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7384 498.9633 tm (339,764)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 9.287 0 td (225,217)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 494.4883 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 493.7383 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 494.4883 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 493.7383 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 494.4883 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 493.7383 tm ( )tj 0.056 tw 9 0 0 9 138.8976 470.7982 tm (the geographical location of customers is based on the location at which\ the customers operate. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (all of the non-current assets of the group are physically located in chi\ nese mainland.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf -5.039 -2.889 td (\(b\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (segment reporting)tj /t1_4 1 tf 0 -1.759 td (\(i\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (segment results)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.007 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.759 td [(information regarding the group\222s reportable segments as provided to \ the group\222s most senior)7 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.444 td [(executive management for the purposes of resource allocation and assessm\ ent of segment)25 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (performance for the period is set out below:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 138.898 359.599 172.913 -12.5 re 311.811 359.599 212.598 -12.5 re 138.898 347.099 172.913 -3 re 311.811 347.099 212.598 -3 re 138.898 344.099 172.913 -37.5 re 311.811 344.099 70.866 -37.5 re 382.677 344.099 70.866 -37.5 re 453.543 344.099 70.866 -37.5 re 138.898 306.599 172.913 -16.185 re 311.811 306.599 70.866 -16.185 re 382.677 306.599 70.866 -16.185 re 453.543 306.599 70.866 -16.185 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 334.8793 348.6289 tm (six-month period ended 30 june 2023)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 311.811 344.3489 cm 0 0 m 212.598 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 9 415.4463 345.6289 tm ( )tj -11.513 -1.389 td (cardiovascular)tj 0.371 -1.389 td (interventional )tj 2.573 -1.389 td (business)tj 7.431 0 td (all others)tj 10.188 0 td (total)tj /t1_4 1 tf -17.633 -1.389 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.874 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.874 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -37.263 -2.208 td (revenue from external customers)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 21.979 0 td (270,110)tj 8.466 0 td (69,654)tj 7.282 0 td (339,764)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf -37.727 -2.778 td (inter-segment revenue)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 23.163 0 td (7,209)tj 7.282 0 td (16,008)tj 7.874 0 td (23,217)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 138.8977 246.4698 cm 0 0 m 172.913 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8977 246.2198 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 246.4698 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 311.8111 246.2198 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 246.4698 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6772 246.2198 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 246.4698 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 453.5433 246.2198 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 9 0 0 9 144.567 235.2498 tm (segment revenue)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 21.979 0 td (277,319)tj 8.466 0 td (85,662)tj 7.282 0 td (362,981)tj et 1.5 w q 1 0 0 1 138.8977 230.7748 cm 0 0 m 172.913 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8977 230.0248 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 230.7748 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 311.8111 230.0248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 230.7748 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6772 230.0248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 230.7748 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 453.5433 230.0248 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 9 0 0 9 144.567 219.0548 tm (segment net profit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 22.571 0 td (58,222)tj 7.874 0 td (26,028)tj 7.874 0 td (84,250)tj et q 1 0 0 1 138.8977 214.5798 cm 0 0 m 172.913 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8977 213.8298 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 214.5798 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 311.8111 213.8298 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 214.5798 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6772 213.8298 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 214.5798 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 453.5433 213.8298 tm ( )tj et 138.898 202.36 172.913 -12.5 re 311.811 202.36 212.598 -12.5 re 138.898 189.86 172.913 -3 re 311.811 189.86 212.598 -3 re 138.898 186.86 172.913 -37.5 re 311.811 186.86 70.866 -37.5 re 382.677 186.86 70.866 -37.5 re 453.543 186.86 70.866 -37.5 re 138.898 149.36 172.913 -16.185 re 311.811 149.36 70.866 -16.185 re 382.677 149.36 70.866 -16.185 re 453.543 149.36 70.866 -16.185 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_3 1 tf 9 0 0 9 344.7839 191.3897 tm (six-month period ended 30 june 2022)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 187.1097 cm 0 0 m 212.598 0 l s q bt /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 415.4464 188.3897 tm ( )tj /t1_3 1 tf -10.718 -1.389 td (cardiovascular )tj 0.501 -1.389 td (interventional )tj 2.13 -1.389 td (business)tj 7.559 0 td (all others)tj 9.893 0 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf -17.449 -1.389 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.874 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.874 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -37.762 -2.208 td (revenue from external customers)tj /t1_3 1 tf 22.447 0 td (185,611)tj 8.394 0 td (39,606)tj 7.354 0 td (225,217)tj -38.195 -2.778 td (inter-segment revenue)tj 23.487 0 td (2,847)tj 7.874 0 td (9,295)tj 7.354 0 td (12,142)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8977 89.2306 cm 0 0 m 172.913 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8977 88.9806 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 89.2306 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 311.8111 88.9806 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 89.2306 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6772 88.9806 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 89.2306 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 453.5433 88.9806 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 144.567 78.0106 tm (segment revenue)tj /t1_3 1 tf 22.447 0 td (188,458)tj 8.394 0 td (48,901)tj 7.354 0 td (237,359)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8977 73.5355 cm 0 0 m 172.913 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8977 72.7855 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 73.5355 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 311.8111 72.7855 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 73.5355 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6772 72.7855 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 73.5355 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 453.5433 72.7855 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 144.567 61.8155 tm (segment net profit)tj /t1_3 1 tf 22.967 0 td (32,129)tj 7.874 0 td (19,169)tj 7.874 0 td (51,298)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8977 57.3405 cm 0 0 m 172.913 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8977 56.5905 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 57.3405 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 311.8111 56.5905 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 57.3405 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6772 56.5905 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 57.3405 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 453.5433 56.5905 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 160 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (34)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (3)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (revenue and segment reporting)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.006 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm [(the )0.5 (group manages )0.5 (its businesses )0.5 (by divisions, )0.6 (which are )0.5 (organised )0.5 (by business lines. in a )0.5 (manner )0.5 (consistent )]tj 0.014 tw 0 -1.444 td (with the way in which information is reported internally to the group\222\ s most senior executive management for )tj 0.006 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.5 (purposes of )0.5 (resource )0.5 (allocation )0.5 (and )0.5 (performance )0.5 (assessment, )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (has )0.5 (identified one reportable)6 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0 -1.444 td [(segment, the cardiovascular interventional business, which is primary en\ gaged in sales, manufacture,)29 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 -1.444 td [(research )0.5 (and )0.5 (development )0.5 (of )0.5 (cardiovascular )0.5 (interventional )0.5 (medical )0.5 (devices )0.5 (as )0.5 (well )0.5 (as )0.5 (related )0.5 (moulds,)26 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.057 tw 0 -1.444 td [(accessories )0.5 (and masks. other segments, )0.5 (which are currently )0.5 (engaged in research and development of other )]tj 0.018 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(interventional and implantable medical devices, such as neurological int\ erventional medical devices and)18 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(endocardia implantable medical devices, etc are combined in all ot)0.5 (her segments.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (\(a\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (disaggregation of revenue)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0 -1.759 td (\(i\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers by major product\ s is as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 138.898 493.812 226.772 -13 re 365.669 493.812 158.74 -13 re 138.898 480.812 226.772 -13 re 365.669 480.812 79.37 -13 re 445.039 480.812 79.37 -13 re 138.898 467.812 226.772 -16.685 re 365.669 467.812 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 467.812 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 482.3424 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -37.762 -2.263 td (revenue from contracts with customers within )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (the scope of hkfrs15)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.998 -1.444 td (disaggregated by major products)tj 0 -1.444 td (\227 sales of interventional medical devices)tj /t1_4 1 tf 1.26 -1.444 td (cardiovascular devices)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 27.648 0 td (282,085)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (184,171)tj /t1_4 1 tf -36.935 -1.444 td (neurological and peripheral devices)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 28.24 0 td (19,740)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.735 0 td (5,884)tj /t1_4 1 tf -37.975 -1.444 td (orthopaedics and other devices)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.72 0 td (437)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.255 0 td (2,385)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 353.6833 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 353.4333 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 353.6833 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 353.4333 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 353.6833 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 353.4333 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 144.5669 341.9633 tm (subtotal)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 28.908 0 td (302,262)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (192,440)tj -38.195 -2.889 td (\227 sales of medical accessories)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.5 0 td (14,495)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.735 0 td (5,374)tj -39.235 -1.444 td (\227 agent business)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 29.5 0 td (20,926)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (21,811)tj -38.715 -1.444 td (\227 moulds and others)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 30.092 0 td (2,048)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (5,592)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 285.6743 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 285.4243 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 285.6743 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 285.4243 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 285.6743 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 285.4243 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7384 273.9543 tm (339,731)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (225,217)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 269.4792 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 268.7292 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 269.4792 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 268.7292 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 269.4792 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 268.7292 tm ( )tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 144.5669 257.2593 tm (revenue from other source)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (rental income)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 31.572 0 td (33)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.503 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 239.9702 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 239.7202 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 239.9702 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 239.7202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 239.9702 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 239.7202 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7384 228.2502 tm (339,764)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (225,217)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 138.8976 223.7752 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 138.8976 223.0252 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 223.7752 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 223.0252 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 223.7752 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 223.0252 tm ( )tj 0.019 tw 9 0 0 9 138.8976 200.0852 tm [(during )0.5 (the )0.5 (six-month )0.5 (period )0.5 (ended 30 )0.5 (june )0.5 (2023 )0.5 (and 2022, )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (recognised )0.5 (its )0.5 (revenue )0.5 (from )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (contract with customers at point in time.)tj et endstream endobj 159 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (33)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (2)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (changes in accounting policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.04 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (the group has applied the following new and amended hkfrss issued by the\ hkicpa to this interim financial )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (report for the current accounting period:)tj 1.76 tw 0 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc (hkfrs17, )tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw 6.896 0 td (insurance contracts)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.08 tw -6.896 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td [(amendments )0.5 (to )0.5 (hkas8, )]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.079 tw 10.912 0 td (accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors: definit\ ion of )tj 0 tw -10.912 -1.444 td (accounting estimates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.011 tw -2.52 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td [(amendments )0.5 (to )0.6 (hkas12, )]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.01 tw 11.225 0 td (income taxes: deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising fro\ m a single )tj 0 tw -11.225 -1.444 td (transaction)tj /t1_1 1 tf -2.52 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (amendments to hkas12, )tj /t1_2 1 tf (income taxes: international tax reform \227 pillar two model rules)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0.086 tw -2.52 -2.889 td [(in july 2023, the hkicpa published \223accounting implications of the ab\ olition of the mpf-lsp offsetting)27 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.06 tw 0 -1.444 td (mechanism in hong kong\224 that provides guidance on the accounting cons\ iderations relating to the offsetting )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (mechanism and the abolition of the mechanism.)tj 0.059 tw 0 -2.889 td [(except )0.6 (for )0.6 (amendments )0.6 (to )0.5 (hkas12, )]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.058 tw 16.007 0 td (income taxes: deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising fro\ m a )tj 0.005 tc 0.085 tw -16.007 -1.444 td (single transaction)tj /t1_1 1 tf [(, none of these developments have had a m)0.5 (ater)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l e)0.5 (ffect on how the)0.5 ( gr)0.5 (oup\222s results and)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.059 tw 0 -1.444 td (financial position for the current or prior accounting periods have been\ prepared or presented in this interim )tj 0.04 tw 0 -1.444 td (financial report. the group has not applied any new standard or interpre\ tation that is not yet effective for the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (current accounting period.)tj 0.014 tc 0.085 tw 0 -2.889 td [(a)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (dm)0.6 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( h)0.5 (k)0.5 (a)0.5 (s1)0.5 (2)0.5 (,)0.5 ( )]tj /t1_2 1 tf [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (:)0.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d t)0.5 (a)0.5 (x)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)0.5 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (om)0.5 ( a)0.5 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (gl)0.6 (e)14 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (transaction)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.085 tw 0 -2.889 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 ( a)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)0.5 ( n)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (w)0.6 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( s)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (g)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 ( e)0.5 (x)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.6 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 ( i)0.5 (t)0.6 ( d)0.6 (o)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 ( a)0.6 (p)0.5 (p)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)0.6 ( t)0.6 (o)29 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.444 td (transactions that give rise to equal and offsetting temporary difference\ s on initial recognition such as leases )tj 0.02 tw 0 -1.444 td (and decommissioning liabilities. for leases and decommissioning liabilit\ ies, the associated deferred tax assets )tj 0.053 tw 0 -1.444 td (and liabilities are required to be recognised from the beginning of the \ earliest comparative period presented, )tj 0.007 tw 0 -1.444 td [(with any cumulative )0.5 (effect recognised as an adjustment to retained earnings or other compone\ nts of equity at )]tj 0.002 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(that date. for all other transactions, the amendments are applied to )0.5 (those transactions that occur after the)2.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (beginning of the earliest period presented.)tj 0.056 tw 0 -2.889 td (prior to the amendments, the group did not apply the initial recognition\ exemption to lease transactions and )tj 0.032 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(had recognised the related deferred tax, except that the group previousl\ y determined the temporary)32 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.024 tw 0 -1.444 td (difference arising from a right-of-use asset and the related lease liabi\ lity on a net basis on the basis they arise )tj 0.02 tw 0 -1.444 td [(from )0.5 (a )0.5 (single )0.5 (transaction. )0.5 (following )0.5 (the )0.5 (amendments, )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (has determined )0.5 (the )0.5 (temporary )0.5 (differences in )]tj 0.012 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(relation to right-of-use assets and lease liabilities separately. the ch\ ange primarily impacts disclosures of)12.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.067 tw 0 -1.444 td (components of deferred tax assets and liabilities in the annual financia\ l statements, but does not impact the )tj 0.013 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(overall )0.5 (deferred )0.5 (tax )0.5 (balances )0.5 (presented )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (consolidated )0.5 (statement )0.5 (of )0.5 (financial )0.5 (position )0.5 (as )0.5 (the )0.5 (related)13 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (deferred tax balances qualify for offsetting under hkas12.)tj et endstream endobj 158 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (32)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (1)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.062 0 td (basis of preparation)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.037 tw 9 0 0 9 93.5433 641.1771 tm (this interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with the a\ pplicable disclosure provisions of the )tj 0.063 tw 0 -1.444 td (rules governing the listing of securities on the stock exchange of hong \ kong limited \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.072 tw (listing rules)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw (\224\), )tj 0.027 tw 0 -1.444 td [(including )0.6 (compliance )0.6 (with )0.6 (hong )0.5 (kong )0.6 (accounting )0.6 (standard )0.6 (\(\223)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw (hkas)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tw [(\224\) )0.6 (34, )]tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.026 tw 32.003 0 td (interim financial reporting)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tw [(, )0.6 (issued )0.6 (by )]tj 0.025 tc 0.086 tw -32.003 -1.444 td (the hong kong institute of certified public accountants \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.025 tw (hkicpa)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\). it has been reviewed by the audit)25.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (committee of the company and was authorised for issue on 18 august 2023.\ )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with the sa\ me accounting policies adopted in)1 ( )]tj 0.019 tc 0 -1.444 td [(the 2022 annual financial statements, except for the accounting policy c\ hanges that are expected to be)19 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.053 tw 0 -1.444 td (reflected in the 2023 annual financial statements. details of any change\ s in accounting policies are set out in )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (note 2.)tj 0.015 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the preparation of the interim financial report in conformity )0.5 (with hkas34 requires management to make)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.444 td [(judgements, )0.6 (estimates )0.5 (and )0.6 (assumptions )0.6 (that )0.5 (affect )0.6 (the )0.6 (application )0.6 (of )0.5 (policies )0.5 (and )0.5 (reported )0.5 (amounts )0.5 (of )0.5 (assets )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (and liabilities, income and expenses on a year to date basis. actual res\ ults may differ from these estimates.)tj 0.001 tc 0.085 tw 0 -2.889 td [(t)0.5 (hi)0.5 (s)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (al)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 ( co)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (ns)0.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (de)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( co)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (li)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (al)0.5 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d s)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (at)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.03 tw 0 -1.444 td [(notes. )0.5 (the )0.5 (notes )0.5 (include )0.5 (an explanation )0.5 (of )0.5 (events )0.5 (and transactions )0.5 (that )0.5 (are )0.5 (significant )0.5 (to )0.5 (an understanding )0.5 (of )]tj 0.002 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.5 (changes in financial )0.5 (position )0.5 (and performance )0.5 (of the )0.5 (shanghai )0.5 (kindly )0.5 (medical instruments )0.5 (co., )0.5 (ltd. \(the)2.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.012 tc -0.012 tw 0.42 0 td (company)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.086 tw (\224\) and its subsidiaries \(together, the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.012 tw (group)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\) since the 2022 annual financial statements. the)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.067 tw -0.42 -1.444 td (condensed consolidated interim financial statements and notes thereon do\ not include all of the information )tj 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(required for a full set of financial statements prepared in accordance w\ ith hong kong financial reporting)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (standards \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (hkfrss)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\).)tj 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the interim financial report is unaudited, but has been reviewed by kpmg\ in accordance with hong kong)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (standard on review engagements 2410, )tj /t1_3 1 tf (review of interim financial information performed by the independent )tj 0.005 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td (auditor of the entity)tj /t1_1 1 tf [(, issued by the hkicpa. kpmg\222s independent review report to the board\ of directors is)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (included on page 25.)tj 0.03 tw 0 -2.889 td (the financial information relating to the financial year ended 31 decemb\ er 2022 that is included in the interim )tj 0.069 tw 0 -1.444 td (financial report as comparative information does not constitute the comp\ any\222s annual consolidated financial )tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(statements for that financial year but is derived from those financial s\ tatements. the company\222s annual)17 ( )]tj 0.006 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 december 2022 ar\ e available from the company\222s)6.1 ( )]tj 0.004 tc 0 -1.444 td [(registered office. the auditors have expressed an unqualified opinion on\ those financial statements in their)4 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (report dated 20 march 2023.)tj et endstream endobj 155 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (31)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 252.283 -13 re 323.15 666.142 42.52 -13 re 365.669 666.142 158.74 -13 re 70.866 653.142 252.283 -13 re 323.15 653.142 42.52 -13 re 365.669 653.142 79.37 -13 re 445.039 653.142 79.37 -13 re 70.866 640.142 252.283 -16.685 re 323.15 640.142 42.52 -16.685 re 365.669 640.142 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 640.142 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 654.6717 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_2 1 tf -18.328 -1.444 td (note)tj /t1_3 1 tf 7.277 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -45.321 -2.263 td (operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (cash generated from operations)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (80,451)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (79,278)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (payment for interest element of leases liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 39.815 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.019 0 td (\(32\))tj -47.834 -1.444 td (tax paid)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 36.744 0 td (\(14,261\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.79 0 td (\(4,308\))tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 565.0126 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 564.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 565.0126 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 564.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 565.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 564.7626 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 565.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 564.7626 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 553.2925 tm (net cash generated from operating activities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (66,190)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (74,938)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 549.0035 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 548.7535 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 549.0035 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 548.7535 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 549.0035 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 548.7535 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 549.0035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 548.7535 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 537.2835 tm (investing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (payment for purchase of property, plant and equipment and )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (intangible assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 35.154 0 td (\(123,629\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.862 0 td (\(91,388\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 38.539 0 td (363)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.555 0 td (23)tj -48.094 -1.444 td (payment for purchase of land use right)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 39.815 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 6.199 0 td (\(12,597\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (interest received from bank deposits)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.651 0 td (7,651)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (4,320)tj -46.794 -1.444 td (payment for placement of time deposits)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 36.744 0 td (\(10,000\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(90,000\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (refund of the investment deposit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.651 0 td (1,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10.983 0 td (\226)tj -48.634 -1.444 td (payment for the investment deposit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 36.744 0 td (\(25,000\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.79 0 td (\(1,000\))tj et []0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 428.9945 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 428.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 428.9945 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 428.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 428.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 428.7445 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 428.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 428.7445 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 417.2745 tm (net cash used in investing activities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 36.152 0 td (\(149,615\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.342 0 td (\(190,642\))tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 412.7354 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 412.7354 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 412.7354 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 412.7354 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 401.2654 tm (financing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (capital injection received from non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.651 0 td (3,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,500)tj -46.794 -1.444 td (proceeds from loans and borrowings)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (63,340)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.575 0 td (\226)tj -48.634 -1.444 td (payment for interest of loans and borrowings)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 38.224 0 td (\(798\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10.41 0 td (\226)tj -48.634 -1.444 td (payment for capital element of lease liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 39.815 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.019 0 td (\(95\))tj -47.834 -1.444 td (dividends paid to equity shareholders of the company)tj /t1_2 1 tf 28.737 0 td (17\(c\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8.007 0 td (\(40,320\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(43,680\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (dividends paid to holders of non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.336 0 td (\(6,000\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.198 0 td (\(2,529\))tj -46.534 -1.444 td (fund raised from issuance of shares)tj /t1_2 1 tf 28.709 0 td (11\(b\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11.106 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 6.459 0 td (24,000)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (payment for repurchase of own shares of the company)tj /t1_2 1 tf 28.737 0 td (11\(c\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10.079 0 td (\(45\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.818 0 td (\226)tj et []0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 292.7263 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 292.7263 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 292.7263 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 292.7263 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 281.2563 tm (net cash generated from/\(used in\) financing activities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (19,177)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.955 0 td (\(19,804\))tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 277.1317 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 275.2144 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 275.4644 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 277.1317 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 275.2144 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 275.4644 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 277.1317 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 275.2144 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 275.4644 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 277.1317 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 275.2144 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 275.4644 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 263.9944 tm (net decrease in cash and cash equivalents)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 36.744 0 td (\(64,248\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.75 0 td (\(135,508\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -45.494 -2.889 td (cash and cash equivalents at 1 january )tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (15)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.221 0 td (518,266)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (640,550)tj /t1_0 1 tf -45.754 -2.889 td (effects of foreign exchange rates changes)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.651 0 td (4,199)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (2,735)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 207.7053 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 207.4553 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 207.7053 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 207.4553 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 207.7053 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 207.4553 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 207.7053 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 207.4553 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 195.9853 tm (cash and cash equivalents at 30 june )tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (15)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.221 0 td (458,217)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (507,777)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 191.5103 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 190.7603 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 191.5103 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 190.7603 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 191.5103 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 190.7603 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 191.5103 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 190.7603 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 70.8661 58.2229 tm [(the notes on pages 32 to 50 form part of this interim financial report)0.5 (.)]tj et endstream endobj 156 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 313.6075 724.8961 tm (for the six-month period ended 30 june 2023 \227 unaudited)tj 13.978 -1.333 td (\(expressed in renminbi yuan\))tj et /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m 3.131 0 5.669 -2.538 5.669 -5.669 c 5.669 -708.661 l -532.913 -708.661 l -532.913 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 -532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 157 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 145.2639 737.3513 tm (condensed consolidated cash flow statement)tj et endstream endobj 164 0 obj <> endobj 166 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊� �o1������? �%m!��a���n���cy�u2� $~���(��x�.�|��1b�9pn� \��9���v&�g���2����\;�a~��1� ���p���o�b�����z��y��=�xl�f/�mz9�- ��8-s�ߊ��#��q·1���7c�(t�z��z!����kk�� �gy���s��f�����؊�eo�{��|`�%�$�g�}"����zq^ey�u�w�ػ�r����� ��v�b*��ts��r���k��c��o� 0u�g endstream endobj 162 0 obj <> endobj 163 0 obj <> endobj 171 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 169 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0��~ �c�.%` ! �ѕ�}g��z�s��wfr���'4�?3�ͱ��,�w?� ̢��0�w�a\���(̈́���8��z��|y���vctu"���i��x��x�u�y��7��:\�"�ܝ���,q��@��^z�� ��i ���a�?��ł��9e1z40�v�o� �*�u�ꌫ����ٖݮ��n}ted�$�!o���;������}n�yɯ��9rq� yϼg.پ$���_��qcfi6�`.�9���r2kb�,i��2�d͒4���̌ͩע��y�u\��zkp�a�e�u�w���$-b����� ϲ��8����,i����ks��e_� � *�� endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 27 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 28 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 29 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 30 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 186 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (30)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 119.055 -12 re 189.921 666.142 28.346 -12 re 218.268 666.142 170.079 -12 re 388.346 666.142 34.016 -12 re 422.362 666.142 34.016 -12 re 456.378 666.142 34.016 -12 re 490.394 666.142 34.016 -12 re 70.866 654.142 119.055 -3 re 189.921 654.142 28.346 -3 re 218.268 654.142 34.016 -3 re 252.283 654.142 34.016 -3 re 286.299 654.142 34.016 -3 re 320.315 654.142 34.016 -3 re 354.331 654.142 34.016 -3 re 388.346 654.142 34.016 -3 re 422.362 654.142 34.016 -3 re 456.378 654.142 34.016 -3 re 490.394 654.142 34.016 -3 re 70.866 651.142 119.055 -36 re 189.921 651.142 28.346 -36 re 218.268 651.142 34.016 -36 re 252.283 651.142 34.016 -36 re 286.299 651.142 34.016 -36 re 320.315 651.142 34.016 -36 re 354.331 651.142 34.016 -36 re 388.346 651.142 34.016 -36 re 422.362 651.142 34.016 -36 re 456.378 651.142 34.016 -36 re 490.394 651.142 34.016 -36 re 70.866 615.142 119.055 -15.685 re 189.921 615.142 28.346 -15.685 re 218.268 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 252.283 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 286.299 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 320.315 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 354.331 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 388.346 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 422.362 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 456.378 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re 490.394 615.142 34.016 -15.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 232.0648 655.5017 tm (attributable to equity shareholders of the company)tj et 0 0 0 0 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 218.2677 651.3917 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 233.8196 652.5017 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 651.3917 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 267.8354 652.5017 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2992 651.3917 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 301.8511 652.5017 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 651.3917 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 335.8669 652.5017 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 651.3917 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 369.8826 652.5017 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf -24.826 -3 td (share )tj -0.464 -1.5 td (capital)tj 5.13 1.5 td (treasury )tj 0.981 -1.5 td (shares)tj 5.889 1.5 td (capital )tj -0.239 -1.5 td (reserve)tj 5.147 3 td (statutory )tj 1.017 -1.5 td (surplus )tj -0.09 -1.5 td (reserve)tj 5.016 1.5 td (exchange )tj 1.058 -1.5 td (reserve)tj 5.388 1.5 td (retained )tj 1.128 -1.5 td (profits)tj 6.87 0 td (total)tj 6.185 3 td (non- )tj -2.746 -1.5 td (controlling )tj 0.711 -1.5 td (interests)tj 7.998 1.5 td (total )tj -0.647 -1.5 td (equity)tj /t1_2 1 tf -54.15 -1.5 td (note)tj 4.817 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 6.074 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -75.152 -2.421 td (balance at 1 january 2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.991 0 td (166,000)tj 8.954 0 td (\226)tj 3.194 0 td (927,305)tj 6.594 0 td (50,897)tj 6.334 0 td (\(1,164\))tj 5.294 0 td (252,434)tj 5.294 0 td (1,395,472)tj 7.374 0 td (42,448)tj 4.774 0 td (1,437,920)tj /t1_0 1 tf -74.805 -3 td (changes in equity for the six-month )tj 1.002 -1.5 td (period ended 30 june 2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf -1.002 -1.5 td (profit for the period)tj 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.714 0 td (50,841)tj 6.074 0 td (50,841)tj 7.114 0 td (\(716\))tj 5.034 0 td (50,125)tj -76.105 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income)tj 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (832)tj 7.134 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (832)tj 7.134 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (832)tj -77.405 -1.5 td (capital injection from non-controlling interests)tj 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (2,500)tj 6.074 0 td (2,500)tj -76.625 -1.5 td (equity settled share-based payments)tj /t1_2 1 tf 22.26 0 td (11)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.611 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (1,481)tj 7.914 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (1,481)tj 7.914 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (1,481)tj -76.625 -1.5 td (dividends to holders of non-controlling )tj 1.002 -1.5 td (interests)tj 28.869 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.974 0 td (\(2,529\))tj 6.074 0 td (\(2,529\))tj -76.365 -1.5 td (dividends approved in respect of p)tj 5.6 0 0 8 161.0942 465.1317 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 82.1481 453.1317 tm (revious year)tj /t1_2 1 tf 20.749 0 td (17\(c\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.12 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.454 0 td (\(43,680\))tj 6.074 0 td (\(43,680\))tj 8.694 0 td (\226)tj 3.454 0 td (\(43,680\))tj -75.845 -1.5 td (issuance of shares)tj /t1_2 1 tf 21.742 0 td (17\(a\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.289 0 td (2,000)tj 7.914 0 td (\226)tj 3.714 0 td (22,000)tj 8.434 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.714 0 td (24,000)tj 8.434 0 td (\226)tj 3.714 0 td (24,000)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8662 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8662 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 28.346 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 189.9213 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 218.2678 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 246.557 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 280.5728 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 314.5885 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 320.315 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 348.6042 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.62 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 416.6357 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 450.6515 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 456.378 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 484.6672 436.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 437.0126 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 518.683 436.7626 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 76.5355 426.1226 tm (balance at 30 june 2022 and 1 july 2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.991 0 td (168,000)tj 8.954 0 td (\226)tj 3.194 0 td (950,786)tj 6.594 0 td (50,897)tj 7.114 0 td (\(332\))tj 4.514 0 td (259,595)tj 5.294 0 td (1,428,946)tj 7.374 0 td (41,703)tj 4.774 0 td (1,470,649)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8662 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8662 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 28.346 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 189.9213 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 218.2678 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 246.5573 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 280.5728 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 314.5885 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 320.315 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 348.6042 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.62 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 416.6357 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 450.6515 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 456.378 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 484.6672 421.0675 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 421.8175 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 518.683 421.0675 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 76.5355 410.4276 tm (changes in equity for the six-month )tj 1.002 -1.5 td (period ended 31 december 2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf -1.002 -1.5 td (profit for the period)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.714 0 td (80,872)tj 6.074 0 td (80,872)tj 6.594 0 td (2,836)tj 5.554 0 td (83,708)tj -76.105 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (1,058)tj 7.914 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (1,058)tj 7.914 0 td (\226)tj 4.234 0 td (1,058)tj -76.625 -1.5 td (capital injection from non-controlling interests)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (352)tj 7.134 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (352)tj 6.074 0 td (648)tj 5.294 0 td (1,000)tj -76.625 -1.5 td (equity settled share-based payments)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (787)tj 7.134 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 5.014 0 td (787)tj 6.074 0 td (849)tj 5.294 0 td (1,636)tj -76.625 -1.5 td (dividends to holders of non-controlling )tj 1.002 -1.5 td (interests)tj 28.869 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.974 0 td (\(3,947\))tj 6.074 0 td (\(3,947\))tj -76.365 -1.5 td (appropriation for surplus reserve)tj 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.714 0 td (11,430)tj 8.434 0 td (\226)tj 3.454 0 td (\(11,430\))tj 8.694 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8662 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8662 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 28.346 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 189.9213 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 218.2678 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 246.557 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 280.5728 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 314.5885 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 320.315 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 348.6042 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.62 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 416.6357 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 450.6515 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 456.378 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 484.6672 310.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 310.3085 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 518.683 310.0585 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 76.5355 299.4185 tm (balance at 31 december 2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.991 0 td (168,000)tj 8.954 0 td (\226)tj 3.194 0 td (951,925)tj 6.594 0 td (62,327)tj 7.374 0 td (726)tj 4.254 0 td (329,037)tj 5.294 0 td (1,512,015)tj 7.374 0 td (42,089)tj 4.774 0 td (1,554,104)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8662 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8662 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 28.346 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 189.9213 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 218.2678 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 246.5573 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 280.5728 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 314.5885 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 320.315 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 348.6042 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.62 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 416.6357 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 450.6515 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 456.378 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 484.6672 294.3634 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 295.1134 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 518.683 294.3634 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 76.5355 283.7234 tm (balance at 31 december 2022 and )tj 5.6 0 0 8 171.6891 283.7234 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 82.1481 271.7234 tm (1 january 2023)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 25.521 0 td (168,000)tj 9.422 0 td (\226)tj 2.726 0 td (951,925)tj 6.666 0 td (62,327)tj 7.554 0 td (726)tj 4.002 0 td (329,037)tj 5.186 0 td (1,512,015)tj 7.554 0 td (42,089)tj 4.594 0 td (1,554,104)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs -74.229 -3.125 td (changes in equity for the six-month )tj 1.002 -1.5 td (period ended 30 june 2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf -1.002 -1.625 td (profit for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.318 0 td (80,502)tj 6.074 0 td (80,502)tj 8.738 0 td (3)tj 3.41 0 td (80,505)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -75.709 -1.625 td (other comprehensive income)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.91 0 td (1,049)tj 8.238 0 td (\226)tj 3.91 0 td (1,049)tj 8.238 0 td (\226)tj 3.91 0 td (1,049)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -76.301 -1.625 td (capital injection from non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.91 0 td (3,000)tj 6.074 0 td (3,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -76.301 -1.625 td (equity settled share-based payments)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 29.871 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.91 0 td (1,266)tj 8.238 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.91 0 td (1,266)tj 6.962 0 td (150)tj 5.186 0 td (1,416)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -76.301 -1.5 td (dividends to holders of )tj 5.6 0 0 8 133.9121 170.7234 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 82.148 158.7234 tm (non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 28.869 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.595 0 td (\(6,000\))tj 6.074 0 td (\(6,000\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -75.986 -1.5 td (dividends approved in respect of )tj 5.6 0 0 8 157.9806 146.7234 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 82.148 134.7234 tm (previous year)tj /t1_2 1 tf 20.749 0 td (17\(c\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8.12 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 3.003 0 td (\(40,320\))tj 6.074 0 td (\(40,320\))tj 9.145 0 td (\226)tj 3.003 0 td (\(40,320\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -75.394 -1.5 td (repurchase of shares for share award scheme)tj /t1_2 1 tf 21.723 0 td (17\(b\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8.148 0 td (\226)tj 5.075 0 td (\(45\))tj 7.073 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 6.074 0 td (\226)tj 5.075 0 td (\(45\))tj 7.073 0 td (\226)tj 5.075 0 td (\(45\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 70.8662 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8662 118.3544 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 28.346 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 189.9213 118.3544 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 218.2678 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 246.5491 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 280.5649 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 314.5806 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 348.5964 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6121 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 416.6279 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 450.6436 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 456.378 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 484.6594 118.3544 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 118.6044 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 518.6751 118.3544 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 5.6 0 0 8 76.5355 106.7144 tm (balance at 30 june 2023)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 26.523 0 td (168,000)tj 8.423 0 td (\(45\))tj 3.725 0 td (953,191)tj 6.666 0 td (62,327)tj 6.666 0 td (1,775)tj 4.89 0 td (369,219)tj 5.186 0 td (1,554,467)tj 7.554 0 td (39,242)tj 4.594 0 td (1,593,709)tj et 1.5 w q 1 0 0 1 70.8662 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8662 101.6594 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 28.346 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 189.9213 101.6594 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 218.2678 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 246.5491 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 280.5649 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 314.5806 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 348.5964 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 382.6121 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 416.6279 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 450.6436 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 456.378 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 484.6594 101.6594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 102.4094 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 518.6751 101.6594 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 58.2229 tm [(the notes on pages 32 to 50 form part of this interim financial report)0.5 (.)]tj et endstream endobj 187 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 70.8661 725.1796 tm (for the six-month period ended 30 june 2023 \227 unaudited)tj 0 -1.333 td (\(expressed in renminbi yuan\))tj et /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 188 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (consolidated statement of changes in equity)tj et endstream endobj 191 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0e���y6�h�<$ �"�ģ���=�h�x�,���0q*�̱���$ey,};b�{[�m�]ġ�e�p�k�u����߶��jh\mè]�^�5�1n���� .t���_�髨�t�~�c?b y��k^�!�e��q��%i�n|na5�31c{�c�-��_q��v�l w�ݿ~�٥��utfňӕ�2�lf*�k�5�fxì�5�vx˼�1����s!\0���'��y��-~4���g�-~4���g�-����ߐ#�i�#_{�����9g�i�}r�~k˗> endstream endobj 189 0 obj <> endobj 190 0 obj <> endobj 198 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 196 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0��~ �c�.%` ! �ѕ�}g��z�s��wfr���'4�?3�ͱ��,�w?� ̢��0�w�a\���(̈́���8��z��|y���vctu"���i��x��x�u�y��7��:\�"�ܝ���,q��@��^z�� ��i ���a�?��ł��9e1z40�v�o� �*�u�ꌫ����ٖݮ��n}ted�$�!o���;������}n�yɯ��9rq� yϼg.پ$���_��qcfi6�`.�9���r2kb�,i��2�d͒4���̌ͩע��y�u\��zkp�a�e�u�w���$-b����� ϲ��8����,i����ks��e_� � *�� endstream endobj 183 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (29)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 252.283 -26 re 323.15 666.142 42.52 -26 re 365.669 666.142 79.37 -26 re 445.039 666.142 79.37 -26 re 70.866 640.142 252.283 -13 re 323.15 640.142 42.52 -13 re 365.669 640.142 79.37 -13 re 445.039 640.142 79.37 -13 re 70.866 627.142 252.283 -16.685 re 323.15 627.142 42.52 -16.685 re 365.669 627.142 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 627.142 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 654.6717 tm (at)tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at)tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_2 1 tf -18.328 -1.444 td (note)tj /t1_3 1 tf 7.277 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -45.321 -2.263 td (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (lease liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (15,285)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (15,944)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (deferred income)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (12,085)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (10,949)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (deferred tax liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.651 0 td (8,487)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (6,672)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 552.0126 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 551.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 552.0126 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 551.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 552.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 551.7626 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 552.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 551.7626 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 410.0664 540.2925 tm (35,857)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (33,565)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 537.4208 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 535.5035 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 535.7535 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 537.4208 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 535.5035 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 535.7535 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 537.4208 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 535.5035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 535.7535 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 537.4208 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 535.5035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 535.7535 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 524.2835 tm (net assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 35.579 0 td (1,593,709)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.395 0 td (1,554,104)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 519.8085 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 519.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 519.8085 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 519.0585 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 519.8085 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 519.0585 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 519.8085 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 519.0585 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 507.5884 tm (capital and reserves)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (17)tj /t1_1 1 tf -29.246 -1.444 td (share capital)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 36.467 0 td (168,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (168,000)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (reserves)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 35.579 0 td (1,386,467)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.395 0 td (1,344,015)tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 477.2994 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 477.0494 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 477.2994 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 477.0494 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 477.2994 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 477.0494 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 477.2994 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 477.0494 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 465.5794 tm (total equity attributable to equity shareholders )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (of the company)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 34.581 0 td (1,554,467)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.395 0 td (1,512,015)tj /t1_0 1 tf -44.974 -2.889 td (non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (39,242)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (42,089)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 422.2904 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 422.0404 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 422.2904 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 422.0404 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 422.2904 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 422.0404 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 422.2904 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 422.0404 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 410.5704 tm (total equity)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 35.579 0 td (1,593,709)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.395 0 td (1,554,104)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 406.0953 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 405.3453 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 406.0953 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 405.3453 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 406.0953 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 405.3453 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 406.0953 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 405.3453 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 356.4053 tm (approved and authorised for issue by the board of directors on 18 august\ 2023.)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 287.1163 cm 0 0 m 170.079 0 l s q bt 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 286.8663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 276.9263 tm (liang dongke)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (director)tj et q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 181.6372 cm 0 0 m 170.079 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 181.3872 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 171.4472 tm (lin sen)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (director)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -4.333 td (\(company stamp\))tj 0 -6.803 td [(the notes on pages 32 to 50 form part of this interim financial report)0.5 (.)]tj et endstream endobj 184 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 418.2925 724.8961 tm (at 30 june 2023 \227 unaudited)tj 0.02 -1.333 td (\(expressed in renminbi yuan\))tj et /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m 3.131 0 5.669 -2.538 5.669 -5.669 c 5.669 -708.661 l -532.913 -708.661 l -532.913 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 -532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 185 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 151.5921 737.3513 tm (consolidated statement of financial position)tj et endstream endobj 203 0 obj <> endobj 205 0 obj <>stream h�\�ϊ� ��>��c1ic�%m!���f�r�t��cy���� ��d���q�ͩq6�|�n1bo� 8����x�n�[0v��ny��y!i��sġq�(��%�fx�xŵ�o�`�����]�l�����.bu{���݀ ٦1��qސ�������>of�hp��й�2�qay�q t�_>/�����.�rˇ���(�|a ļ�;�"q�� �}�=�!�n\3���ω�̗�d�tƀb*�u\w���!��$�<<���!p���yz�ݱ�?�g��)~-�� endstream endobj 201 0 obj <> endobj 202 0 obj <> endobj 210 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 208 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0e�� -�e��j�b��}p��h��p�bv���hb �:b�^fe����a�ѻ�t ��k<���k��v$�4�^���c�d��v��o��d���w�t0�6"z��`�����nd�ޜ���"cy��@�a/�{�f�q�m��òn���\�4�.fof�i𝽂�b���q������l�����ji�8!�w�{�=rƚ�4yʜg�r^� ��|@.x_���̂2�$0nȭ)is��91g��y�� ����|fv\��:g*�t\��:� �w��(_���}���8���o��;.}�7�e�y��pw ���&'�e��`y�� endstream endobj 180 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (28)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 252.283 -26 re 323.15 666.142 42.52 -26 re 365.669 666.142 79.37 -26 re 445.039 666.142 79.37 -26 re 70.866 640.142 252.283 -13 re 323.15 640.142 42.52 -13 re 365.669 640.142 79.37 -13 re 445.039 640.142 79.37 -13 re 70.866 627.142 252.283 -16.685 re 323.15 627.142 42.52 -16.685 re 365.669 627.142 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 627.142 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 429.2093 654.6717 tm (at)tj -2.591 -1.444 td (30 june)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.576 1.444 td (at)tj -4.856 -1.444 td (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf -5.368 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_2 1 tf -18.328 -1.444 td (note)tj /t1_3 1 tf 7.277 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -45.321 -2.263 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (property, plant and equipment)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.505 0 td (8)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 6.962 0 td (753,707)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (633,671)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (intangible assets)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.505 0 td (9)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.554 0 td (91,390)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (69,920)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (right-of-use assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 36.467 0 td (111,103)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (115,943)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (time deposits)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (15)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.813 0 td (10,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.575 0 td (\226)tj -48.634 -1.444 td (other non-current assets)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (10)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.813 0 td (53,111)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (28,369)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (14)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.221 0 td (166,974)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (162,454)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (deferred tax assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (21,435)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (15,036)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 500.0126 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 499.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 500.0126 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 499.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 500.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 499.7626 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 500.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 499.7626 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 396.7466 488.2925 tm (1,207,720)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.395 0 td (1,025,393)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 484.0035 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 483.7535 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 484.0035 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 483.7535 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 484.0035 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 483.7535 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 484.0035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 483.7535 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 472.2835 tm (current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (inventories)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (12)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.221 0 td (154,205)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (154,277)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (trade and other receivables)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (13)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.813 0 td (66,254)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (79,531)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (other current assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (39,520)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (39,867)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (15)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.221 0 td (458,217)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (518,266)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (time deposits)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (15)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.813 0 td (10,000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (10,000)tj et []0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 402.9945 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 402.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 402.9945 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 402.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 402.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 402.7445 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 402.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 402.7445 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7384 391.2745 tm (728,196)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (801,941)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 386.9854 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 386.7354 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 386.9854 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 386.7354 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 386.9854 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 386.7354 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 386.9854 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 386.7354 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 375.2654 tm (current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (trade and other payables)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.246 0 td (16)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.221 0 td (150,860)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (127,386)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (contract liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (47,032)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (65,453)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (loans and borrowings)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (96,060)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (32,683)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (lease liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 39.815 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.759 0 td (201)tj -47.574 -1.444 td (deferred income)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.651 0 td (1,566)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.143 0 td (1,345)tj -46.794 -1.444 td (current taxation)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (10,832)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (12,597)tj et []0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 292.7263 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 292.7263 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 292.7263 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 292.9763 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 292.7263 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 404.7384 281.2563 tm (306,350)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (239,665)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 278.3846 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 276.4673 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 276.7173 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 278.3846 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 276.4673 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 276.7173 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 278.3846 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 276.4673 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 276.7173 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 278.3846 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 276.4673 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 276.7173 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 265.2473 tm (net current assets)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 36.467 0 td (421,846)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.287 0 td (562,276)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 262.3756 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 260.4583 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 260.7083 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 262.3756 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 260.4583 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 260.7083 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 262.3756 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 260.4583 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 260.7083 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 262.3756 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q []0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 260.4583 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 260.7083 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 249.2382 tm (total assets less current liabilities)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 35.579 0 td (1,629,566)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.395 0 td (1,587,669)tj et [2.002 2.002]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 244.9492 cm 0 0 m 250.299 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 244.6992 tm ( )tj et [1.93 1.93]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 244.9492 cm 0 0 m 40.535 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 244.6992 tm ( )tj et [1.984 1.984]0 d /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 244.9492 cm 0 0 m 77.386 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 244.6992 tm ( )tj et [2.035 2.035]0 d q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 244.9492 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 244.6992 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 70.8661 58.2229 tm [(the notes on pages 32 to 50 form part of this interim financial report)0.5 (.)]tj et endstream endobj 181 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 70.8661 724.8961 tm (at 30 june 2023 \227 unaudited)tj 0 -1.333 td (\(expressed in renminbi yuan\))tj et /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 182 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (consolidated statement of financial position)tj et endstream endobj 215 0 obj <> endobj 217 0 obj <>stream h�\�ϊ� ��>��c1ic�%m!���f�r�t��cy���� ��d���q�ͩq6�|�n1bo� 8����x�n�[0v��ny��y!i��sġq�(��%�fx�xŵ�o�`�����]�l�����.bu{���݀ ٦1��qސ�������>of�hp��й�2�qay�q t�_>/�����.�rˇ���(�|a ļ�;�"q�� �}�=�!�n\3���ω�̗�d�tƀb*�u\w���!��$�<<���!p���yz�ݱ�?�g��)~-�� endstream endobj 213 0 obj <> endobj 214 0 obj <> endobj 222 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 220 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0e�� -�e��j�b��}p��h��p�bv���hb �:b�^fe����a�ѻ�t ��k<���k��v$�4�^���c�d��v��o��d���w�t0�6"z��`�����nd�ޜ���"cy��@�a/�{�f�q�m��òn���\�4�.fof�i𝽂�b���q������l�����ji�8!�w�{�=rƚ�4yʜg�r^� ��|@.x_���̂2�$0nȭ)is��91g��y�� ����|fv\��:g*�t\��:� �w��(_���}���8���o��;.}�7�e�y��pw ���&'�e��`y�� endstream endobj 177 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (27)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 294.803 -13 re 365.669 666.142 158.74 -13 re 70.866 653.142 294.803 -13 re 365.669 653.142 79.37 -13 re 445.039 653.142 79.37 -13 re 70.866 640.142 294.803 -16.685 re 365.669 640.142 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 640.142 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 654.6717 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_2 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_3 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -45.321 -2.263 td (profit for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (80,505)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,125)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 604.0126 cm 0 0 m 294.803 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 603.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 604.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 603.7626 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 604.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 603.7626 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 592.2925 tm (other comprehensive income for the period )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (\(after tax and reclassification adjustments\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.998 -2.889 td (item that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:)tj 0 -2.889 td (exchange differences on translation of financial statements )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (of an overseas subsidiary)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 36.653 0 td (1,049)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.923 0 td (832)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 510.0035 cm 0 0 m 294.803 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 509.7535 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 510.0035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 509.7535 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 510.0035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 509.7535 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 498.2835 tm (other comprehensive income)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.651 0 td (1,049)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.923 0 td (832)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 493.9945 cm 0 0 m 294.803 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 493.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 493.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 493.7445 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 493.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 493.7445 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 482.2745 tm (total comprehensive income for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (81,554)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,957)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 477.7994 cm 0 0 m 294.803 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 477.0494 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 477.7994 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 477.0494 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 477.7994 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 477.0494 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 465.5794 tm (attributable to:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (equity shareholders of the company)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 37.059 0 td (81,551)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (51,673)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 39.723 0 td (3)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.591 0 td (\(716\))tj et 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 435.2904 cm 0 0 m 294.803 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 435.0404 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 435.2904 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 435.0404 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 435.2904 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 435.0404 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 423.5704 tm (total comprehensive income for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (81,554)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,957)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 419.0953 cm 0 0 m 294.803 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 418.3453 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 419.0953 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 418.3453 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 419.0953 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 418.3453 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 70.8661 58.2229 tm [(the notes on pages 32 to 50 form part of this interim financial report)0.5 (.)]tj et endstream endobj 178 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 313.6075 724.8961 tm (for the six-month period ended 30 june 2023 \227 unaudited)tj 13.978 -1.333 td (\(expressed in renminbi yuan\))tj et /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m 3.131 0 5.669 -2.538 5.669 -5.669 c 5.669 -708.661 l -532.913 -708.661 l -532.913 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 -532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 179 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf -0.015 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 11.25 0 0 15 76.3892 737.3513 tm (consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income)tj et endstream endobj 227 0 obj <> endobj 229 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b����ѧۂ�m��~��>�&cwxc�����s������&qq�j�m���t8a�9pn� 4x�jr�����k�ګ���y��/];�,���)̰z�c�k���swx}�������&�!��bk?z��k�#dk٦���m�j�v|�!]扄1����c������� =�bg��'orִ�*kysӡ�]���v�e��;�k�^�g��q|d�}��g�}s�lk�yt*nْgs-y4�ђ�>��t|l�x���b�v.w���;�9|ܲ> endobj 226 0 obj <> endobj 234 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 232 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0��~ �c�.%` ! �ѕ�}g��z�s��wfr���'4�?3�ͱ��,�w?� ̢��0�w�a\���(̈́���8��z��|y���vctu"���i��x��x�u�y��7��:\�"�ܝ���,q��@��^z�� ��i ���a�?��ł��9e1z40�v�o� �*�u�ꌫ����ٖݮ��n}ted�$�!o���;������}n�yɯ��9rq� yϼg.پ$���_��qcfi6�`.�9���r2kb�,i��2�d͒4���̌ͩע��y�u\��zkp�a�e�u�w���$-b����� ϲ��8����,i����ks��e_� � *�� endstream endobj 174 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (26)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.023 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 71.2229 tm [(the notes on pages 32 to 50 form part of this interim financial report. \ details of dividends payable to equity)23 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (shareholders of the company are set out in note 17.)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 252.283 -13 re 323.15 666.142 42.52 -13 re 365.669 666.142 158.74 -13 re 70.866 653.142 252.283 -13 re 323.15 653.142 42.52 -13 re 365.669 653.142 79.37 -13 re 445.039 653.142 79.37 -13 re 70.866 640.142 252.283 -16.685 re 323.15 640.142 42.52 -16.685 re 365.669 640.142 79.37 -16.685 re 445.039 640.142 79.37 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 373.7964 654.6717 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj /t1_2 1 tf -4.303 -1.444 td (note)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.221 0 td (2023)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.107 0 td (2022)tj /t1_3 1 tf -11.051 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9.318 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -45.321 -2.263 td (revenue)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.505 0 td (3)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 6.962 0 td (339,764)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.287 0 td (225,217)tj -45.754 -1.444 td (cost of sales)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 36.152 0 td (\(139,414\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.342 0 td (\(101,194\))tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 591.0126 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 590.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 591.0126 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 590.7626 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 591.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 590.7626 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 591.0126 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 590.7626 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 579.2925 tm (gross profit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 36.467 0 td (200,350)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.287 0 td (124,023)tj -45.754 -2.889 td (other income)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.505 0 td (4)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.554 0 td (22,794)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.215 0 td (21,811)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (distribution costs)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 36.744 0 td (\(33,021\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(21,724\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (administrative expenses)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 36.744 0 td (\(36,389\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(28,392\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (research and development expenses)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 36.744 0 td (\(64,593\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.27 0 td (\(37,930\))tj -46.014 -1.444 td (reversal/\(recognition\) of impairment losses)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 38.539 0 td (481)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8.775 0 td (\(637\))tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 497.0035 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 496.7535 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 497.0035 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 496.7535 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 497.0035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 496.7535 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 497.0035 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 496.7535 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 485.2835 tm (profit from operations)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (89,622)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.215 0 td (57,151)tj -46.274 -2.889 td (finance costs)tj /t1_2 1 tf 28.986 0 td (5\(a\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.35 0 td (\(1,205\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.978 0 td (\(322\))tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 454.9945 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 454.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 454.9945 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 454.7445 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 454.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 454.7445 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 454.9945 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 454.7445 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 443.2745 tm (profit before taxation)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.505 0 td (5)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.554 0 td (88,417)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.215 0 td (56,829)tj -46.274 -2.889 td (income tax)tj /t1_2 1 tf 29.505 0 td (6)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.831 0 td (\(7,912\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.198 0 td (\(6,704\))tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 412.7354 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 412.7354 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 412.7354 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 412.9854 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 412.7354 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 401.2654 tm (profit for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (80,505)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,125)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 396.9763 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 396.7263 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 396.9763 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 396.7263 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 396.9763 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 396.7263 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 396.9763 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 396.7263 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 385.2563 tm (attributable to:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (equity shareholders of the company)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 37.059 0 td (80,502)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,841)tj -46.274 -1.444 td (non-controlling interests)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 39.723 0 td (3)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7.591 0 td (\(716\))tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 354.9673 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 354.7173 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 354.9673 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 354.7173 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 354.9673 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 354.7173 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 354.9673 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 354.7173 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 343.2473 tm (profit for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 37.059 0 td (80,505)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.215 0 td (50,125)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 338.9583 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 338.7083 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 338.9583 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 338.7083 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 338.9583 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 338.7083 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 338.9583 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 338.7083 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 327.2382 tm (earnings per share )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(rmb\))tj 29.505 0 td (7)tj /t1_0 1 tf -29.505 -2.889 td (basic )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(rmb\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 38.243 0 td (0.48)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (0.31)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 296.7632 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 296.0132 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 296.7632 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 296.0132 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 296.7632 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 296.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 296.7632 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 296.0132 tm ( )tj 9 0 0 9 76.5354 284.5432 tm (diluted )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(rmb\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 38.243 0 td (0.47)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (0.30)tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.8661 280.0682 cm 0 0 m 252.283 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.8661 279.3182 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 280.0682 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 323.1496 279.3182 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 365.6693 280.0682 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 365.6693 279.3182 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 445.0394 280.0682 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 445.0394 279.3182 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 175 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 70.8661 724.8961 tm (for the six-month period ended 30 june 2023 \227 unaudited)tj 0 -1.333 td (\(expressed in renminbi yuan\))tj et /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 176 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (consolidated statement of profit or loss)tj et endstream endobj 239 0 obj <> endobj 241 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq�օb�����e{��v���'=��'e��l����υ.�s� �{l���w��-�o�wi���㶜�o��$��q¾�����%�)ΰ:��k�ߢ������z �����=� ( p��c/mxmz��6��|7���u|�![���14c�o��v��v�л�ԉ����&�<��$���]�0��y'�c6†y/�g>�k��$|b> ��/�d27���� g����#(���{4x���c��-�z�ŝ�<>����~q�/ endstream endobj 237 0 obj <> endobj 238 0 obj <> endobj 246 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 244 0 obj <>stream 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obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 264 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 273 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (25)tj et q q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 70.866 631.985 85.04 34.156 re w n /cs1 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 137.0266 666.1419 cm 0 0 m 0 -17.043 l -0.596 -17.513 -1.102 -18.017 -1.573 -18.56 c -1.573 0 l -20.453 0 l -20.453 -15.519 l -22.016 -15.519 l -22.016 0 l -40.899 0 l -40.899 -15.544 l -42.461 -15.544 l -42.461 0 l -61.344 0 l -61.344 -17.717 l -66.161 -33.78 l -61.924 -33.78 l -59.795 -26.665 l -59.183 -26.665 l -55.669 -33.78 l -50.55 -33.78 l -53.959 -26.665 l -46.223 -26.665 l -48.369 -33.78 l -43.739 -33.78 l -41.621 -26.685 l -40.604 -26.685 l -40.604 -26.665 l -39.148 -26.665 l -39.032 -26.665 l -30.296 -26.665 l -32.34 -33.759 l -27.672 -33.759 l -25.691 -26.665 l -23.59 -26.665 l -23.534 -33.759 l -19.617 -33.759 l -15.123 -26.665 l -12.179 -26.665 l -13.698 -33.759 l -9.101 -33.759 l -7.61 -26.665 l -4.952 -26.665 l -5.057 -28.865 -4.496 -30.861 -3.037 -32.206 c -1.256 -33.843 1.478 -34.156 3.503 -34.156 c 6.272 -34.156 9.148 -33.759 12.04 -33.107 c 13.633 -26.665 l 18.879 -26.665 l 18.879 0 l h -43.141 -16.449 m -43.416 -17.359 l -45.925 -25.707 l -46.024 -26.001 l -54.281 -26.001 l -54.926 -24.641 l -46.024 -15.544 l -51.743 -15.544 l -58.704 -23.043 l -56.45 -15.544 l -60.667 -15.544 l -60.667 -0.673 l -43.141 -0.673 l h -38.266 -23.508 m -38.272 -23.508 l -38.442 -23.517 -38.613 -23.532 -38.808 -23.532 c -39.064 -23.532 -39.264 -23.541 -39.453 -23.541 c -40.576 -23.532 l -40.056 -21.613 l -39.811 -20.66 l -39.222 -18.428 l -38.961 -18.428 -38.705 -18.419 -38.461 -18.419 c -37.592 -18.419 l -36.109 -18.419 -35.17 -18.503 -34.829 -18.98 c -34.567 -19.338 -34.601 -19.957 -34.91 -20.899 c -35.439 -22.521 -36.109 -23.344 -38.266 -23.508 c -25.502 -26.001 m -23.655 -19.445 l -23.59 -26.001 l h -22.695 -15.519 m -27.084 -15.519 l -30.095 -26.001 l -34.75 -26.001 l -32.378 -25.124 -30.935 -23.449 -30.489 -20.963 c -30.121 -19.031 -30.296 -17.759 -31.083 -16.808 c -32.264 -15.392 -34.633 -15.513 -36.739 -15.513 c -37.107 -15.513 -40.22 -15.519 y -40.22 -0.673 l -22.695 -0.673 l h -12.047 -26.001 m -14.685 -26.001 l -10.691 -19.718 l h -2.252 -15.814 m -2.261 -19.445 l -3.484 -21.134 -4.244 -22.979 -4.598 -24.465 c -4.733 -24.986 -4.827 -25.491 -4.878 -26.001 c -7.456 -26.001 l -5.252 -15.544 l -12.669 -15.537 l -19.307 -26.001 l -19.791 -26.001 l -19.791 -0.673 l -2.252 -0.673 l h 7.859 -30.282 m 6.857 -30.463 5.859 -30.584 4.908 -30.584 c 2.379 -30.584 0.62 -29.408 0.583 -26.665 c 8.756 -26.665 l h 18.213 -26.001 m 13.795 -26.001 l 14.524 -23.079 l 5.671 -23.079 l 4.944 -26.001 l 0.666 -26.001 l 0.666 -25.401 l 0.732 -25.072 0.789 -24.727 0.872 -24.357 c 1.649 -21.207 3.718 -18.093 7.296 -18.093 c 8.712 -18.093 10.119 -18.633 9.926 -20.592 c 15.193 -20.592 l 15.401 -19.678 15.749 -18.121 14.755 -16.69 c 13.633 -15.135 11.371 -14.511 8.439 -14.511 c 6.352 -14.511 3.302 -14.845 0.666 -16.565 c 0.666 -0.673 l 18.213 -0.673 l h f q q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 618.9726 tm (review report to the board of directors of)tj 0 -1.444 td (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (\(incorporated in the people\222s republic of china with limited liabili\ ty\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 564.338 tm (introduction)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 548.7033 tm [(we )0.5 (have )0.5 (reviewed )0.5 (the )0.5 (interim )0.6 (financial )0.6 (report )0.5 (set )0.6 (out )0.5 (on )0.5 (pages )0.6 (26 )0.6 (to )0.6 (50 )0.5 (which )0.5 (comprises )0.5 (the )0.5 (consolidated)28 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.033 tw 0 -1.422 td (statement of financial position of shanghai kindly medical instruments c\ o., ltd. \(the \223company\224\) as of 30 june 2023 )tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.422 td [(and the related consolidated statement of profit or loss, statement of p\ rofit or loss and other comprehensive income)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.017 tw 0 -1.422 td (and statement of changes in equity and condensed consolidated cash flow \ statement for the six-month period then )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.422 td [(ended and explanatory notes. the rules governing the listing of securiti\ es on the stock exchange of hong kong)1 ( )]tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.422 td [(limited require the preparation of an interim financial report to be in \ compliance with the relevant provisions thereof)-0.9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.422 td (and hong kong accounting standard 34, )tj /t1_1 1 tf (interim financial reporting)tj /t1_3 1 tf (, issued by the hong kong institute of certified )tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.422 td [(public accountants. the directors are responsible for the preparation an\ d presentation of the interim financial report)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 -1.422 td (in accordance with hong kong accounting standard 34.)tj 0.005 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.844 td [(our responsibility is to form a conclusion, based on our review, on the \ interim financial report and to report our)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.014 tw 0 -1.422 td (conclusion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with our agreed terms\ of engagement, and for no other purpose. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.422 td [(we do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any ot)0.5 (her person for the contents of this report.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 366.6687 tm (scope of review)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.018 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 351.0341 tm (we conducted our review in accordance with hong kong standard on review \ engagements 2410, )tj /t1_1 1 tf (review of interim )tj 0.015 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.422 td (financial information performed by the independent auditor of the entity\ ,)tj /t1_3 1 tf [( issued by the hong kong institute of)15 ( )]tj 0.014 tc 0 -1.422 td [(certified public accountants. a review of the interim financial report c\ onsists of making enquiries, primarily of)14 ( )]tj 0.001 tc 0 -1.422 td [(persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying a\ nalytical and other review procedures. a)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.05 tw 0 -1.422 td (review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accorda\ nce with hong kong standards on auditing )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.422 td [(and )0.5 (consequently )0.6 (does )0.5 (not )0.6 (enable )0.6 (us )0.6 (to )0.5 (obtain )0.6 (assurance )0.5 (that )0.5 (we )0.6 (would )0.5 (become )0.6 (aware )0.5 (of )0.5 (all )0.5 (significant )0.6 (matters)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.422 td [(that might be identified in an audit. accordingly we do not express)0.5 ( an audit opinion.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 245.7994 tm (conclusion)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_3 1 tf 0.008 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 230.1647 tm (based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to\ believe that the interim financial report as )tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.422 td [(at 30 june 2023 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance\ with hong kong accounting standard 34,)3 ( )]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.422 td (interim financial reporting)tj /t1_3 1 tf (.)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -5.689 td (kpmg)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.422 td (certified public accountants)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -2.844 td (8th floor, prince\222s building)tj 0 -1.422 td (10 chater road)tj 0 -1.422 td (central, hong kong)tj 0 -2.844 td (18 august 2023)tj et endstream endobj 276 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream /cs0 cs 0.05 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m 3.131 0 5.669 -2.538 5.669 -5.669 c 5.669 -708.661 l -532.913 -708.661 l -532.913 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 -532.9134 694.4882 cm 0 0 m -3.131 0 -5.669 -2.538 -5.669 -5.669 c -5.669 -708.661 l 532.913 -708.661 l 532.913 0 l h f q q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 277 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 235.2346 737.3513 tm (independent auditor\222s review report)tj et endstream endobj 279 0 obj <> endobj 281 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq��-] 9�����t��1nz��o�k3����lk�x?׮�a���48c�;po� \��;�`{3�oq5c�$q�l3��f�5� 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application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator saved xmp.iid:a7cf241a3d67e011a84c87e4cdb61d1f 2011-04-15t16:48:15 08:00 adobe illustrator cs5 / saved xmp.iid:2598aabd-c85a-de4d-bb24-26ff6c751630 2020-04-17t10:01:07 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2017 (windows) / converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator print 1 false true 224.401127 121.664942 millimeters black 預設色票群組 0 white cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 black cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 pantone 287 spot 100.000000 cmyk 100.000000 75.000000 2.000000 17.000000 adobe pdf library 9.90 endstream endobj 274 0 obj [/separation/black/devicecmyk<>] endobj 271 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (24)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.022 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6864 tm [(if the award is vested in the form of award shares, the selected partici\ pant shall assume the grant cost for)22 ( )]tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(accepting the award shares, namely the grant cost \(the product of the g\ rant price of the award shares on the grant)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.01 tw 0 -1.444 td (date multiplied by the number of award shares granted to a selected part\ icipant by the board of delegatee \(subject )tj 0.009 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e f)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)0.5 ( de)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)0.5 ( by)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (r)0.5 (d o)0.5 (r t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e d)0.5 (e)0.5 (le)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (e)0.5 (\))0.5 (, s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (uc)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( f)0.5 (ro)0.5 (m)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (tu)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (li)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (ic)0.5 (e)0.5 ( of)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (award shares.)tj 0.074 tw 0 -2.889 td (the h share award and trust scheme will expire on the 10th anniversary o\ f 16 may 2022 when it was adopted at )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the 2022 agm.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11.45 70.8661 538.204 tm (material events after the reporting period)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 525.204 tm (in july 2023, the trustee of the h share award and trust scheme repurcha\ sed 31,400 h shares of the company on )tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the market at an average prevailing market price of hkd24.52 \(approxima\ tely equivalent to rmb22.58\) and an)17 ( )]tj 0.005 tc 0 -1.444 td [(aggregate consideration of approximately hkd770,000 \(equivalent to appr\ oximately rmb709,000\) for the h share)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (award and trust scheme.)tj 0 -2.889 td [(save as disclosed above, there was no other material events that mig)0.5 (ht affect the group after the reporting period.)]tj 33.144 -2.889 td (by order of the board)tj /t1_2 1 tf -6.896 -1.444 td (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd.)tj /t1_0 1 tf (*)tj /c0_0 1 tf 4.047 -1.444 td <026a090e0a7011430d3a153c1415129c0adb0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_2 1 tf 3.324 -1.444 td (dr. liang dongke)tj /t1_3 1 tf 2.073 -1.444 td (chairman)tj /t1_0 1 tf -35.692 -2.889 td (shanghai, the prc)tj 0 -1.444 td (18 august 2023)tj et endstream endobj 269 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (supplementary information)tj et q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 287 0 obj <> endobj 288 0 obj <> endobj 292 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 290 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq�օb�����e{��v���'=��'e�����y�%]v��w��8�'h;�"��=z� �:�� \g��n�۾ j���� �ʷ��s���8��� 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h�@��$s���c�j����i�r�<�)v"��s��a �&�� ���&�����'h�ܛ�p�-�dr� �z���?n�x endstream endobj 270 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (23)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm (as at 1 january 2023 and at 30 june 2023, the total number of awards ava\ ilable for grant under the scheme mandate )tj 0.055 tw 0 -1.444 td (is nil and nil, respectively, because all 5,000,000 domestic shares in t\ he form of restricted shares under the share )tj 0.072 tw 0 -1.444 td (incentive scheme \(being the only share scheme of the company that invol\ ves issuance of new shares\) have been )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (fully granted.)tj 0.066 tw 0 -2.889 td (the number of shares that may be issued in respect of awards granted und\ er all schemes of the company during )tj 0.013 tw 0 -1.444 td (the reporting period divided by the weighted average number of ordinary \ shares in issue for the reporting period is )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately 1.8%.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 538.8371 tm (h share award and trust scheme)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 525.837 tm [(reference )0.5 (is )0.5 (made )0.5 (to the )0.5 (announcements )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (dated )0.5 (18 )0.5 (march 2022 and )0.5 (16 )0.5 (may 2022 )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (circular )]tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(of the company dated 11 april 2022 in relation to, among others, the ado\ ption of the h share award and trust)9.1 ( )]tj 0.004 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(scheme. the adoption of h share award and trust scheme was approved by t\ he shareholders at the 2022 agm)4 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.444 td (held on 16 may 2022. for the principal terms of the h share award and tr\ ust scheme, please refer to the circular of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the company dated 11 april 2022. the h share award and trust scheme invo\ lves no issue of new shares or granting )tj 0.017 tw 0 -1.444 td (of option for any new securities of the company. the h share award and t\ rust scheme constitutes a share scheme )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(involving existing shares under new chapter 17 of the listing rule)0.5 (s as effective since 1 january 2023.)]tj 0.009 tw 0 -2.889 td (during the reporting period, the trustee of the h share award and trust \ scheme repurchased 2,000 h shares on the )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(stock exchange to satisfy the grant of awards pursuant to the h share aw\ ard and trust scheme. no awards was)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (granted as at 30 june 2023.)tj 0 -2.889 td (the principal terms of the h share scheme are set out below:)tj 0.004 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the purposes of the h share scheme are: \(i\) to attract, motivate and r\ etain skilled and experienced personnel to)4 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.022 tw 0 -1.444 td (strive for the future development and expansion of the group by providin\ g them with the opportunity to own equity )tj 0.007 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(interests in the company; \(ii\) to deepen the ref)0.5 (orm on t)0.5 (he company\222s remuneration system and to develop and)7 ( )]tj 0.02 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(constantly improve the interests balance mechanism among the shareholder\ s, the operational and executive)20 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.004 tw 0 -1.444 td [(management; and \(iii\) to \(a\) recognize the contributions )0.5 (of the leadership of the company including the directors; \(b\) )]tj 0.059 tw 0 -1.444 td (encourage, motivate and retain the leadership of the company whose contr\ ibutions are beneficial to the continual )tj 0.069 tw 0 -1.444 td (operation, development and long-term growth of the group; and \(c\) prov\ ide additional incentive for the leadership )tj 0.037 tw 0 -1.444 td (of the company and long standing employee by aligning the interests of t\ he leadership of the company to those of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the shareholders and the group as a whole.)tj 0.075 tw 0 -2.889 td (eligible participant who may participate in the h share scheme include a\ ny full-time prc or non-prc employee of )tj 0.058 tw 0 -1.444 td (any members of the group, who is a director \(other than independent non\ -executive directors\), supervisor, senior )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (management, key operating team member, employee, or, a consultant of the\ group.)tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(subject to the h share scheme rules, the maximum number of h shares that\ will be acquired by the trustee)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(through on-market transactions from time to time at the prevailing )0.5 (market price is 10,420,000 h shares.)]tj 0.047 tw 0 -2.889 td (upon approval by the board or the delegatee, and subject to the vesting \ conditions set out in the h share scheme )tj 0.068 tw 0 -1.444 td (rules, all awards under the h share scheme shall be vested in multiple t\ ranches as specified in the award letter. )tj 0.014 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the specif)0.5 (ic commencem)0.5 (ent and durati)0.5 (on of each ve)0.5 (sting perio)0.5 (d and the actual)0.5 ( vesting amount of the award)14 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.444 td (granted to a selected participant for the respective vesting periods sha\ ll be specified in the award letter approved )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (by the board or the delegatee.)tj et endstream endobj 266 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 301.2405 737.3513 tm (supplementary information)tj et q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 301 0 obj <> endobj 302 0 obj <> endobj 306 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 304 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq�օb�����e{��v���'=��'e�����y�%]v��w��8�'h;�"��=z� �:�� \g��n�۾ j���� �ʷ��s���8��� ��~�c�o��*�5�����'h�(�ak�4���"�t���4oh�w�sٲoō���c�'� �/� ���˧fd��~7q�n *ߥ s 6†y/�g>�k��$|b> ��/�d&7r�p-� g�[�-�nx�, {0r�?�សgs�g��=fj�2��_ܩ��s�a@*�ԯeb�a endstream endobj 267 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (22)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm (on 30 december 2022, the board resolved to make certain amendments to th\ e share incentive scheme in light of )tj 0.023 tw 0 -1.444 td (the company\222s proposed adjustment to the performance target provision\ of the share incentive scheme taking into )tj 0.025 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(account the ongoing impact of covid-19 on the production and operation o\ f the company in 2022, and the)24.9 ( )]tj 0 -1.444 td [(amendments to the listing rules to implement the proposals of the \223co\ nsultation conclusions on proposed)24.9 ( )]tj 0.011 tc 0 -1.444 td [(amendments to listing rules relating to share schemes of listed issuers \ and housekeeping rule amendment\224)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.061 tw 0 -1.444 td [(published )0.5 (by )0.5 (the stock )0.5 (exchange )0.5 (on 29 )0.5 (july )0.5 (2022 )0.5 (\(the \223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.069 tw (new chapter 17)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.061 tw [(\224\), )0.5 (subject )0.5 (to the shareholders\222 approval. )]tj 0.018 tw 0 -1.444 td (the board proposed to seek approval from the shareholders, among other t\ hings, \(i\) amend the performance target )tj 0.023 tw 0 -1.444 td [(provision )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (share )0.5 (incentive )0.6 (scheme )0.5 (in order )0.6 (to extend )0.6 (the )0.5 (review )0.5 (period )0.5 (\(as )0.5 (defined under )0.5 (the )0.5 (share )0.5 (incentive )]tj 0.028 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(s)0.5 (c)0.5 (he)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (\) t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (ur)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r)0.5 ( e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g 3)0.5 (1)0.5 ( d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (er)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)0.5 (3 a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( \()0.5 (i)0.5 (i)0.5 (\))0.5 ( br)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( sh)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 ( sc)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)28 ( )]tj 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(alignment with the new chapter 17 and make certain minor housekeeping am\ endments to the share incentive)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.036 tw 0 -1.444 td (scheme for the purpose of clarifying existing practice and making conseq\ uential amendments \(the \223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw (amendments )tj 0.023 tc 0.098 tw 0 -1.444 td (to the share incentive scheme)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\). the amendments to the share incentive scheme was approved by the\ )23 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0 -1.444 td [(shareholders at the 2022 agm, the class meeting for h shareholders and t\ he class meeting for domestic)38 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.042 tw 0 -1.444 td (shareholders on 18 may 2023. for more details, please refer to the compa\ ny\222s announcement dated 30 december )tj 0.003 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(20)0.5 (22)0.5 (, t)0.5 (he cir)0.5 (cul)0.5 (ars)0.5 ( of)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he com)0.5 (pany)0.5 ( d)0.5 (ate)0.5 (d 1)0.5 (4 apri)0.5 (l 202)0.5 (3 and)0.5 ( 3 may)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (023)0.5 ( an)0.5 (d t)0.5 (he ann)0.5 (oun)0.5 (cem)0.5 (ent)0.5 ( of)0.5 ( th)0.5 (e com)0.5 (pany)3.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (dated 18 may 2023.)tj 0 -2.889 td (details of the restricted shares granted and to be granted under the sha\ re incentive scheme are set out below:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 70.866 423.142 53.858 -15.835 re 124.724 423.142 53.858 -15.835 re 178.583 423.142 42.52 -15.835 re 221.102 423.142 65.197 -15.835 re 286.299 423.142 204.094 -15.835 re 490.394 423.142 34.016 -15.835 re 70.866 407.307 53.858 -68.085 re 124.724 407.307 53.858 -68.085 re 178.583 407.307 42.52 -68.085 re 221.102 407.307 65.197 -68.085 re 286.299 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re 320.315 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re 354.331 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re 388.346 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re 422.362 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re 456.378 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re 490.394 407.307 34.016 -68.085 re f 0 0 0 0 k 0.5 w /gs2 gs q 1 0 0 1 286.2992 407.3071 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 320.315 407.3071 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 354.3307 407.3071 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 388.3465 407.3071 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 422.3622 407.3071 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 456.378 407.3071 cm 0 0 m 34.016 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 0 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 5.4 0 0 9 350.107 411.6717 tm (number of restricted shares)tj -50.661 -6.121 td (name of )tj 0 -1.444 td (grantee)tj 8.924 1.444 td (category of )tj 0 -1.444 td (grantee)tj 9.974 0 td (date of grant)tj 7.874 0 td (lock-up period)tj 14.805 2.889 td (as at )tj 5.4 0 0 9 314.6457 369.587 tm ( )tj 5.4 0 0 9 289.5523 356.587 tm (1 january )tj 2.279 -1.444 td (2023)tj 4.723 4.333 td (granted )tj -1.13 -1.444 td (during the )tj 0.277 -1.444 td (reporting )tj 1.667 -1.444 td (period)tj 4.338 4.333 td (attributed )tj 0.017 -1.444 td (during the )tj 0.277 -1.444 td (reporting )tj 1.667 -1.444 td (period)tj 4.633 4.333 td (cancelled )tj -0.278 -1.444 td (during the )tj 0.277 -1.444 td (reporting )tj 1.667 -1.444 td (period)tj 5.576 5.778 td (lapsed/)tj -0.609 -1.444 td (forfeited )tj -0.612 -1.444 td (during the )tj 0.277 -1.444 td (reporting )tj 1.667 -1.444 td (period)tj 6.911 2.889 td (as at )tj -1.202 -1.444 td (30 june )tj 1.352 -1.444 td (2023)tj 5.945 1.444 td (grant )tj 0.278 -1.444 td (price)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -79.446 -3.204 td [(d)0.5 (r.)0.5 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (an)0.5 (g)0.5 ( d)0.5 (on)0.5 (gk)0.5 (e)]tj 8.924 0 td (director and )tj 1.05 -1.444 td [(g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)]tj 8.924 1.444 td (19 august 2021)tj 7.874 0 td (60 months from completion )tj 1.05 -1.444 td (of the share registration )tj 0 -1.444 td (with the csdc)tj 12.113 2.889 td (3,234,300)tj 9.348 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 3.25 0 td (3,234,300)tj 6.639 0 td (rmb12.0)tj -78.07 -5.778 td (mr. lin sen)tj 8.924 0 td (director)tj 9.974 0 td (19 august 2021)tj 7.874 0 td (60 months from completion )tj 1.05 -1.444 td (of the share registration )tj 0 -1.444 td (with the csdc)tj 12.893 2.889 td (141,600)tj 8.568 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 4.03 0 td (141,600)tj 5.859 0 td (rmb12.0)tj -78.07 -5.778 td (dr. song yuan)tj 8.924 0 td (director)tj 9.974 0 td (19 august 2021)tj 7.874 0 td (60 months from completion )tj 1.05 -1.444 td (of the share registration )tj 0 -1.444 td (with the csdc)tj 12.893 2.889 td (141,600)tj 8.568 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 4.03 0 td (141,600)tj 5.859 0 td (rmb12.0)tj -78.07 -5.778 td (mr. wang ruiqin)tj 8.924 0 td (director)tj 9.974 0 td (19 august 2021)tj 7.874 0 td (60 months from completion )tj 1.05 -1.444 td (of the share registration )tj 0 -1.444 td (with the csdc)tj 12.893 2.889 td (100,000)tj 8.568 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 4.03 0 td (100,000)tj 5.859 0 td (rmb12.0)tj -78.07 -5.778 td (others)tj 8.924 0 td (employees)tj 9.974 0 td (19 august 2021)tj 7.874 0 td (60 months from completion )tj 1.05 -1.444 td (of the share registration )tj 0 -1.444 td (with the csdc)tj 12.113 2.889 td (1,382,500)tj 9.348 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 6.299 0 td (nil)tj 3.25 0 td (1,382,500)tj 6.639 0 td (rmb12.0)tj et endstream endobj 268 0 obj <> endobj 265 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (21)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm (save as disclosed above, as of 30 june 2023, to the best knowledge of th\ e directors, no other person had, or were )tj 0.015 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(deemed or taken to have interests or short position in the shares or und\ erlying shares which would fall to be)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (disclosed to the company under the provisions of divisions 2 and 3 of pa\ rt xv of the sfo, or which were recorded in )tj 0 -1.444 td (the registry kept by the company pursuant to section 336 of the sfo.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 590.8371 tm (directors\222 and supervisors\222 rights to acquire shares or debentures\ )tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 577.837 tm (no arrangement has been made by the company or any of its subsidiaries f\ or any director or supervisor to acquire )tj 0.06 tw 0 -1.444 td (benefits by means of the acquisition of shares in or debentures of the c\ ompany or any other body corporate, and )tj 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(no rights to any share capital or debentures of the company or any other\ body corporate were granted to any)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.045 tw 0 -1.444 td [(director )0.6 (or )0.5 (their )0.5 (respective )0.6 (spouse )0.6 (or )0.5 (children )0.5 (under )0.6 (18 )0.5 (years )0.5 (of )0.6 (age, )0.5 (nor )0.5 (were )0.5 (any )0.5 (such )0.5 (rights )0.5 (exercised )0.5 (during )0.6 (or )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (at the end of the reporting period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 497.0024 tm (share incentive scheme)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.008 tc 0.085 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 484.0024 tm [(t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( bo)0.5 (ar)0.5 (d)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (so)0.5 (l)0.5 (ve)0.5 (d)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( a)0.5 (do)0.5 (p)0.5 (t,)0.5 ( an)0.5 (d)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (re)0.5 (h)0.5 (ol)0.5 (d)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)0.5 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (pr)0.5 (ov)0.5 (e)0.5 (d,)0.5 ( a s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (re)0.5 ( i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (iv)0.5 (e)0.5 ( s)0.5 (c)0.5 (he)0.5 (m)0.5 (e \()0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( \223)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.097 tw 42.563 0 td [(s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (r)0.5 (e i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)8 ( )]tj 0.001 tc -0.001 tw -42.563 -1.444 td (scheme)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw (\224\) of granting no more than 5,000,000 domestic shares in the form of\ restricted share \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.001 tw (rs)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\) to no more)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (than 100 employees of the group. 2,500,000 domestic shares will be allot\ ted and issued to each of dr. liang dongke )tj -0.002 tc 0 -1.444 td (and share incentive platforms for administration of the share incentive \ scheme. grantees of the rs \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.002 tw (grantees)tj /t1_0 1 tf [(\224\))-2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.008 tw 0 -1.444 td (\(other than dr. liang dongke\) will be admitted as limited partners of \ the share incentive platforms, which are limited )tj 0.065 tw 0 -1.444 td [(partners )0.5 (of )0.5 (jingning )0.5 (int )0.5 (chuangyuan enterprise )0.6 (management )0.5 (partnership )0.5 (\(limited )0.5 (partnership\)* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tw <0c7b0fb90e8309070bf40e5503860e38>tj 0.024 tc -0.024 tw 0 -1.444 td <104d0b2303a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.024 tc -0.024 tw 6.43 0 td <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw (\)\) \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.098 tw (int chuangyuan)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\) and jingning int chuangqi enterprise management partnership)24 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw -6.43 -1.444 td (\(limited partnership\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0c7b0fb90e8309070bf40abc03860e38104d0b2303a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\)\) \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (int chuangqi)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\).)tj 0.026 tw 0 -2.889 td (the remuneration committee may select eligible grantees amongst the dire\ ctors, supervisors, senior management )tj 0.006 tw 0 -1.444 td (of the group, and employees, which is subject to review and approval by \ the board and the supervisory committee. )tj 0.068 tw 0 -1.444 td (the rs will be granted to the grantees at a price equivalent to rmb12 pe\ r share. the grantees shall be subject to )tj 0.034 tw 0 -1.444 td (certain vesting conditions and a lock-up period of sixty months from the\ date of the company completed the share )tj 0.078 tw 0 -1.444 td (registration for the 2,000,000 award shares with the china securities de\ pository and clearing corporation limited )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (\(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (csdc)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\).)tj 0.041 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td (the company has previously applied to the csrc for allotment of 2,000,00\ 0 domestic shares \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.041 tw [(first)41 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 0 -1.444 td (installment)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\) to dr. liang dongke and the share incentive platforms, namely int\ chuangyuan and int chuangqi)8 ( )]tj 0.007 tc 0 -1.444 td [(pursuant to the share incentive scheme. on 13 may 2022, the company comp\ leted the registration for the first)7 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.037 tw 0 -1.444 td [(installment )0.6 (with )0.6 (the )0.6 (csdc. )0.5 (the )0.6 (total )0.6 (consideration )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (grant )0.5 (price )0.6 (of )0.5 (rmb12.0 )0.5 (per )0.6 (share )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (first )0.5 (installment )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (has been paid by dr. liang dongke and the share incentive platforms.)tj 0.01 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the company intends to apply to the csrc at an appropriate time for the \ allotment of the remaining 3,000,000)10 ( )]tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(award shares under the share incentive scheme. further announcement\(s\)\ will be made by the company when and)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.023 tw 0 -1.444 td (where appropriate. for more details of the share incentive scheme, pleas\ e refer to the company\222s announcements )tj 0.001 tw 0 -1.444 td (dated 21 september 2020, 17 may 2021, 19 august 2021 and 16 may 2022 and\ circulars dated 6 november 2020 and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (16 april 2021.)tj et endstream endobj 255 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 256 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 257 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 258 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 259 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 313 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (20)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm (interests of substantial shareholders of other members of the group)tj et 70.866 644.142 147.402 -67.835 re 218.268 644.142 167.244 -67.835 re 385.512 644.142 70.866 -67.835 re 456.378 644.142 68.031 -67.835 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 9 76.5354 580.6717 tm (name)tj 15.748 0 td (member of the group)tj 18.583 1.444 td (nature of )tj 0 -1.444 td (interest)tj 8.433 5.778 td (approximate)tj 0.816 -1.444 td (percentage)tj 0.017 -1.444 td (held by the)tj 0.11 -1.444 td (substantial)tj -0.444 -1.444 td (shareholder)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -43.263 -3.247 td (jiang xiannan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <06f4122c04f2>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj -0.001 tc 15.748 0.043 td [(s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (u)0.6 (k)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( )0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.6 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (.)0.6 (,)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.998 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e12fe0a70153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 17.584 1.444 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (15.0%)tj -46.536 -4.333 td (chen linling \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd314571f4b>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 15.748 0.043 td (shanghai healing medical instruments )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e132b0857153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 17.584 1.444 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (24.5%)tj -46.536 -4.333 td (chen caizheng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd30291034d>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 15.748 0.043 td (shanghai puhui medical instruments co., )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e12fe1146153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (shanghai puhui)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 17.584 2.889 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (21.0%)tj -46.536 -5.778 td (ningbo youtuo enterprise )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (management partnership )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(limited partership\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0fb9062a13b405df>tj 0 -1.444 td <03860e38104d0b2303a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\))tj 14.75 4.333 td (shanghai puhui)tj 18.583 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (20.0%)tj -46.536 -7.222 td (chen yanli \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd317631606>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 15.748 0.043 td (shanghai qimu medical instruments co., )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e025602dd153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (shanghai qimu)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 17.584 2.889 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (11.0%)tj -46.536 -5.821 td (sun peng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <08911604>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 15.748 0.043 td (shanghai qimu)tj 18.583 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (10.0%)tj -46.536 -2.932 td (lin peng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <060d1604>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj -0.002 tc 15.748 0.043 td [(shanghai pumei medical instruments co.,)-2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.998 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e12fe149d153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 17.584 1.444 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (30.0%)tj -46.536 -4.29 td (hengyi enterprise management )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (\(wei fang\) center \(limited )tj 0 -1.444 td (partnership\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0729295903860e38104d0b23>tj /t1_1 1 tf ( )tj 0 -1.444 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0b0a0465>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /c0_0 1 tf <029502d0>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\))tj 14.75 4.333 td (shanghai pulin medical instruments co., )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e12fe138c153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 17.584 1.444 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (35.0%)tj -46.536 -7.179 td (ningbo liufang enterprise )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (management partnership )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(limited partnership\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0fb9062a02ac02d9>tj 0 -1.444 td <03860e38104d0b2303a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\))tj -0.001 tc 14.75 4.333 td [(shanghai puyue medical instruments co.,)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.998 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e12fe1694153c1415129c0adb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 17.584 1.444 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (40.0%)tj -46.536 -7.222 td (xie guozhu \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <147d0a370752>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 15.748 0.043 td (shandong int new material co., ltd. )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <028606070e830b380e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj ( )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (int new material)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 17.584 2.889 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (29.0%)tj -46.536 -5.821 td (yang tao \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0e4013f9>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 15.748 0.043 td (int new material)tj 18.583 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.205 0 td (20.0%)tj et endstream endobj 312 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (19)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 0 7 70.8661 660.3317 tm (notes:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -3.143 td (\(1\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (the letters \223l\224 stands for long position.)tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw -3.24 -3.143 td [(\()1 (2)1 (\))]tj /span<>> bdc 1.04 0 td ( )tj emc 2.2 0 td (to the best of the directors\222 knowledge, ningbo huaige taiyi is a lim\ ited partnership established in the prc and is owned as to)tj [( 53.13% by)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.571 td (ningbo huaige gongxin as limited partner. ningbo huaige health is the ge\ neral partner of ningbo huaige taiyi and ningbo huaige )tj (gongxin. )tj 0.058 tw 0 -1.571 td (mr. wang kai is the general partner of ningbo huaige health. ms. zhao we\ i, the spouse of mr. wang kai, has 85% interest in ning)tj (bo huaige )tj 0.009 tw 0 -1.571 td [(health )0.6 (as )0.5 (a )0.5 (limited )0.6 (partner. )0.6 (as )0.5 (such, )0.6 (under )0.5 (the )0.6 (sfo, )0.5 (each )0.6 (of )0.5 (ningbo )0.5 (huaige )0.6 (gongxin, )0.6 (ningbo )0.5 (huaige )0.6 (health, )0.6 (mr. )0.5 (wang )0.5 (kai )0.6 (and )0.5 (ms. )0.5 (zhao )0.6 (wei )0.5 (is )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (deemed to be interested in the equity interests held by ningbo huaige ta\ iyi.)tj 0.049 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(3\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td [(ms. chen saiying is the spouse of mr. lin sen. under section 316\(1\)\(a\ \) )0.5 (of the sfo, ms. chen saiying is deemed to be interested in the equity )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (interests held by mr. lin sen.)tj 0.056 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(4\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (ms. han chunyan is the spouse of mr. wang ruiqin. under section 316\(1\)\ \(a\) of the sfo, ms. han chunyan is deemed to be interest)tj (ed in the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (equity interests held by mr. wang ruiqin.)tj 0.012 tc 0.086 tw -3.24 -3.143 td [(\()12 (5)12 (\))]tj /span<>> bdc 1.04 0 td ( )tj emc 2.2 0 td [(ms. han )0.5 (xue )0.5 (is )0.5 (the spouse )0.5 (of )0.5 (mr. )0.5 (chen )0.5 (xing. )0.5 (under )0.5 (section )0.5 (316\(1\)\(a\) )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (sfo, )0.5 (ms. )0.5 (han )0.5 (xue )0.5 (is )0.5 (deemed )0.5 (to )0.5 (be interested )0.5 (in )0.5 (the equity)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (interests held by mr. chen xing.)tj 0.055 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(6\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (ms. li xiuqun is the spouse of mr. huang chubin. under section 316\(1\)\(\ a\) of the sfo, ms. li xiuqun is deemed to be interested )tj (in the equity )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (interests held by mr. huang chubin.)tj 0.067 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(7\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (to the best of the directors\222 knowledge, ningbo tongchuang suwei is a\ limited partnership established in the prc. mr. chai yanp)tj (eng is the )tj 0 -1.571 td (general partner of ningbo tongchuang suwei. as such, under the sfo, mr. \ chai yanpeng is deemed to be interested in the equity )tj (interests )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (held by ningbo tongchuang suwei.)tj 0.03 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(8\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (to the best of the directors\222 knowledge, kdl holding controls kdl as \ it owns more than one-third of the voting power at genera)tj (l meetings of )tj 0.083 tw 0 -1.571 td (kdl. kdl holding is in turn controlled by each of gongye and kindly hold\ ing co., ltd. as each of gongye and kindly holding co.,)tj ( ltd. owns )tj 0.007 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.571 td [(more than one-third of the voting )0.5 (power at general meetings of kdl holding. gongye is held as to 56.43% an\ d )0.5 (kindly holding co., ltd. )0.5 (is)7 ( )]tj 0.003 tc 0 -1.571 td (wholly-owned by the zhang family as concert parties. as such, under the \ sfo, each of kdl holding, gongye, kindly holding co., l)tj [(td., mr.)3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td [(zhang xianmiao, ms. zheng aiping and mr. zhang wei is deemed to be inter\ ested in t)0.5 (he equity interests held by kdl.)]tj -3.24 -3.143 td (\(9\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (to the best of the directors\222 knowledge, china orient multi-strategy \ master fund is controlled as to 100% by china orient multi)tj (-strategy fund, )tj 0.013 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.571 td [(w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 ( i)0.5 (s)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( 9)0.5 (8)0.5 (.)0.5 (3)0.5 (0)0.5 (%)0.5 ( b)0.5 (y)0.5 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 ( o)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( f)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (,)0.5 ( 1)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 (%)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( v)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 ( i)0.5 (s)13 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.003 tw 0 -1.571 td [(controlled )0.5 (by )0.5 (china )0.5 (orient )0.6 (asset )0.5 (management )0.5 (\(international\) )0.6 (holding )0.5 (limited. )0.6 (china )0.5 (orient )0.5 (enhanced )0.5 (income )0.5 (fund )0.5 (is )0.5 (controlled )0.5 (as )0.5 (to )0.5 (100% )0.5 (by )]tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.571 td (china orient international fund management limited, 100% of the voting p\ ower of which is controlled by china orient asset manag)tj [(ement)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (\(international\) holding limited.)tj 0.007 tc 0.085 tw -3.24 -3.143 td [(\()7 (1)7 (0)7 (\))]tj /span<>> bdc 1.56 0 td ( )tj emc 1.68 0 td [(t)0.5 (ak)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)0.5 ( i)0.5 (nt)0.5 (o)0.5 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (co)0.5 (un)0.5 (t)0.5 ( th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( 15)0.5 (5)0.5 (,2)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)0.5 ( h)0.5 ( sh)0.5 (a)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)0.5 (,)0.5 ( 3)0.5 (,)0.5 (9)0.5 (00)0.5 (,)0.5 (00)0.5 (0)0.5 ( h s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (r)0.5 (es)0.5 ( a)0.5 (nd)0.5 ( 7,)0.5 (4)0.5 (12)0.5 (,)0.5 (8)0.5 (00)0.5 ( h s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s h)0.5 (el)0.5 (d)0.5 ( by)0.5 ( or)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (me)0.5 (d)0.5 ( n)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)0.5 ( h)0.5 (o)0.5 (ri)0.5 (z)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)0.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 ( f)0.5 (u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (,)0.5 ( l)0.5 (.)0.5 (p)0.5 (.,)7 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.006 tw 0 -1.571 td (orbimed partners master fund limited and worldwide healthcare trust plc,\ respectively, pursuant to the cornerstone investment a)tj (greement )tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.571 td (as described under the section headed \223cornerstone investors\224 in t\ he prospectus, orbimed capital llc is deemed to be interested)tj [( in the)3.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (above h shares.)tj 0.011 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(11\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (the calculation is based on the percentage of shareholding in a total of\ 168,000,000 shares, which consist of 63,786,608 domest)tj (ic shares and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (104,213,392 h shares as at 30 june 2023.)tj et endstream endobj 311 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (18)tj et q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 116.22 -67.835 re 187.087 666.142 70.866 -67.835 re 257.953 666.142 87.874 -67.835 re 345.827 666.142 56.693 -67.835 re 402.52 666.142 68.031 -67.835 re 470.551 666.142 53.858 -67.835 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5354 602.6717 tm (name)tj 13.648 0 td (type of shares)tj 8.749 0 td (nature of interest)tj 11.927 1.444 td (number of )tj 0.88 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 391.0799 605.6687 tm (\(1\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 413.2856 654.6717 tm (approximate )tj -0.388 -1.444 td (percentage in )tj -0.277 -1.444 td (the respective )tj 0.554 -1.444 td (type of share )tj 1.849 -1.444 td (capital )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 456.3158 605.6687 tm (\(11\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 473.9073 641.6717 tm (percentage )tj 2.053 -1.444 td (in total )tj -1.61 -1.444 td (number of )tj 0.405 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 510.1741 605.6687 tm (\(11\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5355 573.4501 tm (mr. wang kai \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <02ee2e8d>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 147.3935 576.4471 tm (\(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 573.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (14,786,450 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (14.19%)tj 7.169 0 td (8.80%)tj -29.598 -2.889 td ( )tj -22.397 -1.487 td (ms. zhao wei \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <10bb06fe>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 146.1786 537.4471 tm ( \(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 534.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (14,786,450 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (14.19%)tj 7.169 0 td (8.80%)tj -51.995 -4.333 td (china orient asset )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (management )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(international\) holding )tj 0 -1.444 td (limited)tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 110.2948 459.834 tm ( \(9\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 495.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (11,468,200 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (11.00%)tj 7.169 0 td (6.83%)tj -51.995 -7.222 td (china orient international )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (fund management )tj 0 -1.444 td (limited )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 112.4007 407.834 tm (\(9\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 430.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (11,468,200 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (11.00%)tj 7.169 0 td (6.83%)tj -51.995 -5.778 td (china orient multi-strategy )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (fund)tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 102.3574 368.834 tm ( \(9\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 378.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 11.004 1.444 td (9,682,800 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (9.29%)tj 6.649 0 td (5.76%)tj -51.995 -4.333 td (china orient multi-strategy )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (master fund )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 131.0227 329.834 tm (\(9\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 339.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (9,682,800 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (9.29%)tj 6.649 0 td (5.76%)tj -51.995 -4.333 td (china orient enhanced )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (income fund )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 132.6752 290.834 tm (\(9\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 300.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (1,785,400 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (1.71%)tj 6.649 0 td (1.06%)tj -51.995 -4.333 td (orbimed capital llc )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 149.9284 264.834 tm (\(10\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 261.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (investment manager)tj 11.485 0 td (11,468,000 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (11.00%)tj 7.169 0 td (6.83%)tj -51.995 -2.889 td (worldwide healthcare )tj 8.1 0 0 9 156.214 235.8371 tm ( )tj 8.1 0 0 9 84.6427 222.8371 tm (trust plc )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 120.0635 225.834 tm (\(10\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 235.8371 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (7,412,800 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (7.11%)tj 6.649 0 td (4.41%)tj -51.995 -4.376 td (mr. ke wei \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <075a0a03>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 13.648 0.043 td (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (6,070,000 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (5.82%)tj 6.649 0 td (3.61%)tj et endstream endobj 310 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (17)tj et q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 116.22 -67.835 re 187.087 666.142 70.866 -67.835 re 257.953 666.142 87.874 -67.835 re 345.827 666.142 56.693 -67.835 re 402.52 666.142 68.031 -67.835 re 470.551 666.142 53.858 -67.835 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5354 602.6717 tm (name)tj 13.648 0 td (type of shares)tj 8.749 0 td (nature of interest)tj 11.927 1.444 td (number of )tj 0.88 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 391.0799 605.6687 tm (\(1\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 413.2856 654.6717 tm (approximate )tj -0.388 -1.444 td (percentage in )tj -0.277 -1.444 td (the respective )tj 0.554 -1.444 td (type of share )tj 1.849 -1.444 td (capital )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 456.3158 605.6687 tm (\(11\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 473.9073 641.6717 tm (percentage )tj 2.053 -1.444 td (in total )tj -1.61 -1.444 td (number of )tj 0.405 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 510.1741 605.6687 tm (\(11\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5355 573.837 tm (shanghai kindly holding )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (group co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e0a701143>tj 0 -1.444 td <0d3a0a9b06700dab0fa003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (kdl holding)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 145.7398 537.8341 tm (\(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0866 573.8371 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj -51.475 -7.222 td (kindly holding co., ltd. )tj 8.1 0 0 9 159.2514 508.8371 tm ( )tj 8.1 0 0 9 84.6426 495.8371 tm (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0a7011430d3a0a9b067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 163.8605 498.8341 tm (\(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0866 508.8371 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj -0.001 tc -51.475 -4.333 td [(shanghai gongye investment)-1 ( )]tj 0 tc 1.001 -1.444 td (co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e038d0e3804b30f1f03de>tj 0 -1.444 td <082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) \(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (gongye)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 153.8402 446.8341 tm ( \(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0866 469.837 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj -51.475 -5.735 td (mr. zhang xianmiao )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0a7512ae21bf>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 115.2604 408.221 tm (\(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 418.2241 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj -0.003 tc 1.001 -1.444 td [(corporation; interest)-3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 -1.444 td (jointly held with )tj 0 -1.444 td (another person)tj 10.484 4.333 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj -51.475 -7.265 td (ms. zheng aiping \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <124d0e0c033b>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 167.6354 355.834 tm ( \(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 353.2241 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj -0.003 tc 1.001 -1.444 td [(corporation; interest)-3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 -1.444 td (jointly held with )tj 0 -1.444 td (another person)tj 10.484 4.333 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj -51.475 -7.265 td (mr. zhang wei \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0a750a03>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 151.5893 290.834 tm (\(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 288.2241 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj -0.003 tc 1.001 -1.444 td [(corporation; interest)-3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 -1.444 td (jointly held with )tj 0 -1.444 td (another person)tj 10.484 4.333 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj -51.475 -7.222 td (ningbo huaige taiyi)tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 145.7166 226.221 tm ( \(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 223.224 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 11.485 0 td (14,786,450 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (14.19%)tj 7.169 0 td (8.80%)tj -51.995 -1.444 td ( )tj 0 -1.444 td (ningbo huaige gongxin )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 160.7341 200.221 tm (\(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 197.224 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (14,786,450 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (14.19%)tj 7.169 0 td (8.80%)tj -51.995 -2.889 td ( )tj 0 -1.444 td (ningbo huaige health )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 154.7319 161.221 tm (\(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 158.224 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.484 1.444 td (14,786,450 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (14.19%)tj 7.169 0 td (8.80%)tj -51.995 -2.889 td ( )tj et endstream endobj 309 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (16)tj et q /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 70.866 666.142 116.22 -67.835 re 187.087 666.142 70.866 -67.835 re 257.953 666.142 87.874 -67.835 re 345.827 666.142 56.693 -67.835 re 402.52 666.142 68.031 -67.835 re 470.551 666.142 53.858 -67.835 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_0 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5354 602.6717 tm (name)tj 13.648 0 td (type of shares)tj 8.749 0 td (nature of interest)tj 11.927 1.444 td (number of )tj 0.88 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 391.0799 605.6687 tm (\(1\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 413.2856 654.6717 tm (approximate )tj -0.388 -1.444 td (percentage in )tj -0.277 -1.444 td (the respective )tj 0.554 -1.444 td (type of share )tj 1.849 -1.444 td (capital )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 456.3158 605.6687 tm (\(11\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 473.9073 641.6717 tm (percentage )tj 2.053 -1.444 td (in total )tj -1.61 -1.444 td (number of )tj 0.405 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 510.1741 605.6687 tm (\(11\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5355 573.4501 tm (mr. wang kai \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <02ee2e8d>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 147.3935 576.4471 tm (\(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 573.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (5,571,428 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (8.73%)tj 6.649 0 td (3.32%)tj -38.347 -1.444 td (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interests of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation )tj 11.004 1.444 td (9,843,750 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (15.43%)tj 7.169 0 td (5.86%)tj -51.995 -4.376 td (ms. zhao wei \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <10bb06fe>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 146.1786 524.4471 tm ( \(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 521.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of spouse )tj 12.005 0 td (5,571,428 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (8.73%)tj 6.649 0 td (3.32%)tj -38.347 -1.444 td (domestic shares)tj -0.002 tc 8.749 0 td [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)-2 ( )]tj 0 tc 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 11.004 1.444 td (9,843,750 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (15.43%)tj 7.169 0 td (5.86%)tj -51.995 -4.376 td (ms. chen saiying \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd3148407f5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 169.1419 472.4471 tm (\(3\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0868 469.837 tm (domestic shares )tj 8.749 0 td (interest of spouse)tj 12.005 0 td (7,142,858 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (11.20%)tj 7.169 0 td (4.25%)tj -51.995 -2.932 td (ms. han chunyan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <14b5074612f2>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 169.1423 446.4471 tm ( \(4\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0869 443.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of spouse)tj 12.005 0 td (7,142,858 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (11.20%)tj 7.169 0 td (4.25%)tj -51.995 -2.932 td (mr. chen xing \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd3074b>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 150.8442 420.4471 tm (\(5\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0869 417.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (7,071,430 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (11.09%)tj 7.169 0 td (4.21%)tj -51.995 -2.932 td (ms. han xue \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <14b50bdb>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 143.4817 394.4471 tm ( \(5\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.087 391.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of spouse)tj 12.005 0 td (7,071,430 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (11.09%)tj 7.169 0 td (4.21%)tj -51.995 -2.932 td (mr. huang chubin \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0dbb0e390a78>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 172.755 368.4471 tm (\(6\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.087 365.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (7,071,430 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (11.09%)tj 7.169 0 td (4.21%)tj -51.995 -2.932 td (ms. li xiuqun \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <04bd04f80eca>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 154.1332 342.4471 tm ( \(6\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0871 339.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of spouse)tj 12.005 0 td (7,071,430 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (11.09%)tj 7.169 0 td (4.21%)tj -51.995 -2.889 td (ningbo tongchuang suwei )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (investment partnership )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(limited partnership\) )tj 8.1 0 0 9 159.2345 287.837 tm ( )tj 8.1 0 0 9 84.643 274.837 tm (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0fb9062a039d0bf40bba106a04b30f1f03a50fab0386>tj 0 -1.444 td <0e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\) \(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (ningbo )tj 0 -1.444 td (tongchuang suwei)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 165.0668 251.834 tm ( \(7\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0872 313.837 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (6,000,000 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (9.41%)tj 6.649 0 td (3.57%)tj -51.995 -10.154 td (mr. chai yanpeng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <08f512f21604>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 171.702 225.4471 tm (\(7\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0872 222.8371 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 11.004 1.444 td (6,000,000 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (9.41%)tj 6.649 0 td (3.57%)tj -51.995 -4.333 td (shanghai kindly enterprise )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (development group co., )tj 0 -1.444 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e0a7011430d3a03860e380cef089d>tj 0 -1.444 td <0dab0fa00670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(\223)tj /t1_0 1 tf (kdl)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 110.919 134.834 tm ( \(8\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0872 183.8371 tm (h shares)tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 11.485 0 td (42,857,142 \(l\))tj 10.944 0 td (41.12%)tj 6.649 0 td (25.51%)tj et endstream endobj 250 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 251 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 252 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 253 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 254 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 319 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (15)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (interests of substantial shareholders in the shares and underlying )tj 0 -1.182 td (shares)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.034 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 631.0117 tm [(as of )0.5 (30 june 2023, according )0.5 (to the register )0.5 (kept )0.5 (by the )0.5 (company pursuant to section )0.5 (336 of the sfo and so )0.5 (far is )]tj 0.015 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(known )0.5 (to, )0.5 (or )0.5 (can )0.5 (be )0.5 (ascertained )0.5 (after )0.6 (reasonable )0.5 (enquiry )0.5 (by )0.5 (the )0.5 (directors, )0.5 (the )0.5 (following )0.5 (person/entity )0.5 (had )0.5 (an)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.012 tw 0 -1.444 td (interests or short position in the shares and underlying shares which wo\ uld fall to be disclosed to the company and )tj 0.008 tw 0 -1.444 td (the stock exchange pursuant to divisions 2 and 3 of part xv of the sfo, \ or be directly and indirectly interested in 5% )tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying righ\ ts to vote on all circumstances at general)3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.061 tw 0 -1.444 td (meetings of the company \(the interests in shares and/or short positions\ , if any, disclosed herein are in addition to )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (those disclosed in respect of the directors, supervisors and chief execu\ tive\):)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (interests in the shares of the company)tj et 70.866 512.482 116.22 -67.835 re 187.087 512.482 70.866 -67.835 re 257.953 512.482 87.874 -67.835 re 345.827 512.482 56.693 -67.835 re 402.52 512.482 68.031 -67.835 re 470.551 512.482 53.858 -67.835 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k 8.1 0 0 9 76.5354 449.0117 tm (name)tj 13.648 0 td (type of shares)tj 8.749 0 td (nature of interest)tj 11.927 1.444 td (number of )tj 0.88 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 391.0799 452.0087 tm (\(1\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 413.2856 501.0117 tm (approximate )tj -0.388 -1.444 td (percentage in )tj -0.277 -1.444 td (the respective )tj 0.554 -1.444 td (type of share )tj 1.849 -1.444 td (capital )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 456.3158 452.0087 tm (\(11\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 473.9073 488.0117 tm (percentage )tj 2.053 -1.444 td (in total )tj -1.61 -1.444 td (number of )tj 0.405 -1.444 td (shares )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 510.1741 452.0087 tm (\(11\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 76.5355 420.177 tm (ningbo huaige taiyi equity )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (investment partnership )tj 0 -1.444 td (\(limited partnership\) )tj 8.1 0 0 9 159.234 394.177 tm ( )tj 8.1 0 0 9 84.6426 381.177 tm (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0fb9062a157f08f809070942067016c604b30f1f>tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 167.7486 381.177 tm ( )tj /c0_0 1 tf 8.1 0 0 9 84.6425 368.177 tm <03a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\) )tj -0.01 tc 0.01 tw 0 -1.444 td (\(\224)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw (ningbo huaige taiyi)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.01 tw (\224\))tj 0 tw 4.7223 0 0 5.247 172.2184 358.174 tm ( \(2\))tj 0 tc 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 420.177 tm (domestic shares )tj 8.749 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 12.005 0 td (9,843,750 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (15.43%)tj 7.169 0 td (5.86%)tj -51.995 -10.111 td (ningbo huaige gongxin )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (equity investment )tj 0 -1.444 td (partnership \(limited )tj 0 -1.444 td (partnership\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0fb9062a157f08f8038d>tj 0 -1.444 td <06a6067016c604b30f1f03a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de0822>tj 0 -1.444 td <03a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\) \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (ningbo huaige )tj 0 -1.444 td (gongxin)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 122.6229 254.174 tm ( \(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 329.1769 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 11.004 1.444 td (9,843,750 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (15.43%)tj 7.169 0 td (5.86%)tj -51.995 -11.556 td (ningbo huaige health )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (investment management )tj 0 -1.444 td (partnership \(limited )tj 0 -1.444 td (partnership\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0fb9062a157f08f80a04>tj 0 -1.444 td <0a7004b30f1f104d0b2303a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de0822>tj 0 -1.444 td <03a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\) \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (ningbo huaige )tj 0 -1.444 td (health)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\) )tj 4.7223 0 0 5.247 118.1031 150.174 tm (\(2\))tj 8.1 0 0 9 187.0867 225.177 tm (domestic shares )tj 8.749 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 1.001 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 11.004 1.444 td (9,843,750 \(l\))tj 10.424 0 td (15.43%)tj 7.169 0 td (5.86%)tj et endstream endobj 318 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (14)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tc 0.098 tw 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm [(interests and short positions of the directors, supervisors and)38 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.01 tw 0 -1.182 td (chief executive of the company in the shares, underlying shares and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.182 td (debentures of the company and its associated corporation)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.022 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 618.0117 tm [(as of )0.5 (30 june )0.5 (2023, )0.5 (the interests )0.6 (and short )0.5 (positions of )0.5 (the directors, the supervisors and the chief )0.5 (executive )0.5 (of the )]tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(company in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the company o\ r any of its associated corporations)3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.013 tw 0 -1.444 td [(\(within )0.6 (the )0.6 (meaning )0.5 (of )0.6 (part )0.6 (xv )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (sfo\) )0.6 (as )0.5 (notified )0.6 (to )0.6 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.6 (stock )0.5 (exchange )0.5 (pursuant )0.5 (to )0.5 (divisions )]tj 0.068 tw 0 -1.444 td [(7 and 8 of part xv of the sfo \(including interests )0.5 (and short positions which he/she is keen to taken or deemed to )]tj 0.024 tw 0 -1.444 td (have under such provisions of the sfo\), or as recorded in the registere\ d maintained by the company under section )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (352 of the sfo, or as notified to the company and the stock exchange pur\ suant to the model code were as follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 70.866 538.482 96.378 -54.835 re 167.244 538.482 79.37 -54.835 re 246.614 538.482 90.709 -54.835 re 337.323 538.482 62.362 -54.835 re 399.685 538.482 62.362 -54.835 re 462.047 538.482 62.362 -54.835 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 488.0117 tm (name)tj 10.079 0 td (type of shares)tj 8.819 0 td (nature of interest)tj 12.435 1.444 td (number )tj -1.197 -1.444 td (of shares)tj 5.247 0 0 5.247 389.2568 491.0087 tm (\(1\))tj 9 0 0 9 399.685 527.0117 tm (approximate )tj 0.745 -1.444 td (percentage )tj -0.261 -1.444 td (in domestic )tj 1.953 -1.444 td (shares)tj 5.247 0 0 5.247 451.619 491.0087 tm (\(2\))tj 9 0 0 9 468.9258 527.0117 tm (percentage )tj 2.053 -1.444 td (in total )tj -0.332 -1.444 td (number )tj -1.326 -1.444 td (of shares)tj 5.247 0 0 5.247 513.9812 491.0087 tm (\(2\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 76.5354 459.177 tm (dr. liang dongke )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10c8a07c5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 5.247 0 0 5.247 117.2011 449.174 tm ( \(3\))tj 9 0 0 9 167.244 459.1769 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.819 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 10.715 0 td (10,542,854 \(l\))tj 9.474 0 td (16.53%)tj 7.449 0 td (6.28%)tj -36.457 -1.444 td (domestic shares)tj 8.819 0 td (interest of controlled )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (corporation)tj 10.237 1.444 td (3,400,000 \(l\))tj 9.474 0 td (5.33%)tj 6.929 0 td (2.02%)tj -46.536 -4.376 td (dr. song yuan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <04820c27>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 5.247 0 0 5.247 156.7698 409.787 tm (\(3\))tj 9 0 0 9 167.244 407.1769 tm (domestic shares)tj 8.819 0 td (interest of spouse)tj 10.715 0 td (13,942,854 \(l\))tj 9.474 0 td (21.86%)tj 7.449 0 td (8.30%)tj -46.536 -2.932 td (mr. lin sen \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <060d0c8c>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 10.079 0.043 td (domestic shares)tj 8.819 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 11.235 0 td (7,142,858 \(l\))tj 8.954 0 td (11.20%)tj 7.449 0 td (4.25%)tj -46.536 -2.889 td (mr. wang ruiqin )tj ( )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <02ee0e7f0cde>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 9.08 1.444 td (domestic shares)tj 8.819 0 td (beneficial owner)tj 11.235 0 td (7,142,858 \(l\))tj 8.954 0 td (11.20%)tj 7.449 0 td (4.25%)tj /t1_3 1 tf 7 0 0 7 70.866 320.0939 tm (notes:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -3.143 td (\(1\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (the letter \223l\224 stands for long position.)tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw -3.24 -3.143 td [(\()1 (2)1 (\))]tj /span<>> bdc 1.04 0 td ( )tj emc 2.2 0 td (the calculation is based on percentage of shareholding in a total of 168\ ,000,000 shares, which consist of 63,786,608 domestic s)tj [(hares and)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (104,213,392 h shares as at 30 june 2023.)tj 0.048 tw -3.24 -3.143 td (\(3\))tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 3.24 0 td (dr. song yuan is the spouse of dr. liang dongke. under section 316\(1\)\(\ a\) of the sfo, dr. song yuan is deemed to be interested )tj (in the equity )tj 0 tw 0 -1.571 td (interests held by dr. liang dongke.)tj 0.021 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.866 206.0939 tm [(save as disclosed above, as of 30 june 2023, to the best knowledge of th\ e board, none of the directors, the)21 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.025 tw 0 -1.444 td (supervisors or chief executive of the company had any interests or short\ positions in the shares, underlying shares )tj 0.002 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(and debentures of the company or any of its associated corporations \(wi\ thin the meaning of part xv of the sfo\))2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.03 tw 0 -1.444 td [(which )0.6 (were )0.6 (required )0.6 (to )0.6 (be )0.5 (\(i\) )0.6 (notified )0.6 (to )0.6 (the )0.6 (company )0.6 (and )0.6 (the )0.5 (stock )0.6 (exchange )0.6 (pursuant )0.6 (to )0.6 (divisions )0.6 (7 )0.5 (and )0.5 (8 )0.6 (of )0.5 (part )]tj 0.001 tw 0 -1.444 td (xv of the sfo \(including interests and short positions which the direct\ ors, the supervisors and chief executive of the )tj 0.036 tw 0 -1.444 td (company were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the sfo\);\ \(ii\) recorded in the register kept by the )tj 0.074 tw 0 -1.444 td (company pursuant to section 352 of the sfo; or \(iii\) notified to the c\ ompany and the stock exchange pursuant to )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the model code.)tj et endstream endobj 317 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (13)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (changes in information of the directors, and supervisors and chief )tj 0 -1.182 td (executive of the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.063 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 631.0117 tm (the company has no change of the information of directors, supervisors a\ nd chief executive during the reporting )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(period which is required to be disclosed pursuant to rules 13.51b\(1\))0.5 ( and 13.51b\(2\) of the listing rules.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 589.1771 tm (review of financial information)tj /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 563.1771 tm (audit committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.031 tw 0 -1.444 td (the company has established the audit committee with written terms of re\ ference in compliance with rule 3.21 of )tj 0.078 tw 0 -1.444 td (the listing rules and the cg code as set out in appendix 14 to the listi\ ng rules. the audit committee comprises )tj 0.023 tw 0 -1.444 td (three members, namely, mr. hui hung kwan, mr. xu congli and dr. song yua\ n. mr. hui and mr. xu are independent )tj 0.061 tw 0 -1.444 td (non-executive directors and dr. song is a non-executive director. mr. hu\ i is the chairman of the audit committee, )tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(who possesses suitable professional qualifications. the audit committee \ has reviewed the company\222s unaudited)3 ( )]tj 0.017 tc 0 -1.444 td [(interim results for the reporting period and confirms that the applicabl\ e accounting principles, standards and)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.047 tw 0 -1.444 td [(requirements )0.5 (have been complied with, and that adequate disclosures have been made. t\ he audit committee has )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (also discussed the risk management, internal control and financial repor\ ting matters.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (independent review of auditor financial report)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.007 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(kpmg, the company\222s auditor, has reviewed the company\222s unaudited \ interim financial report for the reporting)7 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0 -1.444 td [(period in accordance with hong kong standard on review engagements 2410,\ \223review of interim financial)29 ( )]tj 0.012 tc 0 -1.444 td [(information performed by the independent auditor of the entity\224 issue\ d by the hong kong institute of certified)11.9 ( )]tj -0.001 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (public accountants, whose unmodified review report is included in the in\ terim report to be sent to the shareholders.)tj et endstream endobj 316 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (12)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (corporate governance practices)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.037 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 644.0117 tm [(the )0.5 (board )0.6 (is )0.5 (committed )0.6 (to )0.5 (achieve )0.6 (good )0.5 (corporate )0.6 (governance )0.6 (standards )0.5 (to )0.5 (protect )0.5 (the )0.5 (shareholders\222 )0.5 (interest )0.5 (and )]tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(enhance the company\222s transparency and accountability. the company\222\ s corporate governance practices are)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.014 tw 0 -1.444 td (based on the cg code contained in appendix 14 of the listing rules. duri\ ng the reporting period, the company has )tj 0.018 tw 0 -1.444 td (complied with all the code provisions set forth in the cg code, exceptio\ n of code provision c.2.1 of part 2 of the cg )tj 0.072 tw 0 -1.444 td (code that requires the roles of chairman and chief executive should be s\ eparate and should not be performed by )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the same individual.)tj -0.002 tc 0 -2.889 td [(dr. liang dongke is our chairman of the board and the general manager \(\ same as a chief executive\) of the company.)-2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.018 tw 0 -1.444 td (dr. liang has extensive experience in the medical devices industry and a\ s the founder of the business of the group. )tj 0.007 tw 0 -1.444 td (he is in charge of overall management, business, strategic development a\ nd scientific research and development of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the group.)tj 0.02 tw 0 -2.889 td (the board considers that vesting the roles of chairman and general manag\ er in the same person is beneficial to the )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(management )0.5 (of the )0.5 (group. )0.5 (the )0.5 (balance )0.5 (of )0.5 (power )0.5 (and )0.5 (authority )0.5 (is )0.5 (ensured )0.5 (by )0.5 (the )0.5 (board, )0.5 (the )0.5 (supervisors )0.5 (and )0.5 (the)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.444 td [(senior )0.5 (management )0.5 (of the )0.5 (company, which )0.5 (comprises )0.5 (experienced and visionary individuals. the )0.5 (board currently )]tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td (comprises two executive directors \(including dr. liang\), four non-exec\ utive directors and three independent non-)tj 0 -1.444 td [(executive directors, and therefore has a strong independence element in \ its composition. the board shall review)1.1 ( )]tj 0.02 tc 0 -1.444 td [(the structure from time to time to ensure that the structure facilitates\ the execution of the group\222s business)20 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (strategies and maximizes effectiveness of its operation.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 381.1771 tm (model code for securities transactions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.067 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 368.1771 tm (the company has adopted the model code as set out in appendix 10 to the \ listing rules as a code of conduct of )tj 0.065 tw 0 -1.444 td (the company for directors\222 and supervisors\222 securities transaction\ s. having made specific enquiry of the directors )tj 0.077 tw 0 -1.444 td (and the supervisors, all of the directors and the supervisors confirmed \ that they have complied with the required )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (standard set out in the model code during the reporting period. employee\ s who are, or likely to be, in possession of )tj 0.069 tw 0 -1.444 td (unpublished inside information in relation to the company or the shares \ are prohibited from dealing in the shares )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (during the black-out period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 274.3424 tm (continuing disclosure obligations pursuant to the listing rules)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.012 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 261.3424 tm [(the company does not have any other disclosure obligations under rules 1\ 3.20, 13.21 and 13.22 of the listing)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (rules.)tj et endstream endobj 314 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 508.8919 26.2418 tm (11)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.015 tc 0.085 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm [(th)0.5 (e pr)0.5 (im)0.5 (ary)0.5 ( o)0.5 (bj)0.5 (ec)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ve)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f the)0.5 ( c)0.5 (he)0.5 (ng)0.5 (du hu)0.5 (ai)0.5 (ge fu)0.5 (nd)0.5 ( is)0.5 ( v)0.5 (en)0.5 (tu)0.5 (re)0.5 ( i)0.5 (nve)0.5 (st)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s in)0.5 ( e)0.5 (qui)0.5 (ty)0.5 ( i)0.5 (nt)0.5 (er)0.5 (es)0.5 (ts)0.5 ( of)0.5 ( e)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ly)0.5 (-s)0.5 (ta)0.5 (ge)0.5 ( or)15 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.037 tw 0 -1.444 td [(growth stage businesses )0.5 (in the healthcare )0.5 (and biotechnology )0.5 (sectors. the investment in the chengdu huaige fund )]tj 0.049 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(provides the company wi)0.5 (th an opportunity to facilitate its strategic de)0.5 (vel)0.5 (opment in the healthcare and)49 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(biotechnology and other related industries, enhance its competitivenes)0.5 (s, and strengthen its market position.)]tj 0 -2.889 td (save as disclosed above, the group has no other significant investment i\ n the reporting period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 564.8371 tm (material acquisitions and disposal of subsidiaries, associates and )tj 0 -1.182 td (joint ventures)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.027 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 538.837 tm [(the group has no material acquisitions or disposal of subsidiaries, asso\ ciates and joint ventures during the)27 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (reporting period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 497.0024 tm (contingent liabilities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 484.0024 tm (as at 30 june 2023 and 31 december 2022, the group did not have any mate\ rial contingent liabilities.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 455.1678 tm (financial instruments)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.085 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 442.1678 tm [(as at 3)0.5 (0 june)0.5 ( 20)0.5 (23, t)0.5 (he gr)0.5 (oup di)0.5 (d not)0.5 ( have)0.5 ( any other)0.5 ( outs)0.5 (tandi)0.5 (ng hed)0.5 (ge con)0.5 (tract)0.5 (s or financ)0.5 (ial deri)0.5 (vativ)0.5 (e)37 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (instruments. )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 400.3331 tm (capital expenditure)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 387.3331 tm (the capital expenditure of the group for property, plant and equipment \(\ the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.017 tw (ppe)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw [(\224\), construction in progress,)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.076 tw 0 -1.444 td (intangible assets, prepaid lease payments and deposits for ppe amounted \ to approximately rmb148.63 million for )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the reporting period, as compared to approximately rmb103.99 million )0.5 (for six-month period ended 30 june 2022.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 332.4985 tm (foreign exchange risk)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.009 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 319.4985 tm (during the report period, the group\222s operations were primarily based\ in the prc. the group\222s assets, liabilities and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (transactions in the prc are denominated in rmb, while overseas assets an\ d transactions are mainly denominated in )tj 0.019 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(us dollars. there were currency fluctuations among us dollars, euro, rmb\ and hong kong dollars during the)19 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.444 td [(reporting period, the group\222s operational results and financial condi\ tion may be affected by changes in the)25 ( )]tj 0.024 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(exchange rates. as the group reasonably arranges the currency structure,\ which effectively reduces foreign)24 ( )]tj 0.004 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(exchange risk, the directors believe that there is no significant foreig\ n exchange risk to the group at the current)4 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.028 tw 0 -1.444 td (stage. therefore, the group had not implemented any formal hedging or ot\ her alternative policies to deal with such )tj 0.072 tw 0 -1.444 td [(exposure )0.6 (during )0.5 (the )0.5 (reporting )0.6 (period. )0.6 (the )0.5 (group )0.6 (will )0.5 (continuously )0.5 (monitor )0.5 (its )0.5 (foreign )0.5 (exchange )0.5 (exposure )0.5 (and )0.5 (will )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (consider hedging of foreign currency risk should the need arise.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 186.6638 tm (charge on group assets)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 173.6638 tm (as at 30 june 2023, the group did not have any charges on its assets. )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 144.8292 tm (capital commitment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 131.8292 tm (the group\222s outstanding capital commitments authorized but not contra\ cted for at 30 june 2023 not provided for in )tj 0.032 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.5 (financial statements )0.5 (amounted )0.5 (to )0.5 (approximately )0.5 (rmb145.16 )0.5 (million )0.5 (\(31 )0.5 (december )0.5 (2022: approximately)32 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 -1.444 td [(rmb162.08 million\). as at 30 june 2023, the group\222s outstanding capi\ tal commitment contracted for and not)23 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0 -1.444 td [(provided for in the financial statements amounted to approximately rmb64\ .70 million \(31 december 2022:)33 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately rmb104.18 million\).)tj et endstream endobj 315 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 216.968 737.3513 tm (management discussion and analysis)tj et q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 320 0 obj <> endobj 321 0 obj <> endobj 325 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 323 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci�֔� �����e{��v����=��'e�������������d�q� &�z�"n�-z� ^{��-�ަ�n�ۡ *#q3o ��w�2�jn)ΰzv��*{�cﯰ���5d�-��'ȡ,�ag����e����4oh�w�s�e_h1vt8��bl���i�`δj����zd��~�q�-�s �싅)�w�{�=������s%\1���'��y��4z�4{i����k����)�����h �蝽�hm[f��;�{|l3�hş�`[r�i endstream endobj 10 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 11 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 12 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 13 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 249 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 333 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (10)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (purchase, sale or redemption of the company\222s listed securities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 644.0117 tm (during the reporting period, the trustee of the h share award and trust \ scheme repurchased 2,000 h shares on the )tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(stock exchange to satisfy the grant of awards pursuant to the h share aw\ ard and trust scheme. no awards was)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (granted as at 30 june 2023.)tj 0.06 tw 0 -2.889 td (save as disclosed above, neither the company nor any of its subsidiaries\ has purchased, sold or redeemed any of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the company\222s listed securities during the reporting period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 550.1771 tm (significant investments and future plans for material investments )tj 0 -1.182 td (or capital assets)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.065 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 524.1771 tm (as at 30 june 2023 and 31 december 2022, the group had below significant\ investments \(all of which are minority )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (stake investments\).)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 70.866 496.647 85.039 -12 re 155.906 496.647 184.252 -12 re 340.157 496.647 184.252 -12 re 70.866 484.647 85.039 -24 re 155.906 484.647 36.85 -24 re 192.756 484.647 36.85 -24 re 229.606 484.647 36.85 -24 re 266.457 484.647 36.85 -24 re 303.307 484.647 36.85 -24 re 340.157 484.647 36.85 -24 re 377.008 484.647 36.85 -24 re 413.858 484.647 36.85 -24 re 450.709 484.647 36.85 -24 re 487.559 484.647 36.85 -24 re 70.866 460.647 85.039 -15.685 re 155.906 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 192.756 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 229.606 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 266.457 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 303.307 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 340.157 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 377.008 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 413.858 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 450.709 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re 487.559 460.647 36.85 -15.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 229.2902 486.0071 tm (at 30 june 2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 37.599 0 td (at 31 december 2022)tj /t1_2 1 tf -51.927 -1.5 td (percentage )tj -0.094 -1.5 td (of interests)tj 9.805 1.5 td (cost of )tj -2.054 -1.5 td (investment)tj 8.381 0 td (fair value)tj 6.085 1.5 td (accumulated )tj 4.368 -1.5 td (gain)tj 5.436 1.5 td (dividend)tj -0.109 -1.5 td (received)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.156 1.5 td (percentage )tj 0.074 -1.5 td (of interests)tj 9.473 1.5 td (cost of )tj -1.758 -1.5 td (investment)tj 8.231 0 td (fair value)tj 6.196 1.5 td (accumulated)tj 3.945 -1.5 td (gain)tj 5.715 1.5 td (dividend)tj -0.166 -1.5 td (received)tj /t1_3 1 tf -65.984 -1.5 td (%)tj 4.198 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.677 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.677 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.677 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 11.193 0 td (%)tj 4.66 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.677 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.677 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.677 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -88.313 -2.421 td (recognised as \223financial assets at fair )tj 0.998 -1.5 td (value through profit or loss\224)tj -0.998 -1.5 td (jingning huaige ruixin venture )tj 0.998 -1.5 td (investment partnership \(limited )tj 0 -1.5 td (partnership\)* )tj /c0_0 1 tf <0c7b0fb9157f08f80e7f06a60bf40e3804b3>tj 0 -1.5 td <0f1f03a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj 4.8 0 0 8 128.2699 370.637 tm ( )tj 4.8 0 0 8 81.326 358.637 tm (\(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (ruixin fund)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 19.369 0 td (15.83)tj 7.085 0 td (50,000)tj 7.677 0 td (72,147)tj 7.677 0 td (22,147)tj 10.433 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 5.837 0 td (15.83)tj 7.157 0 td (50,000)tj 7.677 0 td (71,180)tj 7.677 0 td (21,180)tj 10.037 0 td (\226)tj -91.626 -1.5 td (shanghai huaige int start-up )tj 0.998 -1.5 td (investment limited partnership )tj 0 -1.5 td (\(l.p.\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <026a090e157f08f80e8309070bf40e3804b30f1f03a50fab>tj 0 -1.5 td <03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj (\) \(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (int fund)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 19.37 0.043 td (25.00)tj 7.085 0 td (50,000)tj 7.677 0 td (61,357)tj 7.677 0 td (11,357)tj 10.433 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 5.837 0 td (25.00)tj 7.157 0 td (50,000)tj 7.677 0 td (57,671)tj 8.197 0 td (7,671)tj 9.517 0 td (\226)tj -91.626 -1.5 td (chengdu huaige guosheng venture )tj 0.998 -1.5 td (investment partnership \(limited )tj 0 -1.5 td (partnership\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03d30bc7157f08f80a37035b0bf40e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 149.9751 274.981 tm ( )tj /c0_0 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 81.3261 262.981 tm <04b30f1f03a50fab03860e38>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf <03de082203a50fab>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\)\) )tj 4.8 0 0 8 134.318 262.981 tm ( )tj 4.8 0 0 8 81.3261 250.981 tm (\(the \223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (chengdu huaige fund)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 19.369 0 td (12.14)tj 7.085 0 td (25,000)tj 7.677 0 td (26,470)tj 8.269 0 td (1,470)tj 9.841 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 5.837 0 td (12.14)tj 7.157 0 td (25,000)tj 7.677 0 td (26,603)tj 8.197 0 td (1,603)tj 9.517 0 td (\226)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 192.7561 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_2 1 tf 0.06 0 0 0.1 192.7561 246.612 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 229.6065 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 0.06 0 0 0.1 229.6065 246.612 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 266.4569 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 0.06 0 0 0.1 266.4569 246.612 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 303.3073 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 0.06 0 0 0.1 303.3073 246.612 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0081 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.06 0 0 0.1 377.0081 246.612 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 413.8585 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 413.8585 246.612 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 450.7089 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 450.7089 246.612 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 487.5593 246.862 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 487.5593 246.612 tm ( )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 205.4671 235.9719 tm (125,000)tj 7.677 0 td (159,974)tj 8.269 0 td (34,974)tj 10.433 0 td (\226)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 12.474 0 td (125,000)tj 7.677 0 td (155,454)tj 8.197 0 td (30,454)tj 10.037 0 td (\226)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 192.7562 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 192.7562 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 229.6066 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 229.6066 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 266.457 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 266.457 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 303.3074 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 303.3074 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 377.0081 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 377.0081 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 413.8586 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 413.8586 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 450.709 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 450.709 230.9169 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 487.5593 231.6669 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.06 0 0 0.1 487.5593 230.9169 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8664 207.9769 tm [(the primary objective of the ruixin fund is investments in equity intere\ st of entities in the medical devices,)25 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (pharmaceutical, biologics, medical services and contract research organi\ sation services industries mainly in the prc )tj 0 -1.444 td [(and investments in other equity funds with focus of investing in the )0.5 (medical device and biomedical fields.)]tj 0.006 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the primary objective of the int fund is venture investment in, among ot\ hers, equity interests, convertible loans)6 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d/)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 ( )0.5 (fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ci)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (as)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (el)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (-u)0.5 (p)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (or)0.5 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (ly)0.5 (-)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (ag)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (u)0.5 (si)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (se)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (me)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (al)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (ce)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (nd)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (tr)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (nl)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e )]tj 0.035 tw 0 -1.444 td [(prc. )0.5 (the investment )0.5 (priorities )0.5 (of the )0.5 (int fund include )0.5 (start-ups )0.5 (or early-stage businesses )0.5 (principally )0.5 (engaged in the )]tj 0.024 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(research and development of cardiovascular interventional devices, neuro\ interventional procedural medical)24 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (devices and other interventional medical devices.)tj et endstream endobj 329 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (management discussion and analysis)tj et q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 334 0 obj <> endobj 335 0 obj <> endobj 339 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 337 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci�֔� �����e{��v����=��'e�������������d�q� &�z�"n�-z� ^{��-�ަ�n�ۡ *#q3o ��w�2�jn)ΰzv��*{�cﯰ���5d�-��'ȡ,�ag����e����4oh�w�s�e_h1vt8��bl���i�`δj����zd��~�q�-�s �싅)�w�{�=������s%\1���'��y��4z�4{i����k����)�����h �蝽�hm[f��;�{|l3�hş�`[r�i endstream endobj 332 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 516.6507 26.2418 tm (9)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (interim dividend)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 644.0117 tm [(the board resolved not to declare any interim dividend for the six-)0.5 (month period ended 30 june 2023.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 615.1771 tm (use of proceeds from the global offering)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.001 tc 9 0 0 9 70.8661 602.1771 tm [(upon completion of the global offering, the company raised net proceeds \ of approximately rmb797.62 million \(after)-1 ( )]tj 0.024 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(deducting the listing fees and other expenses\). as at 30 june 2023, the\ company has utilized approximately)24 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.444 td (rmb647.41 million of the net proceeds. as disclosed in the section heade\ d \223future plans and use of proceeds\224 in )tj 0.029 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.6 (prospectus )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (company )0.6 (dated )0.6 (28 )0.5 (october )0.6 (2019 )0.6 (and )0.6 (the )0.5 (announcements )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.6 (company )0.6 (dated )0.5 (7 )0.6 (july )0.6 (2020, )]tj 0.064 tw 0 -1.444 td (31 march 2021, 20 june 2022 and 3 march 2023, the details of intended ap\ plication of net proceeds are set out as )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (follows:)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs 70.866 522.647 153.071 -84 re 223.937 522.647 85.039 -84 re 308.976 522.647 42.52 -84 re 351.496 522.647 42.52 -84 re 394.016 522.647 42.52 -84 re 436.535 522.647 42.52 -84 re 479.055 522.647 45.354 -84 re 70.866 438.647 153.071 -27.685 re 223.937 438.647 42.52 -27.685 re 266.457 438.647 42.52 -27.685 re 308.976 438.647 42.52 -27.685 re 351.496 438.647 42.52 -27.685 re 394.016 438.647 42.52 -27.685 re 436.535 438.647 42.52 -27.685 re 479.055 438.647 45.354 -27.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 241.5622 452.0071 tm (revised allocation )tj 5.6 0 0 8 293.0088 452.0071 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 239.4455 440.0071 tm (of the net proceeds)tj 16.499 9 td (after )tj -1.763 -1.5 td (revision/)tj -0.573 -1.5 td (unutilized )tj -1.61 -1.5 td (net proceeds )tj 4.074 -1.5 td (as at )tj 5.6 0 0 8 347.4843 464.0071 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 319.804 452.0071 tm (1 january )tj 2.279 -1.5 td (2023)tj 4.35 6 td (utilized net )tj 1.092 -1.5 td (proceeds )tj -0.555 -1.5 td (during the )tj 0.277 -1.5 td (reporting )tj 1.667 -1.5 td (period)tj 5.112 4.5 td (utilized net )tj -0.445 -1.5 td (proceeds up )tj 1.021 -1.5 td (to 30 june )tj 2.667 -1.5 td (2023)tj 5.034 4.5 td (unutilized )tj -1.517 -1.5 td (net proceeds )tj -0.128 -1.5 td (up to 30 june )tj 4.204 -1.5 td (2023)tj 5.912 6 td (expected )tj -0.002 tc -2.532 -1.5 td [(timeline of full)-2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.937 -1.5 td (utilization of )tj -0.609 -1.5 td (the unutilized )tj 0.315 -1.5 td (net proceeds)tj /t1_3 1 tf -45.248 -1.5 td (\(rmb million\))tj 7.369 0 td (\(approximate )tj 0.666 -1.5 td (percentage\))tj 7.151 1.5 td (\(rmb million\))tj 7.593 0 td (\(rmb million\))tj 7.593 0 td (\(rmb million\))tj 7.593 0 td (\(rmb million\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -65.237 -3.921 td (set up a research and development center and an additional )tj 0.855 -1.5 td (production facility in jiading, shanghai)tj 29.187 0 td (328.38)tj 7.335 0 td (41.17%)tj 8.371 0 td (56.39)tj 7.593 0 td (32.49)tj 7.073 0 td (304.48)tj 8.113 0 td (23.90)tj 3.58 0 td (december 2023)tj -72.106 -1.5 td (purchase additional and replacement of existing production )tj 0.855 -1.5 td (equipment and automate production lines)tj 29.187 0 td (110.07)tj 7.335 0 td (13.80%)tj 8.371 0 td (52.72)tj 7.593 0 td (15.63)tj 7.593 0 td (72.98)tj 7.593 0 td (37.09)tj 6.135 0 td (june 2024)tj -74.661 -1.5 td (expand our distribution network and coverage, collaborate )tj 0.855 -1.5 td (with local distributors and intensify our marketing efforts)tj 29.707 0 td (13.00)tj 7.335 0 td (1.63%)tj 9.691 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 5.753 0 td (13.00)tj 9.433 0 td (\226)tj 2.392 0 td (not applicable)tj -72.758 -1.5 td (general corporate purposes and fund our working capital)tj 30.562 0 td (79.84)tj 6.815 0 td (10.01%)tj 10.211 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 5.753 0 td (79.84)tj 9.433 0 td (\226)tj 2.392 0 td (not applicable)tj -72.758 -1.5 td (zhuhai derui new factory project)tj 30.042 0 td (110.00)tj 7.335 0 td (13.79%)tj 10.211 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 5.233 0 td (110.00)tj 9.953 0 td (\226)tj 2.392 0 td (not applicable)tj -72.758 -1.5 td (construction of the shandong int innovative medical )tj 0.855 -1.5 td (instruments industrial park)tj 29.187 0 td (156.33)tj 7.335 0 td (19.60%)tj 7.851 0 td (116.92)tj 8.113 0 td (27.70)tj 7.593 0 td (67.11)tj 7.593 0 td (89.22)tj 3.58 0 td (december 2024)tj -72.106 -1.5 td (potential acquisitions)tj 32.402 0 td (\226)tj 5.495 0 td (0.00%)tj 9.691 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 2.392 0 td (not applicable)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 0.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 223.937 272.5179 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 223.937 272.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 266.4567 272.5179 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 266.4567 272.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 308.9764 272.5179 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 308.9764 272.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 272.5179 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 351.4961 272.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 394.0158 272.5179 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 394.0158 272.2679 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 436.5355 272.5179 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 436.5355 272.2679 tm ( )tj 5.6 0 0 8 76.5355 261.6279 tm (total)tj 30.042 0 td (797.62)tj 6.815 0 td (100.00%)tj 8.371 0 td (226.03)tj 8.113 0 td (75.82)tj 7.073 0 td (647.41)tj 7.593 0 td (150.21)tj et 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 223.9371 257.3229 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 223.9371 256.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 266.4568 257.3229 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 266.4568 256.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 308.9764 257.3229 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 308.9764 256.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 257.3229 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 351.4961 256.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 394.0158 257.3229 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 394.0158 256.5729 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 436.5355 257.3229 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.07 0 0 0.1 436.5355 256.5729 tm ( )tj 0.083 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8662 233.6329 tm (as at the date of this report, the unutilized net proceeds has been depo\ sited in bank accounts maintained by the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (company.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8662 191.7982 tm (employee remuneration and relations)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.08 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8662 178.7982 tm (as at 30 june 2023, the group had a total of 1,532 employees, comparing \ to 1,632 employees as at 31 december )tj -0.002 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(2022. the total cost of employees for the reporting period amounted to a\ pproximately rmb132.87 million \(six-month)-2 ( )]tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(period ended 30 june 2022: approximately rmb100.74 million\). the group \ provides employees with competitive)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.444 td (remuneration and benefits, and the group\222s remuneration policies are \ formulated according to the assessment of )tj 0.006 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(individual performance and are periodically reviewed. the group has adop\ ted two share schemes, including the)6 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.444 td [(share incentive scheme and the h share award and trust scheme to recogni\ ze the contributions of certain)24.9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.043 tw 0 -1.444 td [(employees )0.6 (and )0.6 (help )0.5 (in )0.6 (retaining )0.6 (them )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (group\222s )0.6 (operation )0.6 (and )0.5 (further )0.5 (development. )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.6 (also )0.5 (provides )]tj 0.004 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(t)0.5 (r)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)0.5 ( pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (ra)0.5 (m)0.5 (s)0.5 ( to)0.5 ( e)0.5 (mp)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (ye)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (, i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (lu)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)0.5 ( ne)0.5 (w)0.5 ( h)0.5 (ir)0.5 (e)0.5 ( t)0.5 (ra)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)0.5 ( fo)0.5 (r)0.5 ( n)0.5 (ew)0.5 ( e)0.5 (mp)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (ye)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( an)0.5 (d)0.5 ( co)0.5 (n)0.5 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)0.5 ( te)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (ni)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (l t)0.5 (r)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)3.9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (primarily for our research and development team to enhance their skill a\ nd knowledge.)tj et endstream endobj 331 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (8)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm (research and development expenses)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the total research and development expenses of the group during the repo\ rting period was approximately)27 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 -1.444 td [(rmb86.53 million \(for the six-month period ended 30 june 2022: approxim\ ately rmb53.39 million\), of which,)26 ( )]tj 0.006 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (ch)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (lo)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 ( w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 ( ap)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (6)0.5 (4)0.5 (.)0.5 (5)0.5 (9)0.5 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n \()0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (x-)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (od)6 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.053 tw 0 -1.444 td (ended 30 june 2022: approximately rmb37.93 million\), and capitalized re\ search and development expenditure was )tj 0.005 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(approximately rmb21.94 million \(for the six-month period ended 30 june \ 2022: approximately rmb15.46 million\).)5 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.444 td [(the rise was primarily due to an increase in research and development pr\ ojects. the total research and)42 ( )]tj 0.012 tc 0 -1.444 td [(development expenses of the group during the reporting period constitute\ d approximately 25.47% of the total)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(revenue as compared to approximately 23.71% for the six-month period )0.5 (ended 30 june 2022.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (income tax expenses)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.013 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (\222)0.5 (s)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (x)0.5 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( p)0.5 (e)0.6 (ri)0.6 (o)0.5 (d w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (7)0.5 (.)0.5 (9)0.5 (1)0.5 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (,)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g a)0.6 (n)12.9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.025 tw 0 -1.444 td (increase of approximately 18.02% or approximately rmb1.21 million as com\ pared to approximately rmb6.70 million )tj 0.061 tw 0 -1.444 td [(for the )0.5 (six-month period )0.5 (ended 30 june )0.5 (2022. the effective )0.5 (income tax rate was 8.95% for the )0.5 (reporting period as )]tj 0.037 tw 0 -1.444 td (compared to 11.80% for the six-month period ended 30 june 2022. it was m\ ainly due to the recognition of deferred )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (tax assets formed by recoverable tax losses of the group.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (profit for the period)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.021 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.5 (group\222s profit for the reporting )0.5 (period )0.5 (was )0.5 (approximately rmb80.51 )0.5 (million, )0.5 (representing )0.5 (an increase of)21 ( )]tj 0.011 tc 0 -1.444 td [(approximately 60.61% as compared to approximately rmb50.13 million for t\ he six-month period ended 30 june)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.041 tw 0 -1.444 td (2022. the increase was mainly due to the increase in market demand for t\ he group\222s products and the increase of )tj 0.013 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(number of new customers of the group, among which the sales portion of i\ nterventional medical devices also)13 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (increased compared to the six-month period ended 30 june 2022.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 343.837 tm (liquidity and financial resources)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.072 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 330.837 tm (the group has maintained a sound financial position during the reporting\ period. as at 30 june 2023, the group\222s )tj 0.02 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(cash and cash equivalents amounted to approximately rmb458.22 million \(\ 31 december 2022: approximately)20 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.017 tw 0 -1.444 td (rmb518.27 million\). for the six-month period ended 30 june 2023, net ca\ sh flow generated from operating activities )tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(of the group amounted to approximately rmb66.19 million \(six-month peri\ od ended 30 june 2022: approximately)3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (rmb74.94 million\).)tj 0.007 tw 0 -2.889 td (the group recorded total current assets of approximately rmb728.20 milli\ on as at 30 june 2023 \(31 december 2022: )tj 0.018 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately rmb801.94 million\) and total current liabilities of appro\ ximately rmb306.35 million as at 30 june 2023 )tj 0.076 tw 0 -1.444 td [(\(31 )0.5 (december )0.5 (2022: )0.5 (approximately )0.5 (rmb239.67 )0.6 (million\). )0.5 (the )0.5 (current ratio )0.5 (\(calculated )0.5 (by )0.5 (dividing )0.5 (the )0.5 (current )0.5 (assets )]tj 0.013 tw 0 -1.444 td (by the current liabilities\) of the group was approximately 2.38 as at 3\ 0 june 2023 \(31 december 2022: approximately )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (3.35\).)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 172.0024 tm (borrowings and gearing ratio)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.057 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 159.0024 tm [(the )0.5 (group )0.5 (has )0.5 (approximately )0.6 (rmb96.06 )0.6 (million )0.5 (borrowed )0.6 (from )0.5 (banks )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (prc )0.5 (as )0.5 (at )0.5 (30 )0.5 (june )0.5 (2023 \(31 )0.5 (december )]tj 0.002 tw 0 -1.444 td (2022: approximately rmb32.68 million\), which are credit borrowings at a\ n annual interest rate of 2.5% \(31 december )tj 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(2022: 2.5%\). as such, the gearing ratio is 6.99% \(31 december 2022: 3.\ 14%\). the loans are not collateralized or)11 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (secured, and the latest repayment date of the loans is march 2024.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 88.3331 tm (capital structure)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.03 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 75.3331 tm [(total equity )0.5 (attributable )0.5 (to equity shareholders )0.5 (of the company )0.5 (amounted to approximately rmb1,554.47 million as )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(at 30 june 2023 as compared to approximately rmb1,512.02 millio)0.5 (n as at 31 december 2022.)]tj et endstream endobj 330 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 516.6507 26.2418 tm (7)tj et q bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 658.6717 tm [(with respect to revenue categorized by different products, the group\222\ s revenue generated from sales of)41 ( )]tj 0.013 tc 0 -1.444 td [(interventional medical devices in the reporting period was approximately\ rmb302.26 million \(six-month period)13 ( )]tj 0.016 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( 30)0.5 ( j)0.5 (un)0.5 (e)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (02)0.5 (2)0.5 (:)0.5 ( ap)0.5 (p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.5 (ma)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (19)0.5 (2)0.5 (.)0.5 (4)0.5 (4 m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (li)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (\))0.5 (, r)0.5 (e)0.5 (pr)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g a)0.5 (n i)0.5 (n)0.5 (cr)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.5 (ma)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (ly)0.5 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (10)0.5 (9)0.5 (.)0.5 (82)16.1 ( )]tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(million as compared to those of the six-month period ended 30 june 2022.\ in addition to the existing self-made)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.444 td (products, the agent business contributed revenue of approximately rmb20.\ 93 million during the reporting period. )tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the agent business is mainly focus on trading of cardiovascular imaging \ medical devices, supplementary to the)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.444 td [(group\222s )0.5 (self-made )0.5 (products in )0.5 (order )0.5 (to optimize )0.5 (the )0.5 (product mix )0.5 (of the )0.5 (group. )0.5 (in addition, )0.5 (the agent business )0.5 (will )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td [(further strengthen the relationship with our existing distributors an)0.5 (d expand our distribution network.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (cost of sales)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.012 tw 0 -1.444 td (the group\222s cost of sales in the reporting period was approximately r\ mb139.41 million, representing an increase of )tj 0.053 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately 37.77% or approximately rmb38.22 million as compared to ap\ proximately rmb101.19 million for the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (six-month period ended 30 june 2022, which changes were in line with the\ growth of revenue.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (gross profit and gross profit margin)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.023 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(during the reporting period, the group\222s gross profit was approximate\ ly rmb200.35 million, as compared to)22.9 ( )]tj 0.008 tc 0 -1.444 td [(approximately rmb124.02 million for the six-month period ended 30 june 2\ 022. the group\222s gross profit margin)8 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.021 tw 0 -1.444 td (increased from approximately 55.07% for the six-month period ended 30 ju\ ne 2022 to approximately 58.97% for the )tj 0.008 tw 0 -1.444 td [(six-month )0.5 (period ended )0.5 (30 june )0.5 (2023. the )0.5 (increase was )0.5 (mainly )0.5 (due to the )0.5 (increase in )0.5 (sales portion of interventional )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (medical devices with a higher gross profit margin.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (other income)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.016 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(during the reporting period, other income of the group was approximately\ rmb22.79 million, representing an)16 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.025 tw 0 -1.444 td (increase of approximately 4.51% or approximately rmb0.98 million as comp\ ared to approximately rmb21.81 million )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (for the six-month period ended 30 june 2022.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (finance costs)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(during )0.5 (the reporting )0.5 (period, the )0.5 (finance cost of the )0.5 (group )0.5 (was )0.5 (approximately )0.5 (rmb1.21 )0.5 (million )0.5 (as )0.5 (compared )0.5 (to)11 ( )]tj 0.024 tc 0 -1.444 td [(approximately )0.5 (rmb0.32 )0.5 (million )0.5 (for )0.5 (the )0.5 (six-month )0.5 (period )0.5 (ended )0.5 (30 june )0.5 (2022. )0.5 (the )0.5 (finance )0.5 (costs )0.5 (were mainly)24 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.065 tw 0 -1.444 td (consisted of interests arising from lease liabilities and interest expen\ ses arising from new bank loans borrowed by )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the group during the reporting period.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (distribution costs)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.012 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (bu)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n c)0.5 (o)0.5 (st)0.5 (s)0.5 ( of)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (up)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (or)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (io)0.5 (d)0.5 ( w)0.5 (er)0.5 (e)0.5 ( a)0.5 (pp)0.5 (r)0.5 (ox)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (el)0.5 (y)0.5 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b3)0.5 (3)0.5 (.)0.5 (02)0.5 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)0.5 (, i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (re)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d b)0.5 (y)12 ( )]tj 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(approximately 52.00% or approximately rmb11.30 million as compared to ap\ proximately rmb21.72 million for the)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (six-month period ended 30 june 2022, which changes were in line with rev\ enue growth. it constituted approximately )tj 0 -1.444 td [(9.72% of the total revenue as compared to approximately 9.65% fo)0.5 (r the six-month period ended 30 june 2022.)]tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (administrative expenses)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tw 0 -1.444 td (the administrative expenses of the group in the reporting period were ap\ proximately rmb36.39 million, increased )tj 0.031 tw 0 -1.444 td (by approximately 28.17% or approximately rmb8.00 million as compared to \ approximately rmb28.39 million for the )tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(six-month period ended 30 june 2022, due to the increase of cost of empl\ oyees, depreciation and amortisation)9 ( )]tj 0.002 tc 0 -1.444 td [(expenses. )0.5 (it )0.5 (constituted )0.5 (approximately )0.6 (10.71% )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (total )0.5 (revenue )0.6 (as )0.6 (compared )0.5 (to )0.5 (approximately )0.5 (12.61% )0.5 (for )0.6 (the)2.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (six-month period ended 30 june 2022.)tj et endstream endobj 328 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (6)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (activities review)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 644.0117 tm (subsidiaries)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.075 tw 0 -1.444 td (as at 30 june 2023, the group was comprised of 15 \(31 december 2022: 14\ \) wholly-owned or holding subsidiaries )tj 0.073 tw 0 -1.444 td (engaging in the design and development of medical devices used in fields\ including cardiovascular intervention or )tj 0.033 tw 0 -1.444 td (implantation, neurological intervention or implantation, peripheral inte\ rvention or implantation, urinary intervention, )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (and the design and development of equipment and moulds used for producti\ on of medical devices.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (change of domestic auditor)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.004 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (re)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 ( i)0.6 (s m)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (e t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (un)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)0.5 ( d)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d 2)0.5 (0)0.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (ch)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)0.5 (3 a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( 18)0.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (02)0.5 (3)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( re)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n t)0.5 (o)0.5 (,)4 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(among others, the proposed change of the domestic auditor from bdo china\ shu lun pan certified public)31 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(a)0.5 (c)0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)0.5 ( l)0.6 (l)0.5 (p)0.6 ( \()0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.026 tw 8.802 0 td [(b)0.5 (d)0.6 (o)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.085 tw 2.186 0 td [(\224)0.5 (\))0.6 ( t)0.6 (o)0.5 ( k)0.6 (p)0.5 (m)0.6 (g)0.5 ( h)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.6 (z)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 ( l)0.6 (l)0.5 (p)0.6 ( \()0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( \223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.097 tw 14.374 0 td [(c)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 ( o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( d)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 ( a)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.085 tw 14.807 0 td [(\224)0.5 (\))0.6 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( y)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 ( o)0.6 (f)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)0.6 (3)0.5 (.)26 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0.086 tw -40.17 -1.444 td [(considering the fact that bdo and kpmg has been serving as its domestic \ auditor and international auditor,)22.9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.444 td (respectively and in order to ensure business synergy between domestic an\ d international auditors and enhance the )tj 0.052 tw 0 -1.444 td [(efficiency, )0.6 (the board )0.5 (proposed )0.5 (the )0.5 (change )0.5 (of domestic )0.6 (auditor )0.5 (on 20 )0.5 (march )0.5 (2023, )0.5 (which )0.5 (was further approved )0.5 (by )]tj 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.5 (shareholders )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (annual )0.6 (general )0.5 (meeting )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.6 (on )0.5 (18 )0.5 (may )0.5 (2023 )0.5 (\(the )0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.096 tw (2022 agm)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.085 tw [(\224\). )0.6 (the )0.5 (term )0.5 (of )]tj 0.04 tw 0 -1.444 td (kpmg huazhen llp commences from the date of approval at the 2022 agm and\ will expire on the date of the next )tj 0.08 tw 0 -1.444 td (annual general meeting of the company. bdo has confirmed to the board th\ at there are no matters in relation to )tj 0.004 tw 0 -1.444 td (the proposed change of domestic auditor that it considered should be bro\ ught to the attention of the shareholders. )tj 0.031 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the )0.6 (board )0.6 (and )0.5 (the )0.6 (audit )0.5 (committee )0.5 (also )0.5 (confirmed )0.6 (that, )0.5 (save )0.5 (as )0.5 (the )0.6 (reasons )0.6 (disclosed )0.5 (above, )0.6 (there )0.5 (is )0.6 (no)31 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.007 tw 0 -1.444 td (disagreement between the company and bdo and there are no other matters \ in relation to the change of domestic )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (auditor that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 368.1771 tm (outlook for the second half of 2023)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.058 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 355.1771 tm (in second half of 2023, the company will continue to deeply develop vari\ ous fields of medical devices, and orderly )tj 0.049 tw 0 -1.444 td (promote the company\222s strategic planning and business layout. looking\ forward to second half of 2023, we will \(1\) )tj 0.002 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(further )0.6 (develop )0.5 (the )0.5 (product )0.6 (pipeline, )0.6 (allocate )0.6 (more )0.5 (resources )0.5 (for )0.5 (research )0.5 (and )0.5 (development, )0.5 (further )0.6 (progress )0.5 (on)2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (the research and development, core product pipeline and obtaining approv\ als for new products; \(2\) fully leverage on )tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(our brand recognition and sales distribution network to further expand o\ ur market share, and strengthen and)17 ( )]tj 0.005 tc 0 -1.444 td [(maintain our leading position in the interventional medical devices indu\ stry; and \(3\) make full use of the group\222s)5 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.063 tw 0 -1.444 td (investment in the research and development center in shanghai and the ne\ w factory in zhuhai to further enhance )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (automation.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 235.3424 tm (financial review)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 222.3424 tm (revenue)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.008 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(the group\222s revenue in the reporting period was approximately rmb339.\ 76 million, representing an increase of)8 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.013 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately 50.86% or approximately rmb114.54 million as compared to a\ pproximately rmb225.22 million for the )tj 0.014 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(six-month period ended 30 june 2022. the increase was mainly due to the \ increase in market demand for the)14.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (group\222s products and the increase in number of the group\222s new cus\ tomers.)tj et endstream endobj 403 0 obj <>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 5 0 obj <>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 6 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 7 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 8 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 9 0 obj <>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 807.874]/type/page>> endobj 354 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 516.6507 26.2418 tm (5)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (business overview)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.012 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.8661 644.0117 tm [(we are a leading chinese cardiovascular interventional device manufactur\ er as well as one of the few medical)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.043 tw 0 -1.444 td [(device )0.6 (groups )0.6 (that )0.5 (cover )0.6 (the )0.6 (entire )0.6 (industry )0.6 (chain )0.5 (from )0.6 (design )0.6 (and )0.5 (development )0.6 (of )0.5 (mould )0.5 (and )0.5 (equipment, )0.6 (product )]tj 0.016 tw 0 -1.444 td (injection, product assembly, product packaging to sterilisation in the p\ rc. our major products are primarily used for )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (cardiovascular surgeries.)tj 0.015 tw 0 -2.889 td (in china, the government introduced reform policies to support the healt\ hy and orderly development of the medical )tj 0.017 tw 0 -1.444 td (industry, and further promoted the centralized procurement of high-value\ medical consumables. it has successively )tj 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(issued \223opinions of the central committee )0.5 (of the communist party of china and the state council on deepening )]tj 0.001 tc 0 -1.444 td [(the reform of the medical security system\224, )0.5 (\223the )0.5 (notice )0.5 (of the )0.5 (general office of the state )0.5 (council on issuing the)1 ( )]tj 0.021 tc 0 -1.444 td [(reform plan for controlling high-value medical consumables\224 and \223t\ he guiding opinions on carrying out the)21 ( )]tj 0.001 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(c)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (z)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( u)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( h)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (-)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (ue)0.6 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ca)0.5 (l)0.5 ( c)0.6 (on)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( b)0.5 (y)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 ( o)0.5 (r)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (z)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (\224)0.5 (,)0.5 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 ( o)0.5 (n)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.001 tw 0 -1.444 td (some high value medical consumables with large clinical dosage, high pro\ curement amount, mature clinical use, full )tj 0.003 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(market competition and high homogenization level into the procurement sc\ ope. during the reporting period, the)3 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.023 tw 0 -1.444 td (company actively participated in several procurement alliances led by he\ nan and hebei province, and the products )tj 0.031 tw 0 -1.444 td (covered vascular interventional medical consumables and neuro interventi\ onal medical consumables. in the future, )tj 0.032 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(with the expansion of the scope of centralized procurement, the company \ will have a greater competitive)32 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.006 tw 0 -1.444 td (advantage on the basis of comprehensive medical device registration cert\ ificates, strong research and development )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (capabilities and leading brand marketing system. )tj 0.008 tc 0.086 tw 0 -2.889 td [(the group\222s revenue in the reporting period was approximately rmb339.\ 76 million, representing an increase of)8 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.013 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately 50.86% or approximately rmb114.54 million as compared to a\ pproximately rmb225.22 million for the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (six-month period ended 30 june 2022.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (comprehensive medical device registration certificates)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.001 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(during the reporting period, the group has obtained 4 nmpa registration \ certificates for class iii medical devices)1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (and 6 shanghai medical products administration \(\223)tj /t1_2 1 tf (smpa)tj /t1_1 1 tf (\224\) registration certificates for class ii medical devices. as at )tj 0.009 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(30 june 2023, we have an aggregate of 35 nmpa registration certificates \ )0.5 (for class iii medical devices, 29 smpa)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.008 tw 0 -1.444 td (registration certificates for class ii medical devices, 36 european ce c\ ertificates and 18 united states food and drug )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (administration approvals.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (strong research and development capabilities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.023 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(our research and development team consists of professionals who possess \ doctorate degrees and master\222s)23 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.065 tw 0 -1.444 td [(degrees )0.6 (and )0.5 (numerous )0.5 (talents )0.6 (who )0.5 (have )0.6 (over )0.6 (10 )0.5 (years )0.6 (of )0.6 (experience )0.6 (in )0.6 (research )0.5 (and )0.5 (development )0.5 (of )0.6 (production, )]tj 0.01 tw 0 -1.444 td (with adequate capabilities in the development of innovation products and\ sustainable improvement of research and )tj 0.002 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(development. as at 30 june 2023, we had 292 registered patents, 213 pate\ nts under application and 5 registered)2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (software j9九游会登录入口首页 copyrights.)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (extensive distribution and sales network)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.021 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(we have an extensive distribution network and have developed and maintai\ ned stable relationships with our)21 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.073 tw 0 -1.444 td (distributors. as at 30 june 2023, our prc distributors cover 23 \(31 dec\ ember 2022: 23\) provinces, 4 \(31 december )tj 0.012 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(2022: 4\) directly-administered municipalities and 5 \(31 december 2022:\ 5\) autonomous regions in the prc, and)12 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.015 tw 0 -1.444 td (covering 2,650 \(31 december 2022: 2,317\) domestic hospitals in the prc\ including 920 \(31 december 2022: 908\) tier )tj 0.068 tw 0 -1.444 td (iii hospitals. in addition, we had 226 \(31 december 2022: 207\) oversea\ s customers covering over 66 \(31 december )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (2022: 58\) countries and regions.)tj et endstream endobj 352 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (4)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (financial highlights)tj et 70.866 642.482 181.417 -15.835 re 252.283 642.482 181.417 -15.835 re 433.701 642.482 90.709 -15.835 re 70.866 626.647 181.417 -13 re 252.283 626.647 90.709 -13 re 342.992 626.647 90.709 -13 re 433.701 626.647 90.709 -13 re 70.866 613.647 181.417 -16.685 re 252.283 613.647 90.709 -16.685 re 342.992 613.647 90.709 -16.685 re 433.701 613.647 90.709 -16.685 re f bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 271.7491 628.177 tm (six-month period ended 30 june)tj 4.918 -1.444 td (2023)tj /t1_2 1 tf 10.367 0 td (2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.455 0 td (change)tj /t1_3 1 tf -20.765 -1.444 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_4 1 tf 10.578 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf -35.242 -2.263 td (revenue)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 25.128 0 td (339,764)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 10.547 0 td (225,217)tj 10.341 0 td (50.86%)tj -46.016 -1.444 td (gross profit)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 25.128 0 td (200,350)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 10.547 0 td (124,023)tj 10.341 0 td (61.54%)tj -46.016 -1.444 td (profit for the period)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 25.72 0 td (80,505)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 10.475 0 td (50,125)tj 9.821 0 td (60.61%)tj -46.016 -1.444 td (earnings per share)tj 1.002 -1.444 td (basic )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(in rmb\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 25.903 0 td (0.48)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 10.331 0 td (0.31)tj 8.781 0 td (54.84%)tj -45.014 -1.444 td (diluted )tj /t1_4 1 tf (\(in rmb\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 25.903 0 td (0.47)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 10.331 0 td (0.30)tj 8.781 0 td (56.67%)tj et /cs0 cs 1 scn 1.5 w /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 70.866 512.3319 cm 0 0 m 181.417 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs /t1_4 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 70.866 511.5819 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 512.3319 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /t1_1 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 252.2834 511.5819 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 342.992 512.3319 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0.1 0 0 0.1 342.992 511.5819 tm ( )tj et /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 433.7007 512.3319 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /gs1 gs 0.1 0 0 0.1 433.7007 511.5819 tm ( )tj 0.011 tc 0.086 tw 9 0 0 9 70.866 488.6419 tm (\225)tj /span<>> bdc 0.5 0 td ( )tj emc 2.02 0 td [(the )0.5 (group\222s )0.5 (revenue )0.5 (for the )0.5 (six-month period )0.5 (ended 30 )0.5 (june )0.5 (2023 )0.5 (was )0.5 (approximately )0.5 (rmb339.76 )0.5 (million,)11 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 -1.444 td [(representing an increase of approximately 50.86% or approximately rmb114\ .54 million as compared to)23 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.051 tw 0 -1.444 td (approximately rmb225.22 million for the six-month period ended 30 june 2\ 022. the increase was mainly due )tj 0.082 tw 0 -1.444 td (to the increase in market demand for the group\222s products and the inc\ rease of number of the group\222s new )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (customers.)tj 0.08 tw -2.52 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (during the reporting period, the group\222s gross profit was approximate\ ly rmb200.35 million, as compared to )tj 0.017 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(approximately rmb124.02 million for the six-month period ended 30 june 2\ 022. the group\222s gross profit)17 ( )]tj 0.009 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(margin increased from 55.07%)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o 58.97%. the increase was mainly due to the increase in sales portion o\ f)9 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (interventional medical devices with a higher gross profit margin.)tj 0.063 tw -2.52 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (the group\222s profit for the reporting period was approximately rmb80.5\ 1 million, representing an increase of )tj 0.01 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.444 td [(ap)0.5 (pr)0.5 (ox)0.5 (i)0.5 (ma)0.5 (te)0.5 (ly)0.5 ( 60)0.5 (.6)0.5 (1%)0.5 ( a)0.5 (s co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( to)0.5 ( a)0.5 (pp)0.5 (ro)0.5 (xi)0.5 (ma)0.5 (te)0.5 (l)0.5 (y rm)0.5 (b5)0.5 (0.)0.5 (1)0.5 (3 mi)0.5 (l)0.5 (li)0.5 (on)0.5 ( f)0.5 (or)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( si)0.5 (x-)0.5 (mo)0.5 (nt)0.5 (h pe)0.5 (ri)0.5 (o)0.5 (d en)0.5 (de)0.5 (d 30)10 ( )]tj 0 tc 0.061 tw 0 -1.444 td (june 2022. the increase was mainly due to the increase in market demand \ for the group\222s products and the )tj 0.047 tw 0 -1.444 td (increase of number of new customers of the group, among which the sales \ portion of interventional medical )tj 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (devices also increased compared to the six-month period ended 30 june 20\ 22.)tj 0.029 tw -2.52 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td [(the )0.5 (group\222s )0.5 (basic )0.6 (earnings )0.5 (per )0.5 (share )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.5 (reporting )0.6 (period )0.5 (was )0.5 (rmb0.48, )0.5 (as )0.5 (compared )0.5 (to )0.5 (rmb0.31 )0.5 (for )0.5 (the )]tj 0.007 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.444 td [(six-month )0.5 (period ended 30 june 2022. )0.5 (the group\222s diluted )0.5 (earnings )0.5 (per share in the )0.5 (reporting period )0.5 (was)7.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.444 td (rmb0.47, as compared to rmb0.30 for the six-month period ended 30 june 2\ 022.)tj -2.52 -2.889 td (\225)tj /span<>> bdc ( )tj emc 2.52 0 td (the board resolved not to declare any interim dividend for the reporting\ period.)tj et endstream endobj 353 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (interim results highlights)tj et q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 355 0 obj <> endobj 356 0 obj <> endobj 360 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 358 0 obj <>stream h�\�_k�0��|�{lj����v���0���f 1}�������y�u۴f{��n�z�q���$b��6l�����g�-'a��n]w����>#g���0#�2�qa�l�bhկu�����[8v�as�q`eq��@>%������k�%�n����&��|%�h �c�!�h.��w)��ҩ��苼9g-��{�� >n��( <�w�cщ: endstream endobj 350 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 491.74 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 516.6507 26.2418 tm (3)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (headquarters and principal place of )tj 0 -1.182 td (business in the prc)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 631.0117 tm (block 2, no. 925 jin yuan yi road)tj 0 -1.444 td (jiading district, shanghai)tj 0 -1.444 td (prc)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 576.1771 tm (principal place of business in hong )tj 0 -1.182 td (kong)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 550.1771 tm (31/f, tower two, times square)tj 0 -1.444 td (1 matheson street, causeway bay)tj 0 -1.444 td (hong kong)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 495.3424 tm (h share registrar)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 482.3424 tm (computershare hong kong investor services )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (limited)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.998 -1.444 td (shops 1712\2261716, 17th floor)tj 0 -1.444 td (hopewell centre)tj 0 -1.444 td (183 queen\222s road east)tj 0 -1.444 td (wanchai, hong kong)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 657.0117 tm (principal bankers)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 644.0117 tm (china construction bank corporation)tj 0 -1.444 td (shanghai jiangqiao branch)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (1/f, no. 138 jiayi road)tj 0 -1.444 td (jiading district, shanghai)tj 0 -1.444 td (prc)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (agricultural bank of china limited)tj 0 -1.444 td (shanghai jiading branch)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (2/f, no. 355 tacheng road)tj 0 -1.444 td (jiading district, shanghai)tj 0 -1.444 td (prc)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 485.1771 tm (stock code)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 472.1771 tm (1501)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 443.3424 tm (company website)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 430.3424 tm (www.kdl-int.com)tj et endstream endobj 351 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 329.7464 737.3513 tm (corporate information)tj et q 0 822.047 m 0 758.268 l 532.913 758.268 l 536.044 758.268 538.582 760.806 538.582 763.937 c 538.582 763.937 l 538.582 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 -1.0733565 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 266.8352 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 363 0 obj <> endobj 364 0 obj <> endobj 368 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 366 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊� ��>�]��b�6��j ��a2���t�������\�t`����㑟�skt���0����8ۻ�޴aej��x�qn�c���2�z3z&�*��/�:*;���7��ks��ש[������&@m g:�w�����l�*��lh��squz�ٌ� g�k���!�ĕz�шuzh� ���=u�\41� �d�ͼ�\g�#�3�#2"�3�#_2_"_3�q��xw]e�"�2�ᇳh��g.��=e��!es��?�r��~0��$ endstream endobj 348 0 obj <>stream q /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 70.866 20.847 32.669 17.421 re w n bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 14 0 0 14 70.8661 26.2418 tm (2)tj et q bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 657.0117 tm (executive directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 644.0117 tm (dr. liang dongke \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10c8a07c5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(chairman\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (mr. lin sen \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <060d0c8c>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 602.1771 tm (non-executive directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 589.1771 tm (mr. zhang weixin \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0a75106a34a5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (ms. chen hongqin \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd307ce0cde>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (dr. song yuan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <04820c27>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (mr. wang ruiqin \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <02ee0e7f0cde>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 521.3424 tm (independent non-executive directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 508.3424 tm (mr. jian xigao \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <2e7a137c09f7>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (mr. hui hung kwan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ba214bf0eca>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (mr. xu congli \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <08b10a7d14ff>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 453.5078 tm (supervisors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 440.5078 tm (ms. ma huifang \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <09f511460679>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(chairperson\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (ms. chen jie \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0bd3118e>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (mr. shen xiaoru \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <04cf12c803bd>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 385.6731 tm (audit committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 372.6731 tm (mr. hui hung kwan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ba214bf0eca>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(chairman\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (mr. xu congli \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <08b10a7d14ff>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (dr. song yuan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <04820c27>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 317.8385 tm (remuneration committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 304.8385 tm (mr. jian xigao \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <2e7a137c09f7>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(chairman\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (mr. hui hung kwan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ba214bf0eca>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (dr. liang dongke \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10c8a07c5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 250.0038 tm (nomination committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 237.0038 tm (dr. liang dongke \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10c8a07c5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\) )tj /t1_2 1 tf (\(chairman\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (mr. jian xigao \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <2e7a137c09f7>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (mr. xu congli \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <08b10a7d14ff>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 70.8661 182.1692 tm (joint company secretaries)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 70.8661 169.1692 tm (dr. song yuan \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <04820c27>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (ms. leung shui bing \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10e7f038f>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 657.0117 tm (authorized representatives)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 644.0117 tm (dr. liang dongke \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10c8a07c5>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj 0 -1.444 td (ms. leung shui bing \()tj /c0_0 1 tf <0ad10e7f038f>tj /t1_1 1 tf (\))tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 602.1771 tm (auditors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 589.1771 tm (international auditor:)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (kpmg)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (\(public interest entity auditor registered in accordance )tj 0.998 -1.444 td (with the accounting and financial reporting council )tj 0 -1.444 td (ordinance\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.998 -1.444 td (8th floor)tj 0 -1.444 td (prince\222s building)tj 0 -1.444 td (10 chater road)tj 0 -1.444 td (central)tj 0 -1.444 td (hong kong)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (domestic auditor:)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (kpmg huazhen llp)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (floor 25, tower ii, plaza 66)tj 0 -1.444 td (1266 nanjing west road)tj 0 -1.444 td (shanghai)tj 0 -1.444 td (prc)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 352.3424 tm (legal advisers)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_2 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 339.3424 tm (as to hong kong law:)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (o\222melveny & myers)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (31st floor, aia central)tj 0 -1.444 td (1 connaught road central )tj 0 -1.444 td (hong kong)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 -2.889 td (as to prc law:)tj /t1_3 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (deheng shanghai law office)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -1.444 td (floor 23, sinar mas plaza)tj 0 -1.444 td (no. 501 east da ming road )tj 0 -1.444 td (shanghai)tj 0 -1.444 td (prc)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 11 0 0 11 304.7244 167.5078 tm (registered office in the prc)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 9 304.7244 154.5078 tm (block 2, no. 925 jin yuan yi road)tj 0 -1.444 td (jiading district, shanghai)tj 0 -1.444 td (prc)tj et endstream endobj 349 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt /cs0 cs 1 scn /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 15 0 0 15 70.8661 737.3513 tm (corporate information)tj et q 595.275 822.047 m 595.275 758.268 l 1128.189 758.268 l 1131.32 758.268 1133.858 760.806 1133.858 763.937 c 1133.858 763.937 l 1133.858 822.047 l h w n q 540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 594.2021867 757.210254 cm /im0 do q q q 56.693 822.047 m 56.693 763.937 l 56.693 760.806 59.231 758.268 62.362 758.268 c 62.362 758.268 l 595.275 758.268 l 595.275 822.047 l h w n q -540.8588751 0 0 66.0478952 596.3488997 757.210254 cm /im1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /tt1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 70.8661 766.2776 tm (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd. / interim report 2023)tj et endstream endobj 371 0 obj <> endobj 372 0 obj <> endobj 376 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��c�'i%���v�����th#�@����!a>h�|ɖ��p�n�ѻ�f�v�z���7 /p��$�vf�����qd|^��ڵ�( }��4�e>=�� �y �sw��u�w2:���zp��eyj -&zi�צ��umq���5����\f�ix߰�,lcc�7� ���*eq«����vi�w�e���8��b����g�3&,r^���4an�s�9c��w�{�=1��^ف���sμr�'��}4�h�j���s{��g���{l{8j�������4��(1�n� � �� endstream endobj 374 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊� ��>�]��b�6��j ��a2���t�������\�t`����㑟�skt���0����8ۻ�޴aej��x�qn�c���2�z3z&�*��/�:*;���7��ks��ש[������&@m g:�w�����l�*��lh��squz�ٌ� g�k���!�ĕz�шuzh� ���=u�\41� �d�ͼ�\g�#�3�#2"�3�#_2_"_3�q��xw]e�"�2�ᇳh��g.��=e��!es��?�r��~0��$ endstream endobj 342 0 obj <>stream q 0 0 595.276 807.874 re w n 0 0 0 0.07 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 197.4803 542.8347 cm 0 0 m -6.262 0 -11.339 -5.076 -11.339 -11.339 c -11.339 -480.472 l -11.339 -486.735 -6.262 -491.811 0 -491.811 c 411.968 -491.811 l 411.968 0 l h f q q q 197.481 714.331 m 191.218 714.331 186.142 709.254 186.142 702.992 c 186.142 702.992 l 186.142 565.511 l 186.142 559.25 191.218 554.173 197.481 554.173 c 197.481 554.173 l 595.275 554.173 l 595.275 714.331 l h w n q /gs0 gs /perceptual ri 411.5999908 0 0 162.2399964 184.9152709 553.150867 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /tt0 1 tf 24 0 0 24 206.9291 567.5731 tm (contents)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /tt1 1 tf 12 0 0 12 207.874 513.4637 tm (2)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (corporate information)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (4)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (interim results highlights)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (5)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 2.362 0.029 td (management discussion and analysis)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs /tt1 1 tf -2.362 -1.87 td (12)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (supplementary information)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (25)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (independent auditor\222s review report )tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (26)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (consolidated statement of profit or loss)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (27)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (consolidated statement of profit or loss )tj 0 -1.25 td (and other comprehensive income)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (28)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (consolidated statement of financial )tj 0 -1.25 td (position)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (30)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (consolidated statement of changes in )tj 0 -1.25 td (equity)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.85 td (31)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (condensed consolidated cash flow )tj 0 -1.25 td (statement)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (32)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (notes to the unaudited interim financial )tj 0 -1.25 td (statements)tj /cs0 cs 1 scn /gs0 gs -2.362 -1.841 td (51)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs1 gs 2.362 0 td (definitions)tj 0 0 0 0 k /gs0 gs -2.835 40.732 td (shanghai kindly medical instruments co., ltd.)tj 0 -1.167 td (interim report 2023)tj et q 0 0 595.276 807.874 re w n q 0 g /gs2 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q endstream endobj 343 0 obj <> endobj 346 0 obj <>>>/subtype/form>>stream 0 0 0 0 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 382.1112 675.6947 cm 0 0 m 12.994 0 23.529 -8.462 23.529 -18.901 c 23.529 -29.341 12.994 -37.805 0 -37.805 c -12.994 -37.805 -23.529 -29.341 -23.529 -18.901 c -23.529 -8.462 -12.994 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 394.1866 634.241 cm 0 0 m 16.767 5.344 24.935 24.856 11.815 37.853 c 21.663 34.018 29.878 26.85 35.853 21.436 c 49.847 8.756 56.908 -6.498 56.908 -24.417 c 56.908 -30.862 59.373 -36.744 63.493 -41.34 c 65.74 -43.841 68.482 -45.965 71.58 -47.584 c 75.891 -49.833 88.89 -51.121 94.254 -51.121 c 116.923 -51.121 123.214 -79.868 102.369 -87.924 c 92.47 -91.747 72.207 -89.865 60.956 -85.518 c 54.527 -83.036 48.43 -79.745 43.304 -76.258 c 40.497 -74.347 37.976 -72.378 35.853 -70.446 c 21.946 -57.796 14.994 -42.452 14.994 -24.417 c 14.994 -14.1 9.537 -4.44 0 0 c 6.493 -24.417 m 6.493 -13.901 -3.227 -5.266 -14.56 -5.266 c -25.921 -5.266 -35.422 -13.893 -35.422 -24.417 c -35.422 -70.269 l -35.422 -80.666 -26.055 -89.417 -14.56 -89.417 c -2.837 -89.417 6.493 -80.93 6.493 -70.269 c h 107.324 21.436 m 107.324 31.901 97.772 40.584 86.268 40.584 c 74.748 40.584 65.406 31.892 65.406 21.436 c 65.406 -24.417 l 65.406 -34.814 74.773 -43.564 86.268 -43.564 c 97.876 -43.564 107.324 -34.744 107.324 -24.417 c h f q q 1 0 0 1 546.2596 640.6147 cm 0 0 m 2.829 0 5.526 0.459 8.095 1.372 c 10.663 2.283 12.915 3.549 14.84 5.162 c 16.767 6.776 18.279 8.63 19.372 10.728 c 20.464 12.826 21.01 15.112 21.01 17.585 c 21.01 19.949 20.461 22.212 19.372 24.36 c 18.282 26.509 16.767 28.394 14.84 30.007 c 12.915 31.621 10.661 32.887 8.095 33.797 c 5.526 34.71 2.821 35.17 0 35.17 c -15.252 35.17 l -18.198 35.17 -20.938 34.71 -23.439 33.797 c -25.94 32.887 -28.131 31.621 -29.993 30.007 c -31.856 28.394 -33.341 26.509 -34.427 24.36 c -35.517 22.212 -36.066 19.949 -36.066 17.585 c -36.066 12.745 -34.004 8.602 -29.898 5.162 c -25.792 1.723 -20.904 0 -15.252 0 c h f q q 1 0 0 1 559.74 609.5452 cm 0 0 m 0 2.585 -0.546 5.056 -1.639 7.409 c -2.731 9.759 -4.238 11.818 -6.171 13.579 c -8.095 15.341 -10.344 16.724 -12.915 17.725 c -15.484 18.725 -18.181 19.223 -21.008 19.223 c -23.963 19.223 -26.694 18.725 -29.198 17.725 c -31.705 16.724 -33.887 15.341 -35.752 13.579 c -37.615 11.818 -39.094 9.759 -40.186 7.409 c -41.279 5.056 -41.825 2.585 -41.825 0 c -41.825 -46.029 l -41.825 -51.32 -39.769 -55.847 -35.654 -59.608 c -31.545 -63.373 -26.663 -65.252 -21.008 -65.252 c -18.053 -65.252 -15.291 -64.751 -12.719 -63.754 c -10.151 -62.754 -7.935 -61.404 -6.07 -59.698 c -4.21 -57.992 -2.731 -55.964 -1.639 -53.614 c -0.546 -51.261 0 -48.735 0 -46.029 c h f q endstream endobj 347 0 obj <>stream 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6.46 -14.142 3.528 -14.142 0 c -14.142 -15.47 l -14.142 -18.978 -10.982 -21.93 -7.104 -21.93 c -3.188 -21.93 0 -18.954 0 -15.47 c h -34.018 -15.47 m -34.018 -11.922 -37.297 -9.009 -41.121 -9.009 c -44.954 -9.009 -48.159 -11.92 -48.159 -15.47 c -48.159 -30.94 l -48.159 -34.447 -44.999 -37.399 -41.121 -37.399 c -37.166 -37.399 -34.018 -34.536 -34.018 -30.94 c h -36.209 -7.232 m -30.552 -5.429 -27.796 1.154 -32.223 5.538 c -28.9 4.245 -26.128 1.827 -24.113 0 c -19.391 -4.278 -17.009 -9.425 -17.009 -15.47 c -17.009 -17.644 -16.178 -19.629 -14.787 -21.18 c -14.029 -22.023 -13.104 -22.74 -12.059 -23.286 c -10.605 -24.044 -6.219 -24.48 -4.409 -24.48 c 3.239 -24.48 5.361 -34.178 -1.672 -36.896 c -5.011 -38.185 -11.848 -37.55 -15.643 -36.084 c -17.812 -35.247 -19.869 -34.136 -21.599 -32.96 c -22.546 -32.316 -23.396 -31.651 -24.113 -30.999 c -28.804 -26.731 -31.15 -21.555 -31.15 -15.47 c -31.15 -11.989 -32.991 -8.73 -36.209 -7.232 c f q q 1 0 0 1 58.9617 749.9283 cm 0 0 m 4.384 0 7.938 -2.855 7.938 -6.377 c 7.938 -9.899 4.384 -12.755 0 -12.755 c -4.384 -12.755 -7.938 -9.899 -7.938 -6.377 c -7.938 -2.855 -4.384 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 114.3415 738.0932 cm 0 0 m 0.955 0 1.865 0.155 2.731 0.463 c 3.598 0.77 4.358 1.197 5.007 1.741 c 5.657 2.286 6.167 2.912 6.536 3.619 c 6.904 4.327 7.088 5.098 7.088 5.933 c 7.088 6.73 6.903 7.494 6.536 8.219 c 6.168 8.943 5.657 9.579 5.007 10.124 c 4.358 10.668 3.597 11.095 2.731 11.402 c 1.865 11.71 0.952 11.865 0 11.865 c -5.145 11.865 l -6.14 11.865 -7.064 11.71 -7.907 11.402 c -8.751 11.095 -9.491 10.668 -10.119 10.124 c -10.748 9.579 -11.248 8.943 -11.615 8.219 c -11.982 7.494 -12.168 6.73 -12.168 5.933 c -12.168 4.3 -11.472 2.902 -10.087 1.741 c -8.702 0.581 -7.052 0 -5.145 0 c h f q q 1 0 0 1 118.8898 727.611 cm 0 0 m 0 0.872 -0.185 1.706 -0.553 2.5 c -0.921 3.292 -1.43 3.987 -2.082 4.581 c -2.731 5.176 -3.49 5.642 -4.358 5.98 c -5.224 6.317 -6.134 6.485 -7.088 6.485 c -8.085 6.485 -9.006 6.317 -9.851 5.98 c -10.697 5.642 -11.433 5.176 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- ps vectora lt std 0 adobe systems 1.029 0 2892110397 2892110397 vectoraltstd-light opentype - ps vectora lt std 0 adobe systems 1.029 0 2164831189 2164831189 vectoraltstd-bold opentype - tt century gothic 0 monotype typography 2.35 0 1648017358 1648017358 centurygothic-bold opentype - tt century gothic 0 monotype typography 2.35 0 1195640960 1195640960 centurygothic opentype - ps times lt std 0 adobe systems 2.050 0 2774354800 2774354800 timesltstd-roman opentype - ps mheihk 0 monotype typography 3.0 0 1391941157 1391941157 mheihk-bold endstream endobj 384 0 obj <> endobj 440 0 obj <> endobj 441 0 obj <> endobj 442 0 obj <> endobj 443 0 obj <> endobj 444 0 obj <> endobj 445 0 obj <> endobj 446 0 obj <> endobj 447 0 obj <> endobj 448 0 obj <> endobj 449 0 obj <> endobj 450 0 obj <> endobj 451 0 obj <> endobj 452 0 obj <> endobj 453 0 obj <> endobj 454 0 obj <> endobj 455 0 obj <> endobj 456 0 obj <> endobj 457 0 obj <> endobj 458 0 obj <> endobj 459 0 obj <> endobj 460 0 obj <> endobj 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